GAIA Meaning

The GAIA meaning is "Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives". The GAIA abbreviation has 37 different full form.

GAIA Full Forms

  1. Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives Technology, Alternative, Waste
  2. Green Anarchist International Association
  3. Generic Application Interface Architecture
  4. Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration
  5. Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics Technology, Science, Space
  6. Greater Artificial Intelligence Awareness
  7. Gemeenschappeuijke Accreditatie Internet Applicatie
  8. Global Alliance for Interfaith Action
  9. Great Astrometry Innovation Alliance Space, Study, Cosmos
  10. Game Artificial Intelligence With Agents
  11. Global Alliance Incinerator Alternatives
  12. Graphical Audio Interface Application
  13. Game Anglnng Instructors' Association
  14. Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives Technology, Waste, Contra
  15. Grantley Adams International Airport Bridgetown, Barbados Airline, Service, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  16. Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Technology, Science, Tool
  17. Game Angling Instructors Association Locations, Fishing, Fly
  18. Global Aids Interfaith Alliance Medical, Africa, Malawi
  19. Graphical Analysis for Interactive Assistance
  20. Galacticpassociation of Insurance Agencies Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  21. Green and Intelligent Automotive
  22. Generic Arcritecture for Information Availability Business, Technology, Networking
  23. Grantley Adams Int'L Airport
  24. Gaiam,Einc. Technology, Organizations
  25. Grupo Academico De Intervencao Ambiental
  26. Gail (India) 4A Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  27. Group of Artificial Intelligence Applications Technology, Madrid, Character
  28. Graphic Arts Industries Association
  29. Group for Artificial Intelligence Applications Technology, Software, Engineering
  30. Grupo De Ac
  31. Global Awareness In Action
  32. Groupe D'Action Dans L'IntéRêT Des Animaux
  33. The Global Anti Incinerator Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  34. Green Awareness In Action
  35. Gui Application Interoperability Architecture Technology, Computing, Internet, IT Terminology
  36. Grupo De Acção E Intervenção Ambiental Para, Organizations, Portugal, Dos
  37. Global Automated Information Access General, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GAIA stand for?

    GAIA stands for Game Angling Instructors Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives?

    The short form of "Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives" is GAIA.


GAIA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated