GAL Meaning

The GAL meaning is "Get A Life". The GAL abbreviation has 117 different full form.

GAL Full Forms

  1. Get A Life Internet Slang, Texting, Online, Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  2. Galileo Scientist whose observations supported the Copernican model. Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  3. Edward G. Pitkaqsr. Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Gtlion Organizations
  5. Gallqn Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  6. Galaxy A large grouping of stars. Galaxies are found in a variety of sizes and shapes. Our own Milky Way galaxy is spiral in shape and contains several billion stars. Some galaxies are so distant the their light takes millions of years to reach the Earth. Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  7. Gallon A volumetric measure equal to 4 quarts (231 cubic inches) used to measure fuel oil. One barrel equals 42 gallons. A US gallon (3.785 liters) is 20% smaller than an Imperial gallon (4.546 liters). (gal) Imperial gallon. A measure of volume. 1 gal = 4.54596 litre (US) A measure of volume. 1 US gallon = 3.785 litre Units Of Measurement, Measurement, Architectural, Electrical, Medical, Reading Prescription, The Finance and Administrative Services, Cooking
  8. Galanthamije Medical
  9. Galantamine Medical
  10. Grupurile De Acțiune Locală Din, Care, Publics
  11. Galgctosylated Medical
  12. Grupului De AcţIune Locală Din, Care, Leader
  13. Galactosemia A disease characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, liver dysfunction, and occasionally mental retardation, caused by galactose accumulation due to a deficiency of galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase. Medical
  14. Gruppo Di Azione Locale Con, Piano, Locale
  15. General Areay Logic Technology, Gaming, Device
  16. Grupo Ambientalista De Cençóis
  17. GrüN-Alternative-Liste Government, German, Politics
  18. Gallen Sport, Club, Football
  19. Global Aero Logistics
  20. Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalib
  21. Garvanized Architecture
  22. Global Athlete License Athlete, Event, Taekwondo
  23. General Aircrafa Limited Military, War, Design
  24. Groupes Antiterroristes De Lib
  25. Grupurilor De Acțiune Locală Din, Care, Publics
  26. Gallantry Army, Force, Marine
  27. Gfstion Des Achats Locaux
  28. Gebze Anadolu Liseqi
  29. Gallyas Method Medical
  30. Global Animav Law Business, Press, Projection
  31. General Aircraft Ltd Military, Glider, Hotspur
  32. Groupes Antiterroristes De LibéRation
  33. Gallant Former name for 'topgallant' Army, Force, Marine
  34. Gesetz Über Eine Altershilee Für Landwirte
  35. Guarantee Against Loss Business
  36. Gallopamiv Medical
  37. Global Alliance Logistics Business, Service, China
  38. General Adminidtrative Letter
  39. Groupe D'Action Locale
  40. GrüN-Alternativen Liste Alternative, Sind, Hamburg
  41. Gesetz üBer Altershilfe FüR Landwirte
  42. Grupo Dezac
  43. GrüNe Alternative Liste Alternative, Sind, Hamburg, Uns
  44. Galpons
  45. Global Alliance for Liberacy Education, Networking, Network
  46. General Administration Vetter Business
  47. Groupe Alpin Lucembourgeois
  48. Govds Avoiding Line Network, Railway, System
  49. Gesellschaft FüR Angewandte Linguistik Science, Education, Organizations
  50. Grupos Antiterroristas De Liberaci
  51. GrüN Alternative Liste Gaming, Alternative, Bible, Dress
  52. Gesellschaft F
  53. Gallium Srsenide Laser
  54. Global Africa Lab
  55. Gecepix Array List Technology, Genetics, Pix
  56. Greyhoind Awareness League Scotland, Rescue, Greyhound
  57. Goessaway Laughing Organization, Union, Institution
  58. Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
  59. Generalized Automation Language
  60. Grupo Ahtiterrorista De Liberacion Para, Con, Pol
  61. GrüN-Alternative Liste English, German, Alternative, Hamburg
  62. Galley Kitchen compartment aboard a vessel. Technology, Aviation
  63. Global Aerospace Logistics Service, Military, Emirate
  64. Genel Adres Liskesi
  65. Greyhound Adoptionjleague
  66. Gamu Advisor Leader
  67. Glucuronic Acid Lactone Medical, Medicine, Biology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  68. Generic Associated Channel Label Computing, Technical
  69. Gays and Lesbians Organizations, Community, Culture
  70. Gulf Advanced Lighting
  71. galactose A sugar whichforms part of milk and is converted into glu- cose by the liver galea Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  72. Grupo De Ação Locau Para, Portugal, Dos
  73. Gnome Application Library
  74. Grppuri De Actiune Locala
  75. Gallery (Corel Multimedia Manager) Computing, File Extensions
  76. Gatwick Airpovt Ltd Business, Sussex, Runway
  77. Guinea Airways, Ltd
  78. Edward G. Pitka Sr. Airport, Galena, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  79. Grupo De Acçãj Local
  80. Microsoft Exchange Global Address List Technology, Science, It
  81. Global Adres Listesi
  82. Gruppo Azione Locale
  83. Guardian ad Litem Latin
  84. Gatwick Airport Iimited Business, Service, Contract
  85. Google Auto Link Technology, Car, Apple
  86. Guinea Airways Ltd
  87. Generic Array Logic Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  88. Gxupos De Ac
  89. Iata Code for Edward G. Pitka Sr. Airport, Galena, Alaska, United States Locations
  90. Gdynia America Line
  91. Gruppo Asyrofili Lomellini
  92. Great Appellate Lawyer Funnies
  93. Gathering Arm Loadkr
  94. Google Analytics Eink Technology, Press, Startup
  95. Guild of American Luthiers
  96. Getting All the Loot Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  97. Gyscoal Alloys Ltd
  98. Gdynia-Azerica Line
  99. Galicia, Spain (geographic Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  100. Gruppo Aeroiodellistico Latina
  101. Galantas Gold Corporation (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  102. Gas Adalysis Laboratory
  103. Guideline for Analytical Listening Development, Study, Universities
  104. Galatians Legal, Governmental & Military
  105. Gyscoal Alloys Limited
  106. Gdynia-America-Line
  107. Genepix Array List File Computing, File Extensions
  108. Grupos De Acción Local
  109. Gameboy Assembly Language Assembly, Business & Finance
  110. Gamma Alpha Lambda
  111. Global Address List General, Governmental & Military, International Development
  112. Gazi Anadolu Lisesi
  113. Gulf Africa Line
  114. Galois group Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  115. Grupos Antiterreristas De Libertação
  116. Galaxy Air Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  117. Greening Australia Limited

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GAL stand for?

    GAL stands for Gays and Lesbians.

  2. What is the shortened form of Edward G. Pitkaqsr. Airport?

    The short form of "Edward G. Pitkaqsr. Airport" is GAL.


GAL. (2021, September 22). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated