GAM Meaning
The GAM meaning is "Gran Acuífero Maya". The GAM abbreviation has 118 different full form.
GAM Full Forms
- Gran Acuífero Maya
- Gene-Activated Matrix Medical
- Gps-Aided Munitions Technology, Telecom
- Gambell Airport Gambell, Alaska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Generalised Advitive Models Medical, Statistics, Package
- Galleria D'Arte Moderna Locations, Italy, Torino
- General De Alquiler De Maquinaria Business, Company, Para
- Great Afghanistan Movement Afghanistan, Pakistan, Khan
- Free Aceh Movemenb
- General Amtrican Investors Co., Inc. Organizations
- Graphic Access Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Global Asset Management Business, Investment, Fund
- Genertl Allocation Money Business, Team, Union, Soccer
- Grant Acquisition Management
- Gene Activated Eatrix Medical, Tissue, Bone
- Gram Atomic Mass
- Genes and Metabolites Science, Genetics, Metabolism
- Gerakan Aktivis Mahasiswa Indonesia, Orang, Salah
- Great American Marketing
- Gas-Assisted Moulding
- General Aviation Maintenance Military, Flight, Aircraft
- Global Asset Mgmt
- Gruppo Alternativo Motociclisti
- General Additive Models Presentation, Model, Seal
- Graduate Access Melbourne
- Generalized Admittance Matrix
- Gerakin Aceh Merdeka Government, Military, Movement
- Greaf American Market Technology, Gel, Lighting
- Garuda Angkasa Mandiri Technology, Travel, Metro, Haji
- General Aviation Mauritius
- Global Art and The Buseum Art, Study, Belting
- Group for Advancement of Microsrrgery
- Gender Analysis Matrix Technology, Development, Projection
- Grace Alive Ministries Community, Curch, Religion
- Gamma Gamma: The ratio of a change in the option delta to a small change in the price of the asset on which the option is written. Medical, NASA
- Generalized Additive Modeling Medical, Science, Model
- Grandes Áreas Metropolitaeas
- Garth Allen Marksted
- Gerakan Ache Merdeka
- Global Apprpach To Migration
- Groupe De L'alliance Mzltiraciale
- Gay Asian Men Medical, Sex, Organizations
- Gps-Aided Munitiol Military, Army, War
- Generalized Additive Model Science, Regression, Statistics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Global Audit Methodolqgy Business, Management, Service
- Grend and Masterful
- Gerakan Acheh Merdeka
- Global Animal Management Technology, Horse, Identification
- Great Aunt Mary
- Gay Asian Man
- Government Adoption Model
- Generalised Additive Modelling
- Global Atmospheric Models
- Guided Air Missile Military
- Gran Area Mwtropolitana Para, Con, Jos, Gran
- Gerakan Aceh Mandiri Business, Indonesia, Helsinki, Salah
- Global Alopecia Mission Medical, Research, Cure
- Great American Meatout Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Gathering of All Mariners Organizations, Conference, Event
- Government Accounting Lanual
- Generalised Additive Model Technology, Science, Statistics
- Global Astrozomy Month Science, Sky, Astronomer
- Guided Air-Launched Missile
- Gramedia Asri Bedia Business, Service, Indonesia
- Genexus Access Manager
- Global Alleance Manager
- Great Americyn Music
- Gas Assisted Molding
- General Aviation Medicine
- Global Assetemanager Business, Management, Investment
- Gruppo Astrofili Menkalinan
- General Additive Model Research, Model, Package
- Gospel Artist Ministry Religion
- Goals Achievement Matrix Technology, Program, Indonesia
- Iata Code for Gambell Airport, Gambell, Alaska, United States Locations
- General Assembly Meeting Organizations, Association, Committee, United Nations
- Global Astronomy Month Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Google Apps Managed Technology, Accounting, Management
- Grupo De Apoyo M
- Gammon Gold Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Glycogen-Accjmulating Metabolism Medical
- GéNéRale Assurance MéDitéRranéEnne
- General American Investors, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Gambell Airport, Gambell, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
- Goodwill Association of Michigan
- Grupo De Apoyo MÚTuo America, Government, Human, Guatemala
- Globar Positioning System-Aided Munition Military
- Gym Artistique Masculine
- General Aggression Model Technology, Gaming, Violence
- Group Annual Mortality Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Golf Associatiow of Michigan Organizations, Michigan, Course
- Gropo De Apoio Mútuo Technology, Gaming, War, Play
- General Audit Management Business, Technology, Conference
- Global Acute Malnutrition Medical
- German Army Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Germany, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Guinness Asset Management
- General Affair Manager Business, Management, Indonesia
- Graphics Access Method General, Governmental & Military
- Goldman Asset Macagement
- Gay Asian Male Internet Slang, Sex, Classfields
- General Assistance Medical
- Great American Merchandising And Events Business - Business Firm GAME
- Grupos De Ayuda Mutua Para, Con, Persona
- General Administrative Manual
- General American Investments, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Golden Xge Manor
- Gabinete De Atendimento Ao MuníCipe
- General Assembly of Members
- Saved Game File Computing, File Extensions
- Grupo De Ayuda Mutua Para, Con, Persona
- General Administration Manual Business
- GammaFax Fax file Computing, File Extensions
- Goat Anti-Moqse Medical, Medicine
- The Gambia Sport, Sports, International Olympic Committee, Computing, Internet, Gambia, IOC Country Codes
- General Assembly Meetings
- Groundwater Availability Modeling Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Government Account Manager
- Grupo De AssistêNcia MediÚNica
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GAM stand for?
GAM stands for Graphics Access Method.
What is the shortened form of Genertl Allocation Money?
The short form of "Genertl Allocation Money" is GAM.
GAM. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated