GAMMA Meaning

The GAMMA meaning is "Governance, Accountability, Management, Metrics, and Analysis". The GAMMA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

GAMMA Full Forms

  1. Governance, Accountability, Management, Metrics, and Analysis Business, Russia, Standard, Governance
  2. Gamma Site Science
  3. Game and Mobile Media Applications Program, Education, University
  4. Greeks Advocatint for The Mature Management of Alcohol Student, Education, University
  5. Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol Student, Education, University, Management, Business & Finance
  6. Greeks Advocating The Mature Management of Alcohol Education, Organizations, University
  7. Governance, Accountability, Management Metrics and Analysis Business, Standard, Governance
  8. Gamma-Astronomy Multifunction Modules Apparatus
  9. Gerry Anderson Model Makers Alliance
  10. Geometric Algorithms for Modeling, Motion and Animation
  11. Guide Star Astrometric Measuring Machine NASA
  12. Geometric Algorithmq for Modeling, Motion, and Animation Technology, Gaming, Collision, Traffic
  13. Growing Autonomous Mission Managejent Applications Technology, University, Aerospace
  14. Gelinas Academy of Mixed Martial Arts
  15. Greeks Advocating for Mature Management of Alcohol
  16. Gay and Marriedymen's Association
  17. Globally Accessible Manufacturing and Maintenance Activity
  18. Globan Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GAMMA stand for?

    GAMMA stands for Greeks Advocatint for The Mature Management of Alcohol.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gamma Site?

    The short form of "Gamma Site" is GAMMA.


GAMMA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated