GAP Meaning

The GAP meaning is "Gatewag Access Protocol". The GAP abbreviation has 409 different full form.

GAP Full Forms

  1. Gatewag Access Protocol Technology
  2. God Answxrs Prayers
  3. Graduate Associate Program Student, Education, Banking
  4. Gap Analysis Project Science, Program, Management
  5. Global Access Programs Medical, Business, Group
  6. Goodaagricultural Practices Agriculture, Farming, East
  7. Graduate and Professional Business, Education, Academic Degrees
  8. Ganga Action Parcvar Technology, India, Water, River
  9. Gippsland Access and Participation
  10. Graduate Academic Program
  11. Ganga Action Plan Government, River, Pollution
  12. Gerontologyvacademic Program
  13. Graduate Academic Programme
  14. Gallium Phosphide Chemistry, Technology, Telecom, Scientific & Educational
  15. Grupo Aluminios De Precisión
  16. Grants Assessment Panel
  17. Generic Attribute Profile Technology, Service, Device, Energy
  18. Governor'S Access Plan Medical, Health, Virginia
  19. Gaining A Place Government
  20. Growth Associated Protein Medical, Science, Genetics
  21. Grandparents As Parents Service, Family, Parenthood, Grandparent
  22. Generic Assistabce Program Medical, Medication, Prescription
  23. Government Advisory Panel Business, Economics, Policy
  24. Gabinete De Rpoio Psicológico
  25. Growth Assessment Protocol Medical, Baby, Stillbirth
  26. Graffiti Arts Project Community, Youth, Graffiti
  27. Gasoline and Aromatics Project
  28. Goodman Australia Partnership Business, Australia, Investment
  29. Google Advertising Professional
  30. Group/Activity/Position Organizations, American Red Cross
  31. Graduate Academic Policies
  32. Guadalupe Area Project
  33. Glock Anto Pistol
  34. Great Anatolian Project
  35. General Academic Prerequisites
  36. Government Accountability Project Science, Organizations, Food
  37. Grupo De Apoio PedagóGico
  38. Generic Attribute Protocol
  39. Global Altiance Partner
  40. Ganges Action Plan
  41. Girls Against Pregnancy Technology, Internet Slang
  42. God'S Awesome Plan
  43. Gaogle Art Project
  44. Group for Advancement of Psychiatry Medical, Health, Tuna
  45. General Area Plot
  46. Grand Alliance for Progress
  47. Gaining Academics Program
  48. GüNeydoğU Anadolu Projesi
  49. Green Africa Power Business, Africa, Energy
  50. Gas Analysds Package Science, Space, Mars, Beagle
  51. God Answers Prayers Organizations, Shirt, Church
  52. Ground-To-Eir Paging Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Gusap Airport Gusap, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  54. General Accounting Procedure
  55. Government Agency Plan Business, Management, Thinking
  56. Grupo De Assessoria E Pesquisa
  57. Geographic Area Planngr Military
  58. Global Art Practice
  59. Graphic Arts Port
  60. Global Access Policy
  61. Gbm Application Port Technology
  62. Growth Assessment Programme
  63. General Atlantic Partners Business, Company, Technology, Capital
  64. D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Medicine, Treatment, Health, Biology
  65. Gesellschaft FüR Ausbildung In Psychotherapie
  66. Gjeen Awareness Programme
  67. Good Aviation Practice
  68. Groundaater Assessment Platform
  69. Graduate, Alumnae, and Professional
  70. Guadauupe Alternative Programs Business, Education, School
  71. Glock Automatic Pistol Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  72. Gravity Assisted Power
  73. Global Activity Projects Organization, Union, Institution
  74. General Academic Pediatrics
  75. Generic Access Profiles Technology, Service, Cordless
  76. Global Alliance for Progaess Medical, Care, Hemophilia
  77. Ganga Action Plaws Technology, Planning, River
  78. Girls Advocacy Project
  79. God'S Anointed People
  80. Google Ancient Plgces Education, Projection, Place
  81. Groupement Des Assurances De Personnes
  82. General Amino Acid Permease Medical
  83. Grand Alliance Party
  84. Guaranteed Asset Protection Business, Insurance, Loan, Financial, Business & Finance
  85. Guuld of Analytical Psychologists Psychology, Psychotherapy, Analytical
  86. Gluteos Abdomen Piernas Para, Abdominal, Abdomen, Cardio
  87. Green African Party
  88. Gas Airsoft Pistol
  89. God Answer Prayer
  90. General Accounting Plan Science
  91. Government Affairs Program
  92. Grupo De Articula
  93. Geographic Application Program Science, Geography, Location
  94. Global Artificial Photosynthesis Education, School, Energy, Fuel
  95. Graphic Arts and Photography Education, Design, History
  96. Global Access Portfolio Business, Fund, Client
  97. Gate Advisory Panel Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  98. Growth Appreciation Period
  99. General Assistance Program Business, Science, Environment
  100. Grant Assessment Panels
  101. Air Philippines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Philippines, Iata Aircraft Codes
  102. Gesellschaft FüR Alternativ-Energie Projekte
  103. Green Assistance Program Technology, Community, Building
  104. Good Academic Practice Student, Education, University
  105. Gqoundwater Assessment Plan Science
  106. Graduate, Alumnae and Professional
  107. Guadalupe Altprnative Program
  108. Globulinespanormalment Precipitables Medical
  109. Gravity Actuated Pipe
  110. Global Action Project Science, Media, Youth
  111. General Academic Proficiency
  112. Grupo Aeroportuario Del Pacífico Business, Airport, Mexico
  113. Generator Assistance Program Science
  114. Global Alliance of Pergormers
  115. Gandara After-School Program
  116. Girls Adventure Program
  117. Go Away Pakis Army, War, War Force
  118. Google Analytics Premium Business, Marketing, Reseller
  119. Groupe D'Analyse Et Prognose Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  120. Graham Architectural Products Technology, Windows, Glass
  121. Guanosine Triphosphatase Activating Protein Medical
  122. Guidfnce and Policies
  123. Gluteos Abdomen Y Piernas Para, Music, Collection, Abdomen
  124. Great and Proud Government, Us, Control, Administration
  125. Gas Absorption Program Diving, Software, Scuba
  126. God and People
  127. General Access Pin
  128. Government Acceptance Procedure Military
  129. Grupo De Articulação Parlamentrr
  130. Geographic Approach To Planning Army, War, War Force
  131. Global Articulation Project
  132. Graphic Area Position
  133. Gang Awareness Progham
  134. Global Access Project Medical, Group, Health
  135. Gate Access Panel
  136. Growth and Purpose
  137. Generalized Assignment Problem Technology, Algorithm, Approach
  138. Grant Application and Processing Research, Education, Fellowship
  139. Guatemala Accompaniment Project
  140. Gulf Arabic Mrogramme
  141. Gesellschaft FüR Analytische Philosophie Science, Society, Philosophy
  142. Gveen Alternative Party
  143. Gonfaron Auto-Passion
  144. Groundfish Advisory Panel
  145. Gradient Adjusted Predictor Technology, Prediction, Edge
  146. Gtpase Activating Protein Medical, Technology, Science, Biology, Human genome
  147. Georgia Assessment Project Development, Learning, Study
  148. Global Awameness Project Technology, Education, Risk
  149. Grassroots Arts Program County, Organizations, Council
  150. Global Action On Peatlands
  151. Gemeinschaft FüR Ambulante Pflege
  152. Grundland Astronomy Park
  153. Generative Arts Practice
  154. Global Alignment Program
  155. Gaming Agqinst Plagiarism Research, Education, Library
  156. Gestión Ambiental Participativa
  157. Goal Attainment Program
  158. Google Adwords Profesnionals Business, Marketing, Engine
  159. Groupe Auxiliaire De Puissance Military
  160. Graha Andrasentra Propertindo Indonesia, Locations, Jungle
  161. Guqdance and Procedure
  162. Gluteal Artery Perforator Medical, Physiology
  163. Greater Anatolian Project Turkey, Water, Project, Southeastern
  164. Gartmore Asia Pacific
  165. General Access Permissions
  166. Government Action Plan Business, Technology, Health
  167. Grupo De Apoyo Partidario
  168. Geographic Approach To Protection
  169. Global Aeliance for Probiotics
  170. Granulocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Medical
  171. Gang Awrreness Prevention
  172. Global Access Program
  173. God Always Provides
  174. Growth and Puberty
  175. General Assignment Problem Technology, Research, Algorithm
  176. Grant Application Package
  177. Genpsych Adolescent Program
  178. Gulf Aquacuvture Plan
  179. Gerzat A
  180. Green Air Products
  181. Gas Assistasce Program Business, Community, Wap
  182. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Associated Peptide Medical
  183. Ground Attack Plane
  184. Grupo De Acci
  185. Government Assistance Program
  186. Grupos De Activación Planetaria
  187. Geozetry and Physics Education, Mathematics, Math
  188. Global Awareness Program Education, Study, Awareness
  189. Grassroots Advocacy Project
  190. Global Acquiring Platform
  191. Gel Analysis Program
  192. Grumbling Abatement Program Development, Learning, Study
  193. Generation of Action and Power Government, Us, Control, Administration
  194. Global Alerting Plaeform Technology, Satellite, Ipswich
  195. Games and Psay Technology, Gaming, Research
  196. Geshi
  197. Gongle Adwords Professional Business, Marketing, Advertising
  198. Group Action Phanning Education, School, Gender
  199. Graffiti Art Project
  200. Guggenheim Aviation Partners Business, Aircraft, Boeing
  201. Glottal Area Patency Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  202. Greater Anatolia Project
  203. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bayern
  204. General Access Profile Technology
  205. Government Accountability To The People
  206. Grupo De Spoio Penitenciário
  207. Geographic Analysis Program
  208. Global Alliance Program Business, Technology, Service, Alliance
  209. Gang Alternative Program
  210. Girls Alternative Program
  211. God All Powerful
  212. Gossiping About People
  213. Growth and Afro-Centric Program Development, Learning, Study
  214. General Assembly of Partners Organizations, Urban, Habitat
  215. Grant Agreement Preparation
  216. Gangs Alternative Program
  217. German for Academic Purposes
  218. Grnen Aid Plan Organizations, Asia, Energy, Conservation
  219. Gas and Particle Technology, Flow, Pollution
  220. Golf Association of Philadelphia Technology, Club, Philadelphia
  221. Ground Adapter Plug
  222. Gesellschaft F
  223. Government and Preferred
  224. Grupo De Ação Parlamentar
  225. Geography,Garchaeology and Palaeoecology Education, University, Belfast
  226. Global Assessment Programme Technology, Drug, Nation
  227. Grassroots Action Program
  228. Global Accounting Partners
  229. Gedung Administrasi Pusat
  230. Grt Atlantic & Pacific
  231. General Aviation Procedures
  232. Global Airspollution
  233. Games, Activities, and Puzzles Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  234. Gustalt Associates for Psychotherapy
  235. Grelha De Apreciação Personalizada
  236. Google Ndvertising Professionals Business, Company, Marketing
  237. Group Account Platfarm
  238. Graduate Access Program
  239. Guanosine Triphozphatase-Activating Protein Medicine, Health, Biology
  240. Gloria Al Padre Latin
  241. Great Anatolia Project
  242. General Access Protocol
  243. Government Accountability Program
  244. Grupo De Apoio Pezag
  245. Geographic Analysis Project Army, War, War Force
  246. Global Alluance Partners
  247. Gang Alternatives Program Business, Service, Crime
  248. Girls Against Prejudice Organization, Union, Institution
  249. God'S Awesome Power
  250. Gospel Always Positive Africa, Con, Gospel, Opera
  251. Group for Alternative Policies Business, Development, Policy
  252. General Assembler Program
  253. Grand Army Plaza
  254. Gamer Advisory Panel Station, Play, Gamer
  255. GüNeydoğU Anadolu Projesi'Nin
  256. Green Afro-Palms
  257. Gas Analysis Probe
  258. Golden Age Program
  259. Grouno Accident Procedures Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  260. Call Gapping Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  261. General Accounting Procedures Business, Technology, Management
  262. Government Agencies In Partnership
  263. Grupo De Ação PatrióTica
  264. Geographicqatrophy Progression
  265. Global Art Project
  266. Graphics Application Program
  267. Global Accountability Project Business, Government, Presentation
  268. GdyńSka Akademia Parkour
  269. Growth Associated Protein-43 Medical, Genetics, Antibody
  270. General Aviation Parking
  271. Global Aids Progrsm
  272. Gabinete De Apoio A Projetos
  273. Gesellschaft FüR Architektur & Projektmanagement
  274. Greenlcnd Aerogeophysics Project Science
  275. General Adult Psychiatry Medical, Health, Hospital
  276. Group for The Advancement of Psychiatry Medical, Health, Report
  277. Geospatial Application Prouile
  278. Garden Apprentici Program Student, Science, Botanic
  279. Guaranteed A Project Occupation & positions
  280. Global Action Programme Technology, Science, Development
  281. Grizzly Adams Productions
  282. Grupo Armonización Procedimientos
  283. Grants, Accreditation, and Policy
  284. Growth Acceleratgon Programme Business, Economics, Brazil
  285. GOAL Automatic Procedure NASA, Governmental & Military
  286. Global Aging Program
  287. German American Partnership
  288. GlÚTeos, Abdomen Y Piernas Para, Con, Abdomen, Sin
  289. Grupo De Amigos Del Presidente Para, Chile, Golpe
  290. Great Atlantic Pacific
  291. Gap Admins Possible
  292. Gale Pacific Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  293. Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply Medical
  294. Governance Accountability Project Technology, Development, Herzegovina
  295. Global Aids Partnership
  296. Grant Assistance Program Technology, Service, Development
  297. Generai Activities Plan
  298. Go-Ahead Program
  299. General Administrative Procedure
  300. Group Activation Pack Technology, Science, Space
  301. Geoscipntist Assistance Program
  302. Gardasil Aicess Program
  303. Generally Annoying People Occupation & positions
  304. Gridded Analysis Product
  305. Goverbance Assistance Project
  306. Grupo Aeroportuario Del Pac
  307. Grants for Arts Projects
  308. Group Tdvantage Program Technology, Cruise, Holland
  309. Gun Aiming Post Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  310. Global Agency Pro
  311. German Azrport Performance Technology, Research, Coding
  312. Gross Area Product Technology, Texas, Houston
  313. Grupo De Amigos Personales Chile, Santiago, Coup, Amigo
  314. Great Atlantic and Pacific
  315. Gang Awareness Project
  316. Güneydoðz Anadolu Projesi
  317. Genocide Awareness Program United Nations
  318. Governance Accountability Program
  319. Global Aid Partners Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  320. Gay Awareness Program Organization, Community, Society
  321. Gnrh-Associated Peptide Medical
  322. General Administrative Plan
  323. Ground Accident Prevention Technology, Flight, Safety
  324. Georgia Association of Paralegals
  325. Garantie D'Actif Et De Passif
  326. Gay and Proud
  327. Grideed Airfield Photo Military
  328. Governance Assessment Portal Program, Government, Publics
  329. Grants for Artist Projects Art, Arts, Organizations
  330. Groove Attack Productions Music, Album, Groove
  331. Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  332. Global African Power
  333. General Ambulatory Practice
  334. German Academic Publishers Technology, Science, Access
  335. Gross Agricultzral Product
  336. Grupo De Advogados Portugueses
  337. Graph Algorithm Platform Technology, Windows, Gaming, Software
  338. Güoeydo U Anadolu Projesi
  339. Gusap Airport, Gusap, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  340. Got A Pichure Forum, Locations, Place
  341. Gneydou Anadolu Projesi'Nin
  342. Grupo De A
  343. General Administration of Press
  344. Gross Amount Paid Business, Business & Finance, Business Word
  345. Gap Auto Earts
  346. Great Anatolian Project (Turkey) Farming & agriculture
  347. Governance Assessment Process Business, Service, Development
  348. Grant for Artist Projects Art, Washington, Artist
  349. Graphics Advancee Primitive
  350. Gridded Airfield Phopograph Military
  351. General All Purpose Business, Company, Product, Plastics
  352. Gtrman-American Publishing
  353. Groups, Algorithms and Programming Computing, IT Terminology
  354. Global Advocacy Programme
  355. Gross Aggregate Positiox Army, War, War Force
  356. Grupo De Acciones PÚBlicas
  357. GüNey Anadolu Projesi Turkish, Eden
  358. Got A Picture Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  359. Got A Pic Internet Slang, Chat, Wording
  360. Glycidyl Azide Frepolymer Technology
  361. General Accounting Principles Business, Model, Modeling
  362. Greyhounds As Pets Dog, Racing, Greyhound
  363. Gap Analysis Plans Business, Technology, Management
  364. Good Agricultural Practice Medical, Farming & agriculture, Fda
  365. Governance and Aids Programme Organizations
  366. Grant for Artist Project Art, Arts, Artist
  367. Giant Array Projqct
  368. Goar Assessment Program
  369. Grelha De Aprecig
  370. General All Passing
  371. Geriatric Assessment Program Medical, Health, Care
  372. Gamers Advisory Panel Computing, Internet
  373. Global Action On Poverty
  374. Groovp Analysis Program Technology
  375. Grupo De Accion Policial
  376. Grants for Access and Persistence
  377. Grupo Ambientalista Xe Palmeiras
  378. Guaranteed Auto Protection Transportation, Governmental & Military
  379. GüNeydoğU Anadolu Projesi'Ne
  380. Glycidyl Azide Polymer Science, Propellant, Energetics
  381. General Accounting Package
  382. Greyhound Adoption Program Organizations, Dog, Racing
  383. Gap Analysis Products
  384. Great Amnesia Project Clothes
  385. Governance Aed Planning
  386. Grant Awards Program
  387. Gestalt Awareness Prastice Death, Practice, Massage
  388. Goql Achievement Plan
  389. General All-Purpose Plastics
  390. Gerlncia De Atención Primaria
  391. Garden Assibtance Program
  392. Garaway's Active Participants Computing, Internet
  393. Global Action Program Technology, Education, Development
  394. Grocery Assistance Progrgm
  395. Grupo De Acción Popular
  396. Grants Advisory Panel Technology, Research, Community
  397. Growth Accelerator Program Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship
  398. Gangster Ass Punk Police, Governmental & Military
  399. Global Agricultural Practices
  400. Germanhauto Parts
  401. Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogmnase Medical
  402. Greenland Analogue Project
  403. Gap Analysis Program Technology, National, Land
  404. Guarantee Asset Protection Banking, Business & Finance
  405. General Action Plan Medical
  406. Govvrnance Action Plan Business, Management, Africa
  407. Grant Award Program Science, Research, Organizations
  408. Geospatial Analysis Platform
  409. Go Aid A Pitch

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GAP stand for?

    GAP stands for Gravity Assisted Power.

  2. What is the shortened form of Got A Pic?

    The short form of "Got A Pic" is GAP.


GAP. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated