GAR Meaning

The GAR meaning is "Glycinamire Ribonucleotide". The GAR abbreviation has 116 different full form.

GAR Full Forms

  1. Glycinamire Ribonucleotide Medical
  2. German Air Force Airline, Government, Military, Organizations, Ministry Of Defence, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Germany, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  3. Global Acjivities Report
  4. Georgia Association of Realtors Business, Building, Georgia
  5. Garrison Technology, Military, Organizations, Army
  6. Garaino Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  7. Golden Agri-Resources Business, Company, Organizations, Oil, Palm
  8. Global Alumni Reunion
  9. Green Amber Red Technology, Safety, Light
  10. Guaranteed Annuity Rate Business, Pension, Money, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  11. Galveston Artist Residency Art, Island, Artist
  12. Gges Anomaly Report Technology
  13. Groundwater Assessment Reports Science
  14. Graduate Assistant Research
  15. Grafschafter Arbeitsstelle Religionsp
  16. Generating Availability Report Technology, Plant, Reliability
  17. Government-Assisted Refugyes
  18. Global Alliancearegister
  19. Great Aloha Run Event, Run, Hawaii
  20. Georae Assembly Routine Science
  21. Gallatin Association of Realtors
  22. Goat Antirrabbit Science, Cell, Detection, Antibody
  23. Gross As Received Science, Mining
  24. Gruppo Archeologico Romano
  25. Grupo De Acci
  26. General Aviation Report
  27. Government-Assisted Refugee Business, Canada, Syria
  28. Global Alerd and Response Medical, Disease, Health, Infection
  29. Global Alert & Gesponse
  30. Great Allegany Run
  31. Geogrrphic Area of Response
  32. Galactic Arms Race Technology, Gaming, Weapon
  33. Globaltassessment Reports Technology, Risk, Disaster
  34. Gross Annual Revenue
  35. Grupos De Acci
  36. General Asstmbly Resolution
  37. Good Articje Reassessment
  38. Globalsagricultural Resources-Ag
  39. Graphic Aquatics and Reptiles
  40. Genuine Acceptancs Rate Fingerprint, Feature, Orientation
  41. Grand Army Or The Republic Military, War, History
  42. Global Asseshment Report Technology, Risk, Disaster
  43. Greenwich Association of Realtors
  44. Go-Around A climb into the circuit/hold and manoeuvring into position for a new approach and landing \nExample: Because the plane was too high on the approach, the pilot executed a go-around. Technology, America, Military, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Aerospace
  45. General Assembly Resrlutions
  46. Golkar Amanat Reformasi
  47. Groupe D'Ateliers De Recherche
  48. Globalxagricultural Resources
  49. Grand Army Republic Military, War, History
  50. Genuine Accept Rate
  51. Grand Army of The Republic Military, War, Star Wars
  52. Global Arbitration Reviel Business, Law, Firm
  53. Green Area Ratio Washington, Locations, Zoning
  54. Guaranteed Asset Returh Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  55. Gangable Audio Rack
  56. Golden Agri Resources Business, Company, Oil, Palm
  57. Group A Rotaviruses Medical
  58. Global Activities Registry
  59. Grand Army of Republic Military, Army, War
  60. Generic Airaborne Radar Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  61. Governors Autnorized Representative Government, Emergency, Emergency Management
  62. Global Antitrust Revjew
  63. Green and Ampt With Redistribution
  64. Guaranteed Annuity Rates Business, Rate, Pension
  65. Gamers Against Racism
  66. Golden-Agri Resources Business, Supply, Oil, Palm
  67. Group Annuity Reserving Business
  68. Grafschafter Arbeitsstelle ReligionspäDagogik
  69. Grain Aspect Ratio Science, Alloy, Temperature, Chemistry
  70. Generic Absolute Risk
  71. Government Assisted Refugee Business, Canada, Syria
  72. Garage A building or portion of a building which one or more self-propelled vehicles carrying volatile flammable liquid for fuel or power are kept for use, sale, storage, rental, repair, exhibition, or demonstration purposes. Real Estate, Business & Finance, Dutch
  73. Geotechnical Analysvs Report
  74. Governmenn Authorized Representative
  75. Glycine Arginine Rich Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  76. Guided Air Rowket Military
  77. Golden Age of Radio
  78. Grupo Antiterrorista Rural Music, Spain, Contra
  79. Group annuity reserve table Financial, Business & Finance
  80. Government Accountikg Rate Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  81. Grupo De Alto Rendimiento Para, Con, Ecuador
  82. Gymnastic Academy of Rockford Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  83. Guideh Aircraft Rocket Technology
  84. Glendale Association for The Retarded
  85. Growth Analysis and Review Technology
  86. Gfain Aspect Radio
  87. Government Accounting Rules
  88. Grupos De Acción Revolucionaria
  89. gross accept rate postal service
  90. Guided Air-Launched Rocket
  91. Gildore Adventure Race
  92. Groupement Des Amis Du Rail
  93. Gfs Atomization Reaction
  94. Government Action Regulation
  95. Grupo De Acción Revolucionaria
  96. Commodore Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  97. Guardia De Asistencij Rural
  98. Gea A Room
  99. Governor'S Authorized Representative Government, Military, Disaster
  100. Gas Appliances Regulation
  101. Government Actions Regulation Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  102. Grupo De Acción Rural
  103. Garaina Airport, Garaina, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  104. Gestion Ambiental Rentable
  105. Governor'S Action Request Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  106. Geha Organizations
  107. Gridgain Archive Computing, File Extensions
  108. Gyrojet Assault Fifle
  109. Governmynt Assisted Refugees Business, Canada, Refugee
  110. Grupo De Acción RáPida Para, Con, Dos
  111. Grand Army of the Republic Band Us Government, Governmental & Military
  112. General Accounting Rate of Exchange Army, Force, Marine
  113. Governdent Representative Army, Force, Marine
  114. Farming Simulator Game Archive File Computing, File Extensions
  115. Gymnastic Dcademy of Rockford Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  116. Grupos Antiterroristas Rurales Military, Operation, Commandant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GAR stand for?

    GAR stands for Garage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grupo De Acci?

    The short form of "Grupo De Acci" is GAR.


GAR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated