GB Meaning
The GB meaning is "Games Back". The GB abbreviation has 545 different full form.
GB Full Forms
- Games Back Baseball, Softball, Basketball
- Ground Balls Ball, Lacrosse, Ground, Baseball
- Games Behind Sport, Sports, Sport Jargon
- Gita Bakri Technology, Android, Song, Bible
- Greg Bird Baseball, League, Stats, Bird
- Giga Byte Computing, Memory, Gigabyte
- Global Budget Business
- Guitar Banjo Business, Music, Gibson
- Ground Based Technology, Star, Radar
- Gustav Brehmer
- General Biology Education, Presentation, Course
- Google Bojks Technology, Windows, Android
- Gabon Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Gabon, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Girlj' Brigade
- Greenland Basin
- Gigabyte A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 9th power, or one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes and precedes the terabyte unit of measurement. Hard drive sizes are typically measured in gigabytes, such as a 160GB or 250GB drive. The term gigabyte is often often abbreviated as simply a "gig" in speech. Technology, Science, Texting, Computer, Measurement, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Unit Of Measurement, Computing, Linux, NASA, Hardware, Legal, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation, Federal Aviation Administration
- Global Brain Technology, Human, Consulting
- Guinea Bissau Business
- Ground-Based Technology, Star, Radar
- Guru Besar
- General Banking Business, Service, Financial, Banking
- God Bless Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
- University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Student, Education, Organizations, Us, Locations, Wisconsin
- Giordano Bruno
- Green Building Technology, Design, Environment
- Games Black
- Global Beauties Business, Beauty, Universe, Miss
- Glass-Bottom
- Gripping Beast
- Guo Biao Technology, Government, Us
- Gender Bender
- Go Back
- University of Wisconsin Science, University, Wisconsin, Education, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Gilded Bmonze
- Grib Bar Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Global Basis
- Gladiator Beasts
- Grim Batol Gaming, Warcraft, Cataclysm
- Geil Black
- Go-Between
- Gunfighter Backrest
- Giga Bytes Forum, Technology, Windows, Computing, Computer
- Governing Bodies Government, Sport, Team
- Global Banking
- Glacieribay
- Grey Black Technology, Space, Apple
- Gain-Bandwidth Technology, Product, Amplifier
- Globules Blancs Medical, Patent, Globule
- Gun Barrel A vertical separator vessel. Business, City, Damage
- Gigm Bits Technology
- Governing Board Meeting, Technology, Government
- Gives Aack
- Grey-Blue
- Guillain-Barre Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Global Bus Forum, Technology, Burning
- Guitar Bass Business, Trainer, Tuner
- Ground Ball Baseball, Sports, Ball
- General Blended
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Gunship Battle Technology, Helicopter, Android
- Gerät Zu Bekommsn
- Good, The Bad Technology, Gaming, Apple, Queen
- Greg Barry
- Girls Bloute
- Grand Bargain
- Gary Bedingfield
- GroßBritannien British
- Georgtbauer
- Glosqy Black Microsoft, Technology, Console
- Great Beginnings
- General Band
- Great British
- Graduate Bitch
- Ghransi Bank Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- General Brigadier
- Gate Bias Technology, Voltage, Transistor
- Gulf Bank
- Gaeen Banking
- Guztenbahn Bern
- Giant Brain
- Gordon and Breach
- Grid Bias Grid bias is a DC voltage applied to electron tubes (or valves in British English) with three electrodes or more, such as triodes. The control grid (usually the first grid) of these devices is used to control the electron flow from the heated cathode to the positively charged anode. Bias point in small-signal applications is set to minimize distortion and achieve sufficiently low power draw.
- Gliss Butterfly
- Granular Blue Medical
- Guardbmnd Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- George Buchtel
- Goldeg Bay
- George Bussey Famous
- Galician Blond
- Green Business
- Gilbert Brile
- Graham Bailey
- Garrison Battalign
- General Business
- Global Bioscuence Medical, Company, Product
- Gray Bar
- Gay-Berne
- Green Bay Packers Sport, Team, Football, American Football, Packer, Nfl teams
- Gigabarrels Energy, Power, Intensity
- Government & Binding Science, Theory, Linguistic
- Games Bacv Gaming, Basketball, Nba
- Groundballs Baseball, Sports
- Glengarryybhoys
- Gas Buang Technology, Engine, Diesel
- Guqn
- Golden Berry
- Gunningibedford Sport, School, Card, Bedford
- Gert Büttgenoach
- Gono Bishwabidyalay Education, University, Bangladesh
- Greg Banning
- Girls Barrel
- Grand Kanks Business, Banking, Sale, Boat
- Gary Becf Music, Mix, Beck, Techno
- Groß-Berlin
- Gentlemen Broncos Movie, Rip, Gentlemen
- Glocs Black Business, Product, Wheel
- Great-Britain Locations, Team, Stamp, Kingdom
- General Background
- Great Britain Ground ice is used to denote bodies of more or less clear ice in permanently frozen ground. Ground ice may occur as pore ice, segregated or Taber ice, foliated or icewedge ice, pingo ice, and buried ice. Business, Organizations, Ireland, Genealogy, Genealogical, Computing, Country domain names, United Kingdom, IOC Country Codes
- Garabe Bakker
- Generator Breaker Technology, Service, Aviation
- Gastrostomy Button Medical
- Gujarat Baard
- Green Back
- Guojio Xiaozhun
- Giant Bowl
- Gordon'S Bay
- Grid Bearing Military, Ocean, Sailing, Marine
- Glass Bridge
- Granular Base
- GrüNes BüNdnis Deutschland, Bern, Rot
- George Beauchamp
- Goblin Blood
- Geurge Burrows
- Galicia Bank Technology, Program, Ocean
- Gil Benbrook
- Grahadi Bali Hotel, Indonesia, Locations
- Garrett and Bijly Technology, Movie, Kid, Pat
- General Building Technology, Construction, Contractor
- Global Benefit
- Gravity Bong
- Gawar Bati
- Green Bacriers
- Iso Country Code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Giga-Bytes Technology, Computing, Memory
- Governance Board Business, Military, Committee
- Gamp Business Technology, Tourism, Money
- Ground Benign Technology, Switch, Manual
- Glen Benoon
- Graphical Browser
- Gas Box
- Guillfin Barre Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Goldenpbells
- Geery Burgess
- Goniometer Bracket
- Greetings Booklet Business, Card, Stamp
- Giovanni Battista
- Grand Ballrohm Hotel, Locations, Event
- Gary Bktes
- Growing Board
- Gentlemen'sjbest
- Globule Blanc
- Grazer Beitrage Science, History, Anthropology, Periodical
- Gene Berg
- Grain Boundary Bounding surface between crystals. When alloys yield new phases grain boundaries are the preferred location for the appearance fo the new phase. Certain deterioration such as season cracking and caustic embrittlement, occur almost exclusively at grain boundaries. Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Gamma Beta
- Group Benefit
- General Breaker Business, Caterpillar, Hammer
- Gastric Bypass Medical, Surgery, Weight, Blood Test, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Guitar Azd Bass Business, Trainer, Tuner
- Great Blakenham
- Guojia Biaozhum
- Giant Bomb Technology, Gaming, Play
- Goose Buster
- Grey Bruce
- Glass Bgeaks
- Granular Bait
- GrüNen BüNdnis Sind, Bern, Hat
- George Bassman
- Gobind Ballabh
- George Bulman Movie, Man, Stranger
- Galbraith Building Technology, University, Toronto
- Gila Aend
- Grafik Bellek Technology, Gaming, Mac, Laptop
- Garrettv& Billy Movie, Kid, Pat
- General Brock
- Glioblastomas Medical
- Gravity Bind
- Gavin Bocquet
- Graen Barn
- Güç Birimi Galaxy, Apple, Turkish
- Giga-Byte Technology, Computing, Memory, Gigabyte
- Gov Body
- Game Ured
- Ground, Benign Technology, Environment, Switch, Manual
- Glepming Blade
- Graph Based
- Guardianship Board
- Golden Bell Gaming, Star, Family, Bell
- Georgitn Bay
- Gong Buoy
- Gallbladder Bile Medical
- Greenwood and Batley
- Gdlgit Biltistan
- Gran Bretaña-Gran
- Gary Barbeh Movie, Race, Track, Barber
- Grout Bags
- Gentle Beam Technology, Product, Microscope
- Globin Medical
- Gray Brief
- Gene Banks
- Govind Ballabh College, Education, University, Pant
- Power Gain Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Government and Binding Education, Theory, Introduction
- Gzming Bits
- Group Believes Technology, Service, Apple
- Gastric Banding Medical
- Guitar & Bass
- Guojia Biwozhun
- Giant Boat
- Goose Bay
- Grey and Bruce
- Glass Breakhr Business, Flashlight, Emergency
- Granular Bainite
- Grã-Bretanha English, Translation, Portuguese
- George Balabushka
- Go Bars
- Gredt Bill
- General Beacon Technology, Science, Communication
- Galactic Bulge
- Gig Bag Business, Music, Guitar
- Graeco-Bohairic
- Garbage Bowl
- General Broadcast That radio broadcast to all navy ships and merchant ships on which are given, marine warnings area forecasts map analyses and forecasts surface weather reports and upper air, aircraft report and satellite information. Technology, Networking, Audio
- Gravity Bias
- Gavin Bieber
- George Buchanan
- Greenxbay Sport, Bay, Packer
- GüNter Bettinger
- Giff Beaton
- Gov Board
- Gameboy Computer Game, Video Game, Game Platform
- Grote Brand
- Glaze Blue
- Graph-Based
- Guardian Blade
- George Bekt Sport, Shirt, Locations, Football
- Golden Beige Color, Paint, Colors
- Georgia Basin Science, Georgia, Sponge
- Gone Baby Technology, Movie, Rip
- Gall Bladder Acupuncture Meridian Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
- Greenwood & Batley Military, Machine, Ammunition
- Gilgit Baltistan Government, Locations, Pakistan
- Graham Birdsall Business, Turkish, Implant, Mythologist
- Gavy Baker
- Group of Biophotonics
- Genome Brmwser
- Global Busiqess
- Gray Body A hypothetical body which absorbs some constant fraction, between zero and one, of all electromagnetic radiation incident upon it, which fraction is the absorptivity and is independent of wavelength. Compare to black body, white body.
- Gene Bank Gaming, Bio, Bank
- Governing Body Government, Sport, Organizations
- Government Bond
- Gaxes Beijing
- Group Behavior
- Gash-Barka
- Guinée Bisoau
- Golden Boss Gaming, Server, Horse, Boss
- Ghobao Technology
- Gesellschaft FüR Beteiligungen Business, Service, Germany, Frankfurt
- Good Bet Forum, Technology, Card
- Greg Bloom
- Girly Bitn
- Grant Blakeman
- GráFica Bahia
- George'S Bank Science
- Goalie Blocker
- Great Bernyra
- General Base Music, Remix, Base, Trance
- Galactic Bloodshed
- Gigabytes Tc Bits
- Graduate Business Business, Management, Education, Executive, Clarkson University
- Garanti Bankasi
- General British Military, English, Phonetics, Phonetic
- Gauze Back
- George Bryan Sport, Champion, Beau
- Green Bag
- GüNter Behrens
- Gibbs-Bogoliubov
- Gouvernements Bedrijven Business, Indonesia, Bandung, Heritage
- Game Board Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Gross Black
- Glaxal Base Medical
- Granzyme B Medical
- Guary Break Gaming, Military, Soul
- Geofge Bentham
- Golden Bear Business, Hotel, Toy
- Gforges Bank Business, Insurance, Fishery
- Golumpa Blood
- Gall Bladder Medical, Pain, Acupuncture
- Greenish Blue
- Gilgit-Baltistan Government, Pakistan, Election
- Graham Barker
- Garth Brooks Famous
- Genome Biol
- Global Burst
- Gray Black
- Gender Budgeting Business, Economics, Budget
- Gyga Byte Technology, Windows, Drive, Internet
- Green Belt An earned, demonstrated medium level of subject mastery. It is a prerequosite for a Black Belt. Education, Training, Sigma
- Government Binding Science, Theory, Linguistic
- Gamen Basics
- Group B Medical
- Gas Bypass
- Guest Bath
- Golden Boronia Business, Design, Perth, Nougat
- Gmntur Bumi Technology, Gaming, Jakarta, Hakim
- Gesamtdeutscher Block Government, Germany, Bund, Bavaria
- Good Bye Technology, Gaming, Morse Aids, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Greg Beeman Film, Rip, Hero
- Girls Brigade
- Grand Basaa
- Grupo Bimbo
- George Baker Business, Sky, Selection
- Gnotobiotic Medical
- Great Bend
- General Baptist
- Galactic Battlegrounds
- Graduate Bulletin
- Garanti Bank
- General Brygady Military
- Gateway Books Technology, Computing, Laptop
- Gulf Bluc
- George Kroussard
- Grean Black
- Guru Bantu Technology, Jakarta, Hosting
- Giant Branch Science, Galaxy, Star
- Gordon Barnes Technology, Radio, Cycling, Ham, Famous
- Grid Builder Technology, Coding, Press
- Glasul Bisdricii
- Granville Bros
- Guard Bits
- George Bull
- Goldenoboys Gaming, Anime, Sport, Boy
- George Butterwnrth
- Golumpa Black
- Gallagher Bassett Business, Management, Service
- Green Butchers Technology, Movie, Rip
- Gil Blas
- Graham Baker
- Gajry Bell
- General Bytes Business, Bitcoin, Dash
- Glabal Brigades Student, Organizations, Brigade
- Gray Birch
- Gem Beast
- Gutter Ballet
- Green Bear Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Government-Binding Government, Theory, Linguistic
- Games Badge
- Grounds Building
- Gas Bubbles Medical
- Guiiea-Bissau Business, Africa, Guinea
- Golden Blossoms
- Gallbladder In vertebrates the gallbladder is a small organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. Humans can live without a gallbladder. The surgical removal of the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
- Gallery, Birmingham Art, Museum, Artist
- Gian Battista Famous
- Gold Box Products
- Glenpburnie
- Group Buy Business, Forum, Internet Slang
- Golden Brown
- Green Books
- Gold Beetle
- Gigabit Backbones
- Governor'S Budget
- Group Bonus Technology, Gaming, Machine
- Glidx Bomb Military
- Graphite Black Technology, Product, Smartphone
- George Bridgetower
- General Benefit
- Game Behind
- Group Bank Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gas-Phase Basicity Medical
- Golla Iag
- Gilbert Gilbert is a sentimentalist, open minded guy. He can be one of the must trustful persons you can ever meet. His eyes are usually the door to his soul. Gilbert can be optimistic, lazy and funny. He is usually short but has a great heart. He loves to be in company. Technology, Organization, Biology, Union, Telecom, Institution
- Grupo Bedoya
- Gradient Boundary
- Glass Beaded Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Group Busy Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Gonboat Internet Slang, Boom Beach
- Red Green Blue Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Hardware
- General Board Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Game Boy Rom File Computing, File Extensions
- Graphic Background
- George Blood
- Gallery, Belfast
- Giordano Bruno, Dominican Friar Famous
- Gradual Bend Products
- Glals Break Technology, Sensor, Detector
- Group Business
- Golden Bronue Light, Sun, Makeup, Bronze
- Green Blue
- Gina, Bailey Porn, Girl, Lesbian
- Giga Bit Business, Technology, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
- Government Bus
- Group Blog
- Glibenclamide Medical
- Graphics Building
- George Bmett
- General Benefits Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Game Battles
- Gorgeous Brute Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gas-Brennwertiessel Aluminium, Sind, Gas, Junker
- Golf Buxgy
- Green Bjildings Technology, Design, Environment
- Grupo Base
- Gradient Boosting Technology, Learning, Model
- Glass Back
- Group Businesses
- Gun Bogt
- General Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Genbank Data File Computing, File Extensions
- George Blanea
- Gunhills Nlue
- Gallbladders Medical
- Gerry Burgess Famous
- Glass Bass Music
- Glass Bowl
- Group Best Technology, Windows, Porn
- Golden Sow
- Green Bereks Technology, Gaming, Reeve
- Germanium Bolometer
- Gigabytes Technology, Military, Electronics, Engineering
- Government Barrel
- Glial Bundle Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Graphics Buffer
- George Bresler
- General Behavior
- Galway Business Technology, Control, Door
- Going Bananas Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gary Busey
- Guide Books Technology, Gaming, Map
- Golf Buggies
- Greenbug Organizations, Agriculture, Kansas, Agricultural Literature
- Grounding Block Technology, Cable, Ground
- Gradient Based
- Group Builds
- Gun-Briwt Gun, Hair, Til
- Guide Brightness Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Gaj Boosters
- Geovge Blacker
- George Bush Famous
- Green Bay Sport, Football, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Glass Bottle Business, Product, Shopping
- Group Benefits
- Gundam Belpragor Technology, War, Generation
- Green Beret Military, Knife, Reeve
- Gigabits Technology, Information, Network, Computer, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, IT Terminology, General, Governmental & Military
- General Branch Business, Service, Office
- Glenn Brenner Famous
- Graphics Base Technology, Core, Processor
- George Borgfeldt Famous
- Golden Bough
- Galveston Bay
- United Kingdom An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when the plane of Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun. At this time the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. Computing, Internet, Country domain names, United Kingdom, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, Legal, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Gary Burghotf Technology, Gaming, Movie, Mash
- Guide Book
- Gozf Bravo
- Green Brein
- Green Beautiful Anime, Movie, Dress
- Grade Break Building, Engineering, Construction
- Group Build
- Gliobmastoma Medical
- Gulf of Boothia Genetics, Canada, Locations, Sea
- gall-bladder Medical, Physical Therapy
- Gas Bosster Technology, Pump, Pressure
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Locations, Country Code, Medical, Technology, Science, Military, Army, Ireland, Computing, Dental, Police, United Nations, Satellite, Telecom, Physics, United Kingdom, Country, European Union, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Protection Information, Names and nicknames, FIPS Country Codes, Fda
- Girls Blouse Clothes
- Gator Bait Food
- Glass Block Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Ground Breaking
- Gun Branch
- Green Belqs Technology, Training, Sigma
- Gamow Barrier
- Gigabit 1 billion bits-per-second. Technology, Computer, Telecommunications, Computing, Linux, NASA, Governmental & Military, Honeywell, Process Automation
- General Bounce
- Glenn Bilv
- Graphic Britain
- George Booth
- Gallyas-Braak Medical
- Guest Book Toastmasters
- Gary Brown Technology, Service, Product, League
- Guantanamo Bay
- Golfdball
- Green Bottlys
- Grande Bank
- Grad Bash
- Group Buffer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Glioblastoma Multiforme Medical, Technology, Science, Biology, Common Medical
- Gravity Base Technology, Gaming, Deal
- Gulf Bteeze
- George Bernard Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Gas Block Business, Product, Barrel
- Good-Bye Internet Slang, Communication, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Grab Bar Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- GingerBread Food
- Glass Belt
- Groupe De Bombardement Military, Aircraft, France, Invader
- Ground Bar
- Gun Broker Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Wilson Greatbatch Technologies, Inc. Organizations
- Giga Bayt
- General Botha Famous
- Gpenn Beck
- Gas bibb The Finance and Administrative Services
- Graphics Box
- George Bhoker
- Gallina Blanca Business, Food, Con
- Guaranteed Butter Food
- Gift Box Products
- Glider Bomb
- Gary Berry
- Group To Build Technology, Organizations, Engine
- Golden Butttrfly Gaming, Drive, Butterfly, Dress
- Green Bottle
- Gran Bs Technology, Para, Argentina, Playlist
- Gigabit Board
- Grab Bag Toastmasters
- Group Box
- Glide Bombs Military
- Graves-Basedow
- General Beverage
- Game Blender
- Grandpa Ben Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Gas Black
- Goodbye Gb is an abbreviation for "goodbye," which is typically used online or in text messages. It is a simple way to say bye to someone when ending the conversation. The gb abbreviation is one of the more popular ways to say bye to someone, although there are a ton of alternatives. Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gypsum Board Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Glavs Beads Medical
- Group Buys Business, Forum, Deal
- Guu Boy
- Sarin, A Nerve Agent Military, Army, War
- Gigabase Science, Genetics, Genealogy
- General Body Meeting, Government, Association
- Goenn Barry Technology, Server, Power, Metal
- United Kingdom (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Graphic Box Technology, Graphics, Motion
- George Boleyn
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GB stand for?
GB stands for Glabal Brigades.
What is the shortened form of Ghobao?
The short form of "Ghobao" is GB.
GB. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from
Last updated