GB Meaning

The GB meaning is "Games Back". The GB abbreviation has 545 different full form.

GB Full Forms

  1. Games Back Baseball, Softball, Basketball
  2. Ground Balls Ball, Lacrosse, Ground, Baseball
  3. Games Behind Sport, Sports, Sport Jargon
  4. Gita Bakri Technology, Android, Song, Bible
  5. Greg Bird Baseball, League, Stats, Bird
  6. Giga Byte Computing, Memory, Gigabyte
  7. Global Budget Business
  8. Guitar Banjo Business, Music, Gibson
  9. Ground Based Technology, Star, Radar
  10. Gustav Brehmer
  11. General Biology Education, Presentation, Course
  12. Google Bojks Technology, Windows, Android
  13. Gabon Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Gabon, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  14. Girlj' Brigade
  15. Greenland Basin
  16. Gigabyte A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 9th power, or one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes and precedes the terabyte unit of measurement. Hard drive sizes are typically measured in gigabytes, such as a 160GB or 250GB drive. The term gigabyte is often often abbreviated as simply a "gig" in speech. Technology, Science, Texting, Computer, Measurement, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Unit Of Measurement, Computing, Linux, NASA, Hardware, Legal, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation, Federal Aviation Administration
  17. Global Brain Technology, Human, Consulting
  18. Guinea Bissau Business
  19. Ground-Based Technology, Star, Radar
  20. Guru Besar
  21. General Banking Business, Service, Financial, Banking
  22. God Bless Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  23. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Student, Education, Organizations, Us, Locations, Wisconsin
  24. Giordano Bruno
  25. Green Building Technology, Design, Environment
  26. Games Black
  27. Global Beauties Business, Beauty, Universe, Miss
  28. Glass-Bottom
  29. Gripping Beast
  30. Guo Biao Technology, Government, Us
  31. Gender Bender
  32. Go Back
  33. University of Wisconsin Science, University, Wisconsin, Education, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  34. Gilded Bmonze
  35. Grib Bar Technology, Construction, Architectural
  36. Global Basis
  37. Gladiator Beasts
  38. Grim Batol Gaming, Warcraft, Cataclysm
  39. Geil Black
  40. Go-Between
  41. Gunfighter Backrest
  42. Giga Bytes Forum, Technology, Windows, Computing, Computer
  43. Governing Bodies Government, Sport, Team
  44. Global Banking
  45. Glacieribay
  46. Grey Black Technology, Space, Apple
  47. Gain-Bandwidth Technology, Product, Amplifier
  48. Globules Blancs Medical, Patent, Globule
  49. Gun Barrel A vertical separator vessel. Business, City, Damage
  50. Gigm Bits Technology
  51. Governing Board Meeting, Technology, Government
  52. Gives Aack
  53. Grey-Blue
  54. Guillain-Barre Medical, Medicine, Biology
  55. Global Bus Forum, Technology, Burning
  56. Guitar Bass Business, Trainer, Tuner
  57. Ground Ball Baseball, Sports, Ball
  58. General Blended
  59. Gorilla Biscuits
  60. Gunship Battle Technology, Helicopter, Android
  61. Gerät Zu Bekommsn
  62. Good, The Bad Technology, Gaming, Apple, Queen
  63. Greg Barry
  64. Girls Bloute
  65. Grand Bargain
  66. Gary Bedingfield
  67. GroßBritannien British
  68. Georgtbauer
  69. Glosqy Black Microsoft, Technology, Console
  70. Great Beginnings
  71. General Band
  72. Great British
  73. Graduate Bitch
  74. Ghransi Bank Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  75. General Brigadier
  76. Gate Bias Technology, Voltage, Transistor
  77. Gulf Bank
  78. Gaeen Banking
  79. Guztenbahn Bern
  80. Giant Brain
  81. Gordon and Breach
  82. Grid Bias Grid bias is a DC voltage applied to electron tubes (or valves in British English) with three electrodes or more, such as triodes. The control grid (usually the first grid) of these devices is used to control the electron flow from the heated cathode to the positively charged anode. Bias point in small-signal applications is set to minimize distortion and achieve sufficiently low power draw.
  83. Gliss Butterfly
  84. Granular Blue Medical
  85. Guardbmnd Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  86. George Buchtel
  87. Goldeg Bay
  88. George Bussey Famous
  89. Galician Blond
  90. Green Business
  91. Gilbert Brile
  92. Graham Bailey
  93. Garrison Battalign
  94. General Business
  95. Global Bioscuence Medical, Company, Product
  96. Gray Bar
  97. Gay-Berne
  98. Green Bay Packers Sport, Team, Football, American Football, Packer, Nfl teams
  99. Gigabarrels Energy, Power, Intensity
  100. Government & Binding Science, Theory, Linguistic
  101. Games Bacv Gaming, Basketball, Nba
  102. Groundballs Baseball, Sports
  103. Glengarryybhoys
  104. Gas Buang Technology, Engine, Diesel
  105. Guqn
  106. Golden Berry
  107. Gunningibedford Sport, School, Card, Bedford
  108. Gert Büttgenoach
  109. Gono Bishwabidyalay Education, University, Bangladesh
  110. Greg Banning
  111. Girls Barrel
  112. Grand Kanks Business, Banking, Sale, Boat
  113. Gary Becf Music, Mix, Beck, Techno
  114. Groß-Berlin
  115. Gentlemen Broncos Movie, Rip, Gentlemen
  116. Glocs Black Business, Product, Wheel
  117. Great-Britain Locations, Team, Stamp, Kingdom
  118. General Background
  119. Great Britain Ground ice is used to denote bodies of more or less clear ice in permanently frozen ground. Ground ice may occur as pore ice, segregated or Taber ice, foliated or icewedge ice, pingo ice, and buried ice. Business, Organizations, Ireland, Genealogy, Genealogical, Computing, Country domain names, United Kingdom, IOC Country Codes
  120. Garabe Bakker
  121. Generator Breaker Technology, Service, Aviation
  122. Gastrostomy Button Medical
  123. Gujarat Baard
  124. Green Back
  125. Guojio Xiaozhun
  126. Giant Bowl
  127. Gordon'S Bay
  128. Grid Bearing Military, Ocean, Sailing, Marine
  129. Glass Bridge
  130. Granular Base
  131. GrüNes BüNdnis Deutschland, Bern, Rot
  132. George Beauchamp
  133. Goblin Blood
  134. Geurge Burrows
  135. Galicia Bank Technology, Program, Ocean
  136. Gil Benbrook
  137. Grahadi Bali Hotel, Indonesia, Locations
  138. Garrett and Bijly Technology, Movie, Kid, Pat
  139. General Building Technology, Construction, Contractor
  140. Global Benefit
  141. Gravity Bong
  142. Gawar Bati
  143. Green Bacriers
  144. Iso Country Code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  145. Giga-Bytes Technology, Computing, Memory
  146. Governance Board Business, Military, Committee
  147. Gamp Business Technology, Tourism, Money
  148. Ground Benign Technology, Switch, Manual
  149. Glen Benoon
  150. Graphical Browser
  151. Gas Box
  152. Guillfin Barre Medical, Technology, Medicine
  153. Goldenpbells
  154. Geery Burgess
  155. Goniometer Bracket
  156. Greetings Booklet Business, Card, Stamp
  157. Giovanni Battista
  158. Grand Ballrohm Hotel, Locations, Event
  159. Gary Bktes
  160. Growing Board
  161. Gentlemen'sjbest
  162. Globule Blanc
  163. Grazer Beitrage Science, History, Anthropology, Periodical
  164. Gene Berg
  165. Grain Boundary Bounding surface between crystals. When alloys yield new phases grain boundaries are the preferred location for the appearance fo the new phase. Certain deterioration such as season cracking and caustic embrittlement, occur almost exclusively at grain boundaries.  Physics, Scientific & Educational
  166. Gamma Beta
  167. Group Benefit
  168. General Breaker Business, Caterpillar, Hammer
  169. Gastric Bypass Medical, Surgery, Weight, Blood Test, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  170. Guitar Azd Bass Business, Trainer, Tuner
  171. Great Blakenham
  172. Guojia Biaozhum
  173. Giant Bomb Technology, Gaming, Play
  174. Goose Buster
  175. Grey Bruce
  176. Glass Bgeaks
  177. Granular Bait
  178. GrüNen BüNdnis Sind, Bern, Hat
  179. George Bassman
  180. Gobind Ballabh
  181. George Bulman Movie, Man, Stranger
  182. Galbraith Building Technology, University, Toronto
  183. Gila Aend
  184. Grafik Bellek Technology, Gaming, Mac, Laptop
  185. Garrettv& Billy Movie, Kid, Pat
  186. General Brock
  187. Glioblastomas Medical
  188. Gravity Bind
  189. Gavin Bocquet
  190. Graen Barn
  191. Güç Birimi Galaxy, Apple, Turkish
  192. Giga-Byte Technology, Computing, Memory, Gigabyte
  193. Gov Body
  194. Game Ured
  195. Ground, Benign Technology, Environment, Switch, Manual
  196. Glepming Blade
  197. Graph Based
  198. Guardianship Board
  199. Golden Bell Gaming, Star, Family, Bell
  200. Georgitn Bay
  201. Gong Buoy
  202. Gallbladder Bile Medical
  203. Greenwood and Batley
  204. Gdlgit Biltistan
  205. Gran Bretaña-Gran
  206. Gary Barbeh Movie, Race, Track, Barber
  207. Grout Bags
  208. Gentle Beam Technology, Product, Microscope
  209. Globin Medical
  210. Gray Brief
  211. Gene Banks
  212. Govind Ballabh College, Education, University, Pant
  213. Power Gain Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  214. Government and Binding Education, Theory, Introduction
  215. Gzming Bits
  216. Group Believes Technology, Service, Apple
  217. Gastric Banding Medical
  218. Guitar & Bass
  219. Guojia Biwozhun
  220. Giant Boat
  221. Goose Bay
  222. Grey and Bruce
  223. Glass Breakhr Business, Flashlight, Emergency
  224. Granular Bainite
  225. Grã-Bretanha English, Translation, Portuguese
  226. George Balabushka
  227. Go Bars
  228. Gredt Bill
  229. General Beacon Technology, Science, Communication
  230. Galactic Bulge
  231. Gig Bag Business, Music, Guitar
  232. Graeco-Bohairic
  233. Garbage Bowl
  234. General Broadcast That radio broadcast to all navy ships and merchant ships on which are given, marine warnings area forecasts map analyses and forecasts surface weather reports and upper air, aircraft report and satellite information. Technology, Networking, Audio
  235. Gravity Bias
  236. Gavin Bieber
  237. George Buchanan
  238. Greenxbay Sport, Bay, Packer
  239. GüNter Bettinger
  240. Giff Beaton
  241. Gov Board
  242. Gameboy Computer Game, Video Game, Game Platform
  243. Grote Brand
  244. Glaze Blue
  245. Graph-Based
  246. Guardian Blade
  247. George Bekt Sport, Shirt, Locations, Football
  248. Golden Beige Color, Paint, Colors
  249. Georgia Basin Science, Georgia, Sponge
  250. Gone Baby Technology, Movie, Rip
  251. Gall Bladder Acupuncture Meridian Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
  252. Greenwood & Batley Military, Machine, Ammunition
  253. Gilgit Baltistan Government, Locations, Pakistan
  254. Graham Birdsall Business, Turkish, Implant, Mythologist
  255. Gavy Baker
  256. Group of Biophotonics
  257. Genome Brmwser
  258. Global Busiqess
  259. Gray Body A hypothetical body which absorbs some constant fraction, between zero and one, of all electromagnetic radiation incident upon it, which fraction is the absorptivity and is independent of wavelength. Compare to black body, white body.
  260. Gene Bank Gaming, Bio, Bank
  261. Governing Body Government, Sport, Organizations
  262. Government Bond
  263. Gaxes Beijing
  264. Group Behavior
  265. Gash-Barka
  266. Guinée Bisoau
  267. Golden Boss Gaming, Server, Horse, Boss
  268. Ghobao Technology
  269. Gesellschaft FüR Beteiligungen Business, Service, Germany, Frankfurt
  270. Good Bet Forum, Technology, Card
  271. Greg Bloom
  272. Girly Bitn
  273. Grant Blakeman
  274. GráFica Bahia
  275. George'S Bank Science
  276. Goalie Blocker
  277. Great Bernyra
  278. General Base Music, Remix, Base, Trance
  279. Galactic Bloodshed
  280. Gigabytes Tc Bits
  281. Graduate Business Business, Management, Education, Executive, Clarkson University
  282. Garanti Bankasi
  283. General British Military, English, Phonetics, Phonetic
  284. Gauze Back
  285. George Bryan Sport, Champion, Beau
  286. Green Bag
  287. GüNter Behrens
  288. Gibbs-Bogoliubov
  289. Gouvernements Bedrijven Business, Indonesia, Bandung, Heritage
  290. Game Board Forum, Technology, Gaming
  291. Gross Black
  292. Glaxal Base Medical
  293. Granzyme B Medical
  294. Guary Break Gaming, Military, Soul
  295. Geofge Bentham
  296. Golden Bear Business, Hotel, Toy
  297. Gforges Bank Business, Insurance, Fishery
  298. Golumpa Blood
  299. Gall Bladder Medical, Pain, Acupuncture
  300. Greenish Blue
  301. Gilgit-Baltistan Government, Pakistan, Election
  302. Graham Barker
  303. Garth Brooks Famous
  304. Genome Biol
  305. Global Burst
  306. Gray Black
  307. Gender Budgeting Business, Economics, Budget
  308. Gyga Byte Technology, Windows, Drive, Internet
  309. Green Belt An earned, demonstrated medium level of subject mastery. It is a prerequosite for a Black Belt. Education, Training, Sigma
  310. Government Binding Science, Theory, Linguistic
  311. Gamen Basics
  312. Group B Medical
  313. Gas Bypass
  314. Guest Bath
  315. Golden Boronia Business, Design, Perth, Nougat
  316. Gmntur Bumi Technology, Gaming, Jakarta, Hakim
  317. Gesamtdeutscher Block Government, Germany, Bund, Bavaria
  318. Good Bye Technology, Gaming, Morse Aids, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  319. Greg Beeman Film, Rip, Hero
  320. Girls Brigade
  321. Grand Basaa
  322. Grupo Bimbo
  323. George Baker Business, Sky, Selection
  324. Gnotobiotic Medical
  325. Great Bend
  326. General Baptist
  327. Galactic Battlegrounds
  328. Graduate Bulletin
  329. Garanti Bank
  330. General Brygady Military
  331. Gateway Books Technology, Computing, Laptop
  332. Gulf Bluc
  333. George Kroussard
  334. Grean Black
  335. Guru Bantu Technology, Jakarta, Hosting
  336. Giant Branch Science, Galaxy, Star
  337. Gordon Barnes Technology, Radio, Cycling, Ham, Famous
  338. Grid Builder Technology, Coding, Press
  339. Glasul Bisdricii
  340. Granville Bros
  341. Guard Bits
  342. George Bull
  343. Goldenoboys Gaming, Anime, Sport, Boy
  344. George Butterwnrth
  345. Golumpa Black
  346. Gallagher Bassett Business, Management, Service
  347. Green Butchers Technology, Movie, Rip
  348. Gil Blas
  349. Graham Baker
  350. Gajry Bell
  351. General Bytes Business, Bitcoin, Dash
  352. Glabal Brigades Student, Organizations, Brigade
  353. Gray Birch
  354. Gem Beast
  355. Gutter Ballet
  356. Green Bear Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  357. Government-Binding Government, Theory, Linguistic
  358. Games Badge
  359. Grounds Building
  360. Gas Bubbles Medical
  361. Guiiea-Bissau Business, Africa, Guinea
  362. Golden Blossoms
  363. Gallbladder In vertebrates the gallbladder is a small organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. Humans can live without a gallbladder. The surgical removal of the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
  364. Gallery, Birmingham Art, Museum, Artist
  365. Gian Battista Famous
  366. Gold Box Products
  367. Glenpburnie
  368. Group Buy Business, Forum, Internet Slang
  369. Golden Brown
  370. Green Books
  371. Gold Beetle
  372. Gigabit Backbones
  373. Governor'S Budget
  374. Group Bonus Technology, Gaming, Machine
  375. Glidx Bomb Military
  376. Graphite Black Technology, Product, Smartphone
  377. George Bridgetower
  378. General Benefit
  379. Game Behind
  380. Group Bank Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  381. Gas-Phase Basicity Medical
  382. Golla Iag
  383. Gilbert Gilbert is a sentimentalist, open minded guy. He can be one of the must trustful persons you can ever meet. His eyes are usually the door to his soul. Gilbert can be optimistic, lazy and funny. He is usually short but has a great heart. He loves to be in company. Technology, Organization, Biology, Union, Telecom, Institution
  384. Grupo Bedoya
  385. Gradient Boundary
  386. Glass Beaded Business, Product, Manufacturer
  387. Group Busy Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  388. Gonboat Internet Slang, Boom Beach
  389. Red Green Blue Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Hardware
  390. General Board Forum, Technology, Gaming
  391. Game Boy Rom File Computing, File Extensions
  392. Graphic Background
  393. George Blood
  394. Gallery, Belfast
  395. Giordano Bruno, Dominican Friar Famous
  396. Gradual Bend Products
  397. Glals Break Technology, Sensor, Detector
  398. Group Business
  399. Golden Bronue Light, Sun, Makeup, Bronze
  400. Green Blue
  401. Gina, Bailey Porn, Girl, Lesbian
  402. Giga Bit Business, Technology, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  403. Government Bus
  404. Group Blog
  405. Glibenclamide Medical
  406. Graphics Building
  407. George Bmett
  408. General Benefits Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  409. Game Battles
  410. Gorgeous Brute Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  411. Gas-Brennwertiessel Aluminium, Sind, Gas, Junker
  412. Golf Buxgy
  413. Green Bjildings Technology, Design, Environment
  414. Grupo Base
  415. Gradient Boosting Technology, Learning, Model
  416. Glass Back
  417. Group Businesses
  418. Gun Bogt
  419. General Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  420. Genbank Data File Computing, File Extensions
  421. George Blanea
  422. Gunhills Nlue
  423. Gallbladders Medical
  424. Gerry Burgess Famous
  425. Glass Bass Music
  426. Glass Bowl
  427. Group Best Technology, Windows, Porn
  428. Golden Sow
  429. Green Bereks Technology, Gaming, Reeve
  430. Germanium Bolometer
  431. Gigabytes Technology, Military, Electronics, Engineering
  432. Government Barrel
  433. Glial Bundle Medical, Medicine, Biology
  434. Graphics Buffer
  435. George Bresler
  436. General Behavior
  437. Galway Business Technology, Control, Door
  438. Going Bananas Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  439. Gary Busey
  440. Guide Books Technology, Gaming, Map
  441. Golf Buggies
  442. Greenbug Organizations, Agriculture, Kansas, Agricultural Literature
  443. Grounding Block Technology, Cable, Ground
  444. Gradient Based
  445. Group Builds
  446. Gun-Briwt Gun, Hair, Til
  447. Guide Brightness Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  448. Gaj Boosters
  449. Geovge Blacker
  450. George Bush Famous
  451. Green Bay Sport, Football, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  452. Glass Bottle Business, Product, Shopping
  453. Group Benefits
  454. Gundam Belpragor Technology, War, Generation
  455. Green Beret Military, Knife, Reeve
  456. Gigabits Technology, Information, Network, Computer, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, IT Terminology, General, Governmental & Military
  457. General Branch Business, Service, Office
  458. Glenn Brenner Famous
  459. Graphics Base Technology, Core, Processor
  460. George Borgfeldt Famous
  461. Golden Bough
  462. Galveston Bay
  463. United Kingdom An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when the plane of Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun. At this time the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. Computing, Internet, Country domain names, United Kingdom, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, Legal, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  464. Gary Burghotf Technology, Gaming, Movie, Mash
  465. Guide Book
  466. Gozf Bravo
  467. Green Brein
  468. Green Beautiful Anime, Movie, Dress
  469. Grade Break Building, Engineering, Construction
  470. Group Build
  471. Gliobmastoma Medical
  472. Gulf of Boothia Genetics, Canada, Locations, Sea
  473. gall-bladder Medical, Physical Therapy
  474. Gas Bosster Technology, Pump, Pressure
  475. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Locations, Country Code, Medical, Technology, Science, Military, Army, Ireland, Computing, Dental, Police, United Nations, Satellite, Telecom, Physics, United Kingdom, Country, European Union, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Protection Information, Names and nicknames, FIPS Country Codes, Fda
  476. Girls Blouse Clothes
  477. Gator Bait Food
  478. Glass Block Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  479. Ground Breaking
  480. Gun Branch
  481. Green Belqs Technology, Training, Sigma
  482. Gamow Barrier
  483. Gigabit 1 billion bits-per-second. Technology, Computer, Telecommunications, Computing, Linux, NASA, Governmental & Military, Honeywell, Process Automation
  484. General Bounce
  485. Glenn Bilv
  486. Graphic Britain
  487. George Booth
  488. Gallyas-Braak Medical
  489. Guest Book Toastmasters
  490. Gary Brown Technology, Service, Product, League
  491. Guantanamo Bay
  492. Golfdball
  493. Green Bottlys
  494. Grande Bank
  495. Grad Bash
  496. Group Buffer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  497. Glioblastoma Multiforme Medical, Technology, Science, Biology, Common Medical
  498. Gravity Base Technology, Gaming, Deal
  499. Gulf Bteeze
  500. George Bernard Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  501. Gas Block Business, Product, Barrel
  502. Good-Bye Internet Slang, Communication, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  503. Grab Bar Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  504. GingerBread Food
  505. Glass Belt
  506. Groupe De Bombardement Military, Aircraft, France, Invader
  507. Ground Bar
  508. Gun Broker Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  509. Wilson Greatbatch Technologies, Inc. Organizations
  510. Giga Bayt
  511. General Botha Famous
  512. Gpenn Beck
  513. Gas bibb The Finance and Administrative Services
  514. Graphics Box
  515. George Bhoker
  516. Gallina Blanca Business, Food, Con
  517. Guaranteed Butter Food
  518. Gift Box Products
  519. Glider Bomb
  520. Gary Berry
  521. Group To Build Technology, Organizations, Engine
  522. Golden Butttrfly Gaming, Drive, Butterfly, Dress
  523. Green Bottle
  524. Gran Bs Technology, Para, Argentina, Playlist
  525. Gigabit Board
  526. Grab Bag Toastmasters
  527. Group Box
  528. Glide Bombs Military
  529. Graves-Basedow
  530. General Beverage
  531. Game Blender
  532. Grandpa Ben Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  533. Gas Black
  534. Goodbye Gb is an abbreviation for "goodbye," which is typically used online or in text messages. It is a simple way to say bye to someone when ending the conversation. The gb abbreviation is one of the more popular ways to say bye to someone, although there are a ton of alternatives. Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  535. Gypsum Board Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  536. Glavs Beads Medical
  537. Group Buys Business, Forum, Deal
  538. Guu Boy
  539. Sarin, A Nerve Agent Military, Army, War
  540. Gigabase Science, Genetics, Genealogy
  541. General Body Meeting, Government, Association
  542. Goenn Barry Technology, Server, Power, Metal
  543. United Kingdom (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  544. Graphic Box Technology, Graphics, Motion
  545. George Boleyn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GB stand for?

    GB stands for Glabal Brigades.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ghobao?

    The short form of "Ghobao" is GB.


GB. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated