GB in Technology Meaning

The GB meaning in Technology terms is "Gigabyte". There are 85 related meanings of the GB Technology abbreviation.

GB on Technology Full Forms

  1. Gigabyte A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 9th power, or one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes and precedes the terabyte unit of measurement. Hard drive sizes are typically measured in gigabytes, such as a 160GB or 250GB drive. The term gigabyte is often often abbreviated as simply a "gig" in speech.
  2. Guo Biao
  3. Green Building
  4. Grib Bar
  5. Gita Bakri
  6. Governing Board
  7. Giga Bytes
  8. Google Bojks
  9. Ground Based
  10. Gigm Bits
  11. Global Bus
  12. Ground-Based
  13. Gain-Bandwidth
  14. Global Brain
  15. Grey Black
  16. Green Butchers
  17. Gateway Books
  18. Good, The Bad
  19. General Building
  20. Gamp Business
  21. Guru Bantu
  22. Gate Bias
  23. Gone Baby
  24. General Broadcast That radio broadcast to all navy ships and merchant ships on which are given, marine warnings area forecasts map analyses and forecasts surface weather reports and upper air, aircraft report and satellite information.
  25. Grafik Bellek
  26. Game Board
  27. Ghobao
  28. Gas Buang
  29. Glosqy Black
  30. Group Believes
  31. Generator Breaker
  32. Gmntur Bumi
  33. Giga-Bytes
  34. Ground Benign
  35. Gordon Barnes
  36. Galicia Bank
  37. Gunship Battle
  38. Giga-Byte
  39. Ground, Benign
  40. Good Bet
  41. Galbraith Building
  42. Giant Bomb
  43. Grid Builder
  44. General Beacon
  45. Good Bye
  46. Gyga Byte
  47. Guillfin Barre
  48. Gentle Beam
  49. Garrett and Bijly
  50. Iso Country Code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  51. Group Busy
  52. Glals Break
  53. Graphic Box
  54. Gigabits
  55. Green Bjildings
  56. Gallbladder In vertebrates the gallbladder is a small organ where bile is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. Humans can live without a gallbladder. The surgical removal of the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy.
  57. Guide Books
  58. Group Bonus
  59. Glass Block
  60. Gigabit 1 billion bits-per-second.
  61. Green Bereks
  62. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  63. Gypsum Board
  64. Group To Build
  65. Gradient Boosting
  66. Galway Business
  67. Green Belqs
  68. Gilbert Gilbert is a sentimentalist, open minded guy. He can be one of the must trustful persons you can ever meet. His eyes are usually the door to his soul. Gilbert can be optimistic, lazy and funny. He is usually short but has a great heart. He loves to be in company.
  69. Gas Bosster
  70. Grounding Block
  71. Group Best
  72. Glioblastoma Multiforme
  73. General Board
  74. Gravity Base
  75. Gary Burghotf
  76. Gran Bs
  77. Goenn Barry
  78. General Block
  79. Gundam Belpragor
  80. Graphite Black
  81. Gary Brown
  82. Red Green Blue
  83. Giga Bit
  84. Graphics Base
  85. Gigabytes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GB stand for Technology?

    GB stands for Garrett and Bijly in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gateway Books in Technology?

    The short form of "Gateway Books" is GB for Technology.


GB in Technology. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated