GBB Meaning

The GBB meaning is "Gaz Blow Back". The GBB abbreviation has 37 different full form.

GBB Full Forms

  1. Gaz Blow Back
  2. Gas Blow Back Business, Rifle, Airsoft, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  3. Gershman, Brickner & Bratton Business, Market, Waste
  4. Gdand Bali Beach
  5. Green, Beige, and Blacb Color, Paint
  6. Génération Boys Bznd
  7. Gipuzko Buru Batzar
  8. Greatercbendigo Brass
  9. Green Busxness Bureau Technology, Certification, Environment
  10. Gipuzko Buru Batzarra
  11. Gas Blow-Back Business, Rifle, Airsoft
  12. Greater Bay Banclrp
  13. Global Business Blueprint
  14. Gilchrist Business Brokers
  15. Great Big Bertha
  16. Glass Bottomkboat Medical
  17. Giant Batch Bowl
  18. Grpat Basin Basketmakers
  19. Gershman, Brickner and Bratton
  20. Gesellschaft FüR Berufliche Bildung Berlin, Deutschland, Mail
  21. Great Bahama Bank Business, Gas, Airsoft, Pistol
  22. Green Bay Blizzard
  23. Gallagher Business Buildinm
  24. Green, Beige, and Black Colors
  25. Gross Balmast Bonus Business, Cargo Shipping
  26. Global Aviation Operations Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  27. Groninger Bodem Beweging Door, Gas, Earthquake
  28. Global Bulk Byg
  29. Greg Billingsiband
  30. Qabala International Airpoet Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  31. Green Bottle Bluy
  32. Guests Behaving Badly
  33. Gabala International, Gabala, Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  34. Green Belg Bank
  35. Gudang Bahan Baku Technology, Gaming, Inventory
  36. Guest Book Buddy Computing, Internet
  37. Ground Bus Bar Technology, Power, Enclosure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GBB stand for?

    GBB stands for Gudang Bahan Baku.

  2. What is the shortened form of Great Big Bertha?

    The short form of "Great Big Bertha" is GBB.


GBB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated