GBD Meaning

The GBD meaning is "Globalmburden of Disease Study". The GBD abbreviation has 60 different full form.

GBD Full Forms

  1. Globalmburden of Disease Study Medical
  2. Glove Box Door Products
  3. Grand Bastard Deluxe
  4. Gamut Boundarv Descriptions
  5. Georgia Board of Dentistry
  6. Green Beer Day
  7. Global Business Drivers Business, Driving, Corporation
  8. Grain Boundary Diffusion
  9. Gamma-Ray Burst Detector
  10. Golden Budge Dragon
  11. Genomy Browser Database
  12. Green Bee Designs
  13. Global Business Dimensions
  14. Grain-Boundary-Diffusion
  15. Gaming Business Directory Gaming, Play, Pastime
  16. Golden Brown Delicious Food, Washington, Doughnut
  17. Graves Brothers Deluxe
  18. Generalized Benders Decomposition Technology, Programming, Optimization
  19. Global Business Directory
  20. Grace Based Discipline
  21. Gallbladder Disease Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Physiology
  22. Golden Brown and Delicious Food, Recipe, Chicken
  23. Graphics By Design
  24. Gao Bei Dign
  25. Global Business Development Business, Service, Projection
  26. Guaranteed By Design
  27. Great Bend Municipal Airport Great Bend, Kansas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  28. Golden, Brown and Delicious Food, Recipe, Chicken
  29. Graphic By Design
  30. Ganneval, Bondiek and Donninger
  31. Gerakan Bannung Disiplin
  32. Gtpase Binding Domain Medical, Science, Biology
  33. Global Burden of Disease Medical, Nutrition, Psychiatry
  34. Glucan Binding Domain Medical
  35. Granulomatous Bowel Disease Medical, Medicine, Biology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  36. Ganeval, Boundier and Donninger
  37. Geospatial Big Data Business, Drone, Globe
  38. Gruppe Bau Dornbirn
  39. Gawgnam Business District
  40. Golfers Business Directory
  41. Ground Branch Director Computing, Hardware
  42. Government Business Division Business, Economics, Economic
  43. Iata Code for Hreat Bend Municipal Airport, Great Bend, Kansas, United States Locations
  44. Ground Based Data Computing, Hardware
  45. Gothic Belly Dance
  46. Guys Being Duues Music, Dude, Podcast, Guy
  47. Great Britain Dammit Funnies
  48. Gospel Based Discipleship
  49. Gmitar, Bass & Drums
  50. Gradn Bridging Degradation
  51. Gospel-Based Discipleship
  52. Grace-Based Discipline
  53. Grajn Boundary Dislocation
  54. Gorenjska BorznoposredniŠKa DruŽBa
  55. Great Bend Municipal Airport, Great Bend, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas, ICAO Airport Codes
  56. Government Business Day Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  57. Gaziantep Bisikletçjleri Derneği Program, Music, Tube
  58. Google Book Downloader
  59. Great Bend Muni Airport Faa Airport Codes
  60. Government Business Divisionsion Business, Economics, Economic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GBD stand for?

    GBD stands for Golden Brown and Delicious.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grajn Boundary Dislocation?

    The short form of "Grajn Boundary Dislocation" is GBD.


GBD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated