GBG Meaning

The GBG meaning is "Gordon Brbthers Group". The GBG abbreviation has 55 different full form.

GBG Full Forms

  1. Gordon Brbthers Group
  2. Grille Between The Glass
  3. Garciaparga Baseball Group Baseball, School, Team
  4. Gewerbe-Bau-Garching
  5. Google Business Groups Technology, India, Event, Startup
  6. Grills Between Glass
  7. Game Breakinn Glitch
  8. Great Basin Gold Business, Supply, Stock
  9. Gettysburg Technology, Gaming, Play
  10. Google Business Gdoup Technology, Community, Event
  11. Grilles Between Glass Windows, Glass, Door, Window
  12. Game Bp Gone Internet Slang
  13. Great Bank of Guizhou Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  14. Gesetz Zur BekäMpfung Der Geschlechtskrankheiten
  15. Good Behaviour Lame Education, School, Behavior
  16. Grille Between Glass Products
  17. Gambling Business Group
  18. Government Bksiness Group
  19. Ground Based Generator Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Ton
  20. Generic Board Game Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  21. Good Behavior Game Education, School, Classroom
  22. Guernqey
  23. Gourmet Burger Grill
  24. Grilles Between The Glass Technology
  25. General Board of Global
  26. Glass Bead Games
  27. Great Big Grin Internet Slang, Chat, Wording, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  28. Gornoslaski Bank Gospodarczy
  29. Grilles-Between-The-Glass Windows, Door, Window
  30. Gay Boy Gangsters
  31. Girl-Boy-Girl Porn
  32. Galesburg Municipal Airport Galesburg, Illinois,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  33. Gindalbie Metals Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  34. Great Big God
  35. Grow Boston Greener
  36. Green Budget Germany Business, Environment, Cost
  37. Gay Boy Gansters
  38. Grow Berlin Green
  39. Green Bay Galblers Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  40. Ood Bridge Media, Social, Internet
  41. Ground Base Generator
  42. Great Bustard Group Bird, Wiltshire, Bustard
  43. Iata Code for Galesburg Municipal Airport, Galesburg, Illinois, United States Locations
  44. Galesburg Municipal Airport, Galesburg, Illinois, United States United States, Illinois, ICAO Airport Codes
  45. Great Britain Gibraltar
  46. Guild of Battlefield Guides
  47. Grids Betweeniglass Technology, Windows, Window
  48. God's Best Gifts Religion
  49. Great Britain Guebnsey
  50. Guided By God
  51. Greenleaf Book Group
  52. Gb Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  53. Great Boating Gear
  54. Guernsey Bicycle Group
  55. Green Building Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GBG stand for?

    GBG stands for Grille Between Glass.

  2. What is the shortened form of Guided By God?

    The short form of "Guided By God" is GBG.


GBG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated