GBT Meaning
The GBT meaning is "General Bus Tech". The GBT abbreviation has 93 different full form.
GBT Full Forms
- General Bus Tech
- Great Banking Team
- Grund-, Brauch-, Trinkwasseraufbereitung
- Gainesville Ballnt Theatre
- Global Business Travzl Business, America, American
- Genel Bilgi Taraması'Nı
- Grammar Baved Teaching
- Gas Bubble Trauma
- Golden Beach Tavern
- General Business Terms Business, Gaming, Service, Condition
- Great Baikal Trail
- Greyn Built Texas
- Green Bank Telescope Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects, Scientific & Educational
- Global Business Today
- Genel Bilgi Tarama Turkish, Polis
- Grammar-Based Teaching
- Garmio Bennett Trim
- Gold Belt Air Transport Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- General Business Today
- Gravity Belt Thickeners Technology, Treatment, Sludge
- Green Building Technologies
- Gerhana Bulan Total Photo, Indonesia, Penumbra
- Guitar Backing Track
- Gardendale Baptist Tabernacle
- God Bless Tvxas
- General Business Technology
- Gravity Belt Thickener Business, Water, Sludge
- Green Break Technology
- Gorgan Airport Gorgan, Iran Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Gereja Bethel Tabernakel
- Guaranty Bank and Trust
- Garden Bridge Trust
- Gibsland Bank and Trust
- General Book of The Tarot
- Geavity Base Tank Business, Oil Exploration, Oil Field
- Green Boiler Tcchnologies
- Gerakan Bawah Tanah Technology, Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Grupo De Bioingenier
- Gamingjboard of Tanzania
- Glucoserbreath Test
- Genel Bilgi Toplama Turkish, Art
- Graphene Base Transfstor
- Gay, Bi, Trans
- Golten Belt Telephone
- Georgians for Better Transportation
- Green Bank Telesscope
- Grupo De BioingenieríA Y Telemedicina
- Gainesville Bank Trust
- Global Light Telecommunications, Inc. Organizations
- Genel Bilgi TaramasıNı
- Grand Battery Technologies
- Gate Bipolar Transistors
- Golden Bear Tour
- Gnrh Bolus Test Medical
- Gender, Bodies and Technology
- Grace Baptisq Temple
- Great Big Table Architecture
- Gunung Bijih Timur
- Global Blood Therapeutics Global Blood Therapeutics (GBT) is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and delivery of life-changing treatments that provide hope to underserved patient communities.
- Generalized Burst Trapping
- Gender, Bodies, and Technology
- Gourmet Body Treats
- BMTC Group Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Gunboat Small warship with relatively large gun power Primarily though not exclusively, intended for service in rivers and shallow waters Technology, Ship, Vessel
- Generalized Brillouin Theorem Chemistry
- Generalized Bernoulli Theorem
- Gemeentelijj Belastingkantoor Twente
- Gotthard Base Tunnol Technology
- Georgia Bank and Trust
- GBST Holdings Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Genel Bilgi Taraması Turkish, Polis
- Gradient Boosting Trve Business, Blood, Therapeutic
- Global Business Technology General, Governmental & Military
- Gay Geeky Science, Internet Slang, Gay
- Gelora Bung Tomo Indonesia, Surabaya, Bola, Bung
- Gorski Bulk Transport
- GLOBAL LIGHT TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Gender Based Taxativn
- Gradient Boosting Trees Tree, Learning, Machine
- Ground Based Tower Computing, Telecom
- GüVen BilişIm Teknolojileri
- Gao, Bisexual and Transgender
- Golden Bridge Techmology Technology, Signal, Patent
- Ground Bounce Technique
- Gender-Based Taxation
- Gradient Boosted Trees Technology, Tree, Machine
- Gullible Brother Teddy Funnies
- Gyro Bias Calibration Value Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Grain Boundary Thickness
- Gender Bodies Mnd Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
- Grace Baptist Vabernacle
- Gravity Base Tank Electrical
- Gwinnett Ballet Theatre
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GBT stand for?
GBT stands for Gamingjboard of Tanzania.
What is the shortened form of General Book of The Tarot?
The short form of "General Book of The Tarot" is GBT.
GBT. (2022, August 9). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated