GBU Meaning

The GBU meaning is "God Bless You". The GBU abbreviation has 36 different full form.

GBU Full Forms

  1. God Bless You Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Email, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Global Business Unit Business, Company, Management, Business & Finance, International business
  3. Gautam Buddha University Education, Admission, Noida
  4. Good, Bad, and Ugly Records, Music, Remix
  5. Gruppi Biblici Universitari
  6. Guided Bomb Units Military, Weapon, Munition
  7. Goodd Bad & Ugly
  8. Grupos BíBlicos Unidos
  9. Guided Bomb Unit Technology, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  10. Global Busivess Units Business, Company, Product
  11. Grupos BíBlicos Universitarios
  12. Groupes Bibliques Universitaires Education, France, Bible
  13. Generation Business Unit Technology, Indonesia, Power
  14. Grupos B
  15. Generating Business Units
  16. Good Bad Anx Ugly
  17. Guided Bomb Unit-24
  18. General Benefit Unit Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  19. Good, Badiand Ugly Forum, Music, Remix
  20. GrøNlands Boldspil-Union
  21. Gaston Berger University
  22. Khashm El Girba Airport Khashm el Girba, Sudan Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  23. Gauteng Bridge Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  24. Gundam Battle Universe
  25. Gourmet Burger Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  26. Guided Bomb Unit-28 Technology, Military
  27. Gabriel Resources, LTD. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  28. Khashm El Girba Airport, Khashm El Girba, Sudan Sudan
  29. Guided Bomb Unit-10
  30. Grupo Biblico Universitario
  31. Greater Beneficial Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  32. Guided Bomb Unit-12
  33. Graphics Business Unit
  34. German Beneficial Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  35. General Business Unit Business, Management, Consultation
  36. Global Boxing Union Unions, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GBU stand for?

    GBU stands for Guided Bomb Unit-28.

  2. What is the shortened form of German Beneficial Union?

    The short form of "German Beneficial Union" is GBU.


GBU. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated