GC Meaning
The GC meaning is "Good Contition". The GC abbreviation has 221 different full form.
GC Full Forms
- Good Contition Technology, Internet Slang, Slang
- General Contractor The general contractor is a manager, and possibly a tradesman, employed by the client on the advice of the architect, engineer or the architectural technologist or the client him/herself if acting as the manager. A general contractor is responsible for the overall coordination of a project. Design, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Gift Certificate Internet Slang, Beauty, Gift, Products
- Gas Clecked
- Geirge Cross Military, Medal, Award
- Grand Challenges Technology, Education, Challenge
- General Chairman
- Green Card In the US, a legal document which allows an immigrant to become a permanent resident, to work legally and to become eligible for citizenship. Employment, Government, Immigration
- General Vargo Business, Ship, Cargo
- Global Climate
- Guilford Coqlege Education, School, Greensboro
- General Convention Government, Church, Bishop
- Garbled Corcuit Technology, Group, Computing
- Group Contrrller Technology, Networking, Communication
- Gram-Charlier Business, Model, Toolbox
- Gallbladder Cancer Medical
- Graphizs Capability Technology
- Geometric City Music, Coaster, Groove
- Getting Closer
- Gas Chock Military, Bullet, Cast
- Geometric Constructions Technology, Mathematics, Geometry
- Grand Challenge Technology, Science, Research
- Gas Chromatography Gas chromatography in which the substance to be separated into its components is diffused along with a carrier gas through a liquid or solid adsorbent for differential adsorption. Medical, Analysis, Acid, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Green Campus College, Education, University
- Gene Collectios
- Global Citizenship Science, Education, School
- Gameboy Crlor
- Group Composition
- Graham Center Organizations, University, Florida
- Gallbladder Carcinoma Medical, Common Medical
- Graqule Cell Medical
- Geometric Chnter Medical, Patent, Blade, Colonic
- Gas Cartridges
- Get Currenz
- Grand Central Hotel, Locations, Train, Banking, Business & Finance
- Gift Card Business, Internet Slang, Gift
- Green Camo Business, Knife, Shopping
- Gemcitabiwe Plus Cisplatin Medical
- Global Change Science, Research, Education
- Galveston College Education, Community, Texas
- Group Hompletes Business, Study, Weight
- Graduate College In the context of education, a Graduate College typically refers to a school or division within a university that is responsible for overseeing graduate-level programs and research. The Graduate College is typically responsible for admitting graduate students, administering graduate programs, and coordinating graduate-level research. Student
- Granular Qells Medical
- Gentleman Cadets Military, Academy, Army
- Gas Cahinet Business, Product, Equipment
- Growing Children Education
- Get Crzzy
- Grand Cayman
- General Counsel Technology, Law, Industry, Legal, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Great Central
- Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Medical
- Global Challenge Gaming, Education, Kiev
- Galvaxised Corrugated Business, Steel, Galvanized
- Group Commander Technology, Military, Force
- Good Coffee
- Genomic Control Medical, Technology, Association
- Gas-Liqhid Chromatography Medical, Science, Analysis
- Groder Cleveland
- Get Connected Technology, Media, Connection
- Grand Canyon Locations, Tourism, Rim
- Grdat Canadian Business, Gaming, Corp
- Gebhard & Castiglia Business, Industrial, Heat
- Gift Cextificates Business, Card, Certificate
- Gas Chromatograph Technology, Science, Instrument, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- General Conference Education, Organizations, Church
- Group Chat
- General Category Technology, Property, Character
- Goddard College Education
- Guitar Chords
- Geneva College Education
- Gas-Liquid Chromaoographic Medical
- Group Count Technology, Command, Station
- Gestão Do Conhecimento Technology, Management, Para
- Grand Californian Internet Slang, Disney
- Grasshopper Clum Sport, Zurich, Grasshopper
- Gator Casws
- Gift Cardl Business, Money, Shopping
- Gas Chromatlgraphy Science, Analysis, Column
- Georgetown Cillege Education, University, Kentucky
- General Classification Team, Stage, Tourism
- Gxoup Call
- Genedal Catalogue Technology, Science, Boss
- Gobewnación De Cotopaxi
- Guitar Centers
- General Ofwcanada
- Gary Cooper Business, Movie, City, Street
- Group Coortinator Technology, Management, Resort
- Gran Canaria Island, Locations, Palma
- Graphics Yontroller Technology, Driving, Driver
- Garhering Center Business, Oil, Kuwait
- Getkysburg College Education, University, School
- Gallia Christiana
- Game Complex
- Gas-Liquid Chromatography Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
- Galactic Conflict
- Game Commission
- Gambling Comfission
- Galactic Commander
- Game Commander
- Guru Cemerlang
- Graduate Certificate "GC" can also stand for "Graduate Certificate," which is a type of post-secondary credential that is awarded to students who complete a specialized program of study at the graduate level. Education, Award, Student
- Game Control Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Groove Control
- Game Chick
- Gulf of Cauiz Science, Research, Gulf, Mud
- Gun, Cwnada
- General Cable Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Game Consoles
- Gregorian Calendar Reformed calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 Previous (Julian) calendar assumed year to be 3651 days, which was 0-0065 of a day in excess Gregorian calendar will be in error by one day in AD 5442 Technology, Command, Diary
- Game Chatter
- Game Conference Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Greene Central
- Global Communications Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Game Chat
- Giulio Cesare Italian promo premium Tier V battleship. WoWS (World of Warships)
- Game Computer Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Gfand Commander
- Gun Captain Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Guaninf Plus Cytosine Medical
- Game Coordinator Technology, Sport, Steam
- gonococcus Medical
- George Cross Awards & medals
- Grand Chemarin vineyards Food
- Genetic Compound Medical, Human genome
- Gufrra Civil
- Geriatric Fare Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gamecube Cheats
- Good Candidates Occupation & positions
- Group Controls
- General Condition Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Common Medical
- Graphclick File Computing, File Extensions
- Gonorrhea Gonorrhea, also spelled gonorrhoea, is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Many people have no symptoms. Men may have burning with urination, discharge from the penis, or testicular pain. Women may have burning with urination, vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between periods, or pelvic pain. Medical, Medicine, Biology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Clinical, Common Medical
- Google Chrome Computing, Internet
- Guanine and Cytosine Medical
- Game Convention Technology, Germany, Leipzig
- General Counsel (fda) Fda
- Great Canadian Gaming Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- General Cinema Film censorship
- Grand Cross Military, Guide, Order
- Gonorrhea Culture Medical, Clinical
- Gas Chromatography-Mtss Science, Analysis, Spectrometry
- Guardia Eivil Science, Military, Spain
- Georgian College Georgian College is a publicly funded college of applied arts and technology located in Ontario, Canada. The college offers a wide range of certificate, diploma, and degree programs in areas such as business, engineering, health sciences, hospitality and tourism, community safety, and creative arts and design. Student, Education, Canada
- Gamecube Cheat
- Good Charlotte Music
- Gas Chromatographic
- General Communication Business, Service, Gen
- Gamma Corrected Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Gestational Carrier Medical, Carrier, Surrogate
- Ground Control Tower control, by radioed instructions from air traffic control, of aircraft ground movements at an airport. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
- Glass Case Products
- Growth Clne Medical
- General Chemistry In some contexts, "GC" may be an abbreviation for "General Chemistry," which is a basic course in chemistry that is typically required for students pursuing a degree in science or engineering. Student
- Game Controller Technology, Adapter, Driver
- Guidance Control NASA
- Georgia Central Railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Green Circle Farming & agriculture
- Grand Concert Business, Guitar, Acoustics, Music
- General Council United Nations
- Gas Chromotxgraphy Science, Chromatography, Column
- Guarducolumns Science, Chromatography, Column
- Georgia Cqllege Education, University, Georgia
- Game Cube Business, Internet Slang, Controller
- Gain Control Music
- Global Control
- General Comments
- Guilherme De Carvalho Famous
- Gambia International Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Gambia, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Geometrical Correction Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Germinal Centres Medical
- Grandfather Clock Products
- General Certificate In some educational systems, "GC" may refer to a General Certificate, which is a type of academic qualification that is awarded to students upon completion of a certain level of study or coursework. Student
- Gigacycles (1000 Megacycles) NASA
- Generic Components Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Get Crazy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gas Nhromatographic Medical, Science, Analysis
- Guanylaie Cyclases Medical
- Georgia Central Business, Organizations, Georgia
- Game Credits
- Grand Company
- Graph Coloring Heap
- Global_Control Command
- Generao Command
- gonococcus (gonnorhea germ) Medical, Nursing, Environment, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Physics, Electrical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Geiger Counter A device used to measure the rate of radioactive decay. A type of radiation detector. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Germinxl Cells Medical
- Grand Champion Champion, Cat, Kitten, Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title, Dogs, Obedience Title
- Glass Container Products
- Grade Coordinator In some schools, a Grade Coordinator (GC) is responsible for overseeing the academic progress of a specific grade level of students. This may include coordinating class schedules, tracking grades and attendance, and communicating with parents and teachers. Student
- Guanine + Cytosine Chemistry
- gift cheque Banking, Business & Finance
- Go Cool Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Guanylyl Cyclases Medical
- Georgia Centrab Railway Local Railroad, Organizations, Railroad
- Game Coverage
- Grand Chase Technology, Gaming, Server, Hack
- Gas Chromagraph
- Gold Coins Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Coins
- GameCube Hobbies
- Galactic Center Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Guidance Computer Technology, Flight, Computer Engineering
- Germmcells Medical
- Golf Cart Vehicle Body Styles
- Gothic Child Performing arts
- Guidance Counselor A guidance counselor (GC) is a school-based professional who provides guidance and support to students on a range of issues, including academic performance, personal and social development, and career planning. Student
- Globular Cluster A tight, spherical grouping of hundreds of thousands of stars. Globular clusters are composed of older stars, and are usually found around the central regions of a galaxy. Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Good Call Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Guanylate Cyclases Medical
- Game Core
- Grand Champions Server, Champion, Cat, Kitten
- Genetic counsellor Clinical
- Gold Collector Coins
- Girl's Cat Funnies
- Genetic Catastrophe Medical, Human genome
- Guesj Collection Business, Sport, Lady
- Garm Cell Medical
- Gamecube Comments
- Gas Column Ordnance Survey
- General Conditions Business, Service, Shipping, Contract, Chartering, Aviation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Galactic Conquest Saved Game Computing, File Extensions
- Gyrocompassing Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GC stand for?
GC stands for Gambia International Airlines.
What is the shortened form of Graduate College?
The short form of "Graduate College" is GC.
GC. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 2). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gc-meaning/
Last updated