GCA in Technology Meaning

The GCA meaning in Technology terms is "Game Control Adapter". There are 35 related meanings of the GCA Technology abbreviation.

GCA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Game Control Adapter Game Control Adapter In IBM personal computers and compatibles, a circuit that processes input signals at a game port. Devices such as joysticks and game paddles use potentiometers to represent their positions as varying voltage levels; the Game Control Adapter converts these levels to numbers using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). also analog-to-digital converter, game port, potentiometer.
  2. Ground Control Approach
  3. Grid Computing & Applications
  4. Global Communication Association
  5. Group Control Approach
  6. Grand Canyon Aiplines
  7. Gas Compressor Association
  8. Global Chipcard Alliance
  9. Gyro Compass Assembly
  10. Garden Club of America
  11. Government Quality Assurance
  12. Gain-Controlled Amplifier
  13. Global Cybersecurity Agenda
  14. Guidance Coupler Assembly
  15. General Combinint Ability
  16. Global Cyber Alliance
  17. Guidance and Control Assembly
  18. Grid Computing and Applications
  19. Global Customer Audit
  20. Guest Controller Approval
  21. Grants & Contracts Accounting
  22. Great Canadian Appathon
  23. Gradual Channel Xpproximation
  24. Great Campaigns of The American Civil War
  25. German Cockpiy Association
  26. Ground Carrier Assembly
  27. Graphics Communication Association
  28. Gasket Gutters Association
  29. Gross Cropped Area
  30. Graphics Communications Association
  31. Gas Cooperation Agreemfnt
  32. Gross Command Area
  33. Graphic Communication Association
  34. Gas Control Asseably
  35. Gas Conditioning Assembly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GCA stand for Technology?

    GCA stands for Gross Cropped Area in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gasket Gutters Association in Technology?

    The short form of "Gasket Gutters Association" is GCA for Technology.


GCA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 13). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gca-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated