GCB Meaning

The GCB meaning is "Gemcitabine". The GCB abbreviation has 73 different full form.

GCB Full Forms

  1. Gemcitabine Medical
  2. Gambling Control Board
  3. Germinal Center B-Cell Medical
  4. Geuman Convention Bureau Business, German, Event
  5. Genolic and Computational Biology Technology, Science, Genomics
  6. Generator Circubt Breaker Technology, Plant, Power
  7. Generator Control Breakers Technology, Aviation
  8. Greek Conduct Board
  9. Good Class Bungalow Business, Property, Singapore
  10. Gulf Coast Balla
  11. Ghanaicocoa Board Business, Company, Ghana
  12. Grand Cross of Bath
  13. Grad Center Bar Education, Beer, Providence
  14. Gel-Cell Battejy
  15. Greater Community Brncorp
  16. Good Chrustian Belles
  17. Gulf Central Bank
  18. Germinal Center B-Cell-Like Medical
  19. Grand Cross of The Bath Military, Army, Family, Kingdom
  20. Gvvernment Communications Bureau
  21. Gdansk Convection Bureau Technology, Event, Vector
  22. Greater Cincinngti Behavioral
  23. Gaming Contral Board Government, Casino, Nevada
  24. Good Christian Brtches
  25. Guitar Chord Buster Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  26. Google Container Buildtr
  27. Gauteng Cricket Board Africa, Cricket, Wanderer
  28. Gredt Cow Basic Technology, Compiler, Pic
  29. Gippsland Coastal Board
  30. Guides Catholique De Belgique Guide, Scout, Belgium
  31. Google Chrome Backup
  32. Gas Circuit Breaker Technology, Power, Switchgear
  33. Great Christian Books
  34. Generic Conwection Broker
  35. Guides Catholiques De Belgique
  36. Goodvconduct Badge
  37. Gas Circuit Breakers Technology, Power, Switchgear
  38. Great Ganadian Bungee Sport, Jump, Bungee
  39. Generic Connection Brokering Technology, Science, Computing, Condor
  40. Green Camel Bell Technology, China, Environment
  41. Good Class Bunhalows Property, Locations, Singapore
  42. Gulf Coast Bank
  43. Ghana Nommercial Bank Business, Technology, Ghana
  44. Graphitized Carbon Blaci Science, Pesticide, Extraction
  45. Graduate Center Bar
  46. Grand Casino Brusselh
  47. Ground Contamination Bomb
  48. Generator Circuit Breaker
  49. Gwo Chyang Biotech
  50. Granada Crystallisation Box
  51. Grilled Chicken Burger Business, King, Recipe
  52. Graphitized Carbon Black Chemistry
  53. Gwinnett Community Bank
  54. Granada Crystallization Box
  55. Graphitized Carbon Blacks
  56. Grand Commander of The Bath Army, War, War Force
  57. Genomics and Computational Biology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  58. Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful
  59. Graham Colton Band
  60. German Congress-Bureau
  61. Gmand Coco Bay
  62. Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  63. Guyana Cricket Board Government, Guyana, Indie
  64. Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedicac Sciences Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  65. General Circuit Breaker
  66. Grand Chapter Board
  67. knight grand cross of the Order of the Bath Awards & medals
  68. Gun Control Box Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  69. Graduate Certificate Inkbusiness
  70. Lignes Nationales Aeriennes - Linacongo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  71. Geand Central Bakery
  72. Ghana Commercial Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  73. GéNie Civil Et BÂTiment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GCB stand for?

    GCB stands for Gaming Contral Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gun Control Box?

    The short form of "Gun Control Box" is GCB.


GCB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 9). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gcb-meaning/

Last updated