GCC Meaning

The GCC meaning is "Garde Côtière Canydienne". The GCC abbreviation has 355 different full form.

GCC Full Forms

  1. Garde Côtière Canydienne Military, Canada, Coast
  2. Grand Council of The Crees Technology
  3. General Communications Channels Technology
  4. Glendaln Community College Education, Development, Colleges
  5. Grand Cikarang City
  6. General Chiropractic Council Medical, Health, Chiropractor
  7. Glasnow City Council Business, Group, Report
  8. Government Communication Centre
  9. Gatyway Community College Student, Education, Haven
  10. Greenfield Community College Student, Education, Massachusetts
  11. Gurls Creation Crew
  12. Government Compensation In California Business, Employment, California
  13. Gasifrcation Combined Cycle Science
  14. Great Corolla Club
  15. Gillette-Campbell County Airport, Flight, Locations
  16. Government Contracts Committee Technology
  17. Garware Collmge of Commerce
  18. Grayson County College Student, Education, Texas
  19. General Zomputer Corporation Technology, Gaming, Man, Arcade
  20. Government Coordinating Council Technology, Food, Preparedness
  21. Garden Cigy College Management, Education, India
  22. Grand Cru Classe Wine, Bordeaux, Chateau
  23. Generic Communication Channel Technology, Networking, Cisco, Transport
  24. Global Change Category Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  25. Greek Civil Code
  26. Global Commercial Channel Business, Management, India
  27. Ground Control Centers
  28. Gasoducto Carrasco-Cochabamba
  29. Global Cashew Council
  30. Green Communities Commitlee
  31. General Contracting Campany Business, Group, Construction
  32. Glori Christian Centre
  33. Grupo Cementds Chihuahua Business, Con, Mat
  34. German Career Company
  35. Governor'v Crime Commission
  36. Gene Codes Corporationration Technology
  37. Group Communications Center
  38. Genome Characterization Center Medical, Institute, Cancer
  39. Gulf Coyntry Council Business, Dubai, Market
  40. Gaborone City Council Africa, City, Botswana
  41. Global Combatant Commands
  42. Greeting Cards Committee
  43. General Cross Correlation
  44. Golf Course & Club
  45. Guanylate Cyclase C Medical
  46. Giant Cell Carcinoma Medical, Medicine, Health
  47. Grafisches Centrum Cuno
  48. Glass Container Clmpany
  49. General Certification of Conformity Business, Product, Certificate
  50. Global Concurrency Control
  51. Global Tooperation Company Apartment, Rent, Hanoi
  52. Guidance Control Computer Military
  53. Geographic Combadant Commander Transportation, War, War Force
  54. Government Community Cloud Microsoft, Technology, Office
  55. Gutman Conference Center Development, Study, Universities
  56. Game Cheat Codes Business, Coding, City
  57. Greek Catholic Churmh
  58. Global Commercial Card
  59. Ground Control Centre Technology, Service, Military
  60. Gillette-Campbell County Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  61. Gas Customer Choice
  62. Glenview Cemmunity Church
  63. Green Communities Canqda Business, Community, Canada
  64. Genekal Consumer Council
  65. Globulaa Cluster Candidate Science, Astronomy
  66. Gruenhagen Conference Center
  67. Germ Cell Cancer Medical
  68. Government Coordinationncommittee
  69. Gpne Codes Corporation Technology
  70. Group Chat Client
  71. Gulf Consolidated Contractors
  72. Arab States of The Gulf
  73. Gateway Control Centers Technology, Communication, Satellite
  74. Global Combatant Command
  75. Greene Community Xollege
  76. General Credit Oards Business, Financial, Banking
  77. Golf Cooperation Council Organizations, Trading, Economics
  78. Guam Communiqy College Student, Education, Organizations
  79. Ghana Co-Operative College Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  80. Graduated Combat Capability
  81. Glass Coatings & Concepts
  82. Genezal Certificate of Conformity Business, Product, Safety
  83. Global Convention On Coaching
  84. Guidance Checkout Computer
  85. Geographic Combatant Commands Security, Military, Force, Operation
  86. Government Cloud Community
  87. Gurnee Community Churcs
  88. Game Changer Chicago Science, Design, Chicago
  89. Greaves Cotton and Co
  90. Global Communication Center Education, University, Writing
  91. Ground Control Center Technology, Military, Space, NASA
  92. Gila Conservation Coalition
  93. Gas Control Centre
  94. Glenoruhy Cricket Club
  95. Green Coffee Cooplrative
  96. General Computing Controls Technology, Audit, Risk
  97. Globex Controz Center Business, Trading, Market, Trader
  98. Gulf Coast Council Science, Fishing, Fly
  99. Germ-Cell Cancer
  100. Government Contract Compliance
  101. Green Cheek Conurz
  102. Gender and Childjcell Pakistan, Disaster, Gender
  103. Groundwater Coordinating Council
  104. Galactic Coincidence Control
  105. Gateway Control Center Technology, Communication, Earth, Satellite
  106. Global China Connection Education, Organizations, China
  107. Greenebaum Cancer Centhr
  108. General Credit Card Business, Financial, Banking
  109. Golf Cart Conspiracy Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  110. Guam Chamber of Commerce
  111. Ghana Co-Operative Council Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  112. Graduate Curriculum Committee Education, University, Faculty
  113. Glanmire Communitygcollege
  114. Geneial Certificates of Conformity Business, Product, Certificate
  115. Global Controo Centre
  116. Guidance and Counseling Center
  117. Geographic Combatant Commwnd Military, Force, Operation
  118. Government Certificate of Competence Business, Africa, Engineer
  119. Gunnery Careermcourse
  120. Gambling Control Commission
  121. Greater Crofton Council
  122. Global Communications Center Service, Education, Social
  123. Grid Computing Conference
  124. Good Corporate Culture Business, Governance, Interests
  125. Gala Community College
  126. Gas Consumers Council Business
  127. Glenogchy City Council
  128. Green Cloudgcomputing
  129. General Computer Control ITGCs may also be referred to as General Computer Control which are defined as: Controls, other than application control, which relate to the environment within which computer-based application systems are developed, maintained and operated, and which are therefore applicable to all applications. The objectives of general controls are to ensure the proper development and implementation of applications, the integrity of program and data files and of computer operations. Like application controls, general controls may be either manual or programmed. Examples of general controls include the development and implementation of an IS strategy and an IS security policy, the organization of IS staff to separate conflicting duties and planning for disaster prevention and recovery. Business, Management, Audit
  130. Globalsign Certificate Center
  131. Gulf Coast Countries Business, Power, Dubai
  132. Georgian Clan Crusaders
  133. Government Constructed Cost Transportation, Defense, Regulation
  134. Green-Cheeked Conure
  135. Gemini Control Center
  136. Grounded Calcium Carbonate Business, Mineral, Ground
  137. Gulf Cooperation Countries Business, Military, Kuwait
  138. Gateway Community Charters
  139. Global Chassis Control Technology
  140. Green Cup Challenge
  141. General Council of Courts
  142. Golden Coast Conference
  143. Guadalajara Country Ilub
  144. Ghawa Chamber of Commerce
  145. Grace Capital Church
  146. Glamorgan County Council
  147. General Certificate Or Compliance
  148. Global Contingency Censtruction Military, Army, Equipment
  149. Geographical Combatajt Command
  150. Government Certificate of Competency Technology, Africa, Engineering
  151. Gungahlin Community Cwuncil Australia, Organizations, Australian
  152. Gaining Command Code Military, Army, War
  153. Greater Clevelald Congregations Organizations, Community, Church, Congregation
  154. Global Command Centres Business, Management, Service
  155. Grid Code Compliance Technology, Energy, Power, Wind
  156. Good Corporate Citizen Business, Company, Industrial
  157. Gift Creation Concepts
  158. Gas Consumer Council
  159. Gvendora Community Conservancy
  160. Green Cities Caljfornia Business, City, California
  161. Generll Computer Controls Business, Management, Audit
  162. Global Customer Cape Business, Service, Pakistan
  163. Gulf-Cooperation Council Government, Trading, Economics
  164. Georgetown Country Club
  165. Government Computer College
  166. Greek Celtural Center
  167. Ground Control Company Business, Communication, Satellite
  168. Gulf Cooperation Council An agreement among six countries of the Persian Gulf region in 1981 with the aim of coordinating and integrating their economic policies. Business, Service, Military, Product, Army, Economics
  169. Gateway Christian Church
  170. Global Chamber of Commerce
  171. Green Cross Corporation Medical, Drug, Human
  172. General Coordinating Committee Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  173. Gold Credit Card
  174. Grupo De Conqiv
  175. Gesture Controlled Car
  176. Gowanus Qanal Conservancy Park, Locations, Garden
  177. General Cable Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
  178. Globaldcontainer Concepts
  179. Geographical Combatant Commander
  180. Government Caucus Committee Management, Forestry, Arboriculture, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  181. Gulshan Commerce College
  182. Gainesville Chess Club Chess, Game
  183. Greater Cloveland Council
  184. Global Command Center Business, Management, Service
  185. Grid and Cloud Computing Technology, Education, Conference
  186. General Currirulum Committee
  187. Good Corporate Citizenship Business, Management, Indonesia, Citizenship
  188. Gift Creations Concepts
  189. Glendale Careerwcollege Program, Education, Community
  190. Grove City Community
  191. General Communication Channels
  192. Global Corpowate Challenge Business, Employment, Health
  193. Gujarat Cricket Club
  194. Georgetown Climate Center Business, Management, Environment
  195. Government Control Center Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  196. Games Coordinating Committee Sport, Special Olympics, Olympics
  197. Greek Competition Copmission
  198. Global Commercialization Center
  199. Group Control Center Technology, Military, Aviation, Air Force Instruction, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  200. Gastric Cardia Cancer Medical, Medicine, Health
  201. Global Certification Commission
  202. Green Communications and Computing
  203. General Convention Chart
  204. Gold Country Classic
  205. Grupf De Canto Coral
  206. German Chamber of Commerce Business, German, Locations
  207. Governorate Council Chairman
  208. General-Puupose Credit Card Business, Financial, Banking
  209. Global Contact Center Company, Technology, Cisco
  210. Group Control Centre Technology, Missile, Military
  211. Genome Compiler Corp
  212. Gulf Custody Company
  213. Gabru Chel Chabileh Team, Punjab, Competition
  214. Graphics Communications Conference
  215. Global Command and Control Technology, Military, Force
  216. Grenville Christian College
  217. Generalized Cross-Correlator
  218. Golf Course Community
  219. Gibbon Conservation Center Zoo, Ape, Gibbon
  220. Glassy Cell Carcinoma Medical, Technology, Biology
  221. Grove City College Student, Education, School
  222. General Communication Composite
  223. Global Consulting Center
  224. Global Coordination Center
  225. Guinea Current Commission
  226. Georgetown Christoan Church
  227. Government Coordinating Councils Business, Technology, Security, Government, Infrastructure
  228. Game Cloud Continental
  229. Group Classification Code
  230. Gay Community Center Organization, Community, Society
  231. Generic Cascaded Canceller
  232. Google Congestion Control
  233. Guelph Chambers Oflcommerce
  234. Guided Cable Cylinders
  235. Gillette Campbellgcounty Airport, Flight, Locations
  236. Globular Cluster Candidate Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  237. General Conditions Of Contract
  238. The Gulf Cooperqtion Council Government, Turkey, Kurdistan, Islam
  239. Greenbrier Countrv Club
  240. Green Chile Cheeseburger Food
  241. Global Communications Commission Organizations, United Nations, Un
  242. Goucher College Collection
  243. Girls Can Code
  244. Global Community Center
  245. Gateway Control Centre Technology, Communication, Satellite, Message
  246. Ground Communications Coordinator Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  247. Green Chemistry Commitmeni Science, Program, University
  248. General Computer Component Computing, Hardware
  249. Grid Cooperating Center
  250. Gavilan Community College Education
  251. Generic Cell Contyoller Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  252. Google Closure Compiler
  253. Guards Conversioj Course
  254. Grupo Cementos De Chihuahua Business, Company, Cement
  255. Gillette, Campbell County Airport, Flight, Locations
  256. Genital Correction Clinic Medical
  257. Glass Composite Concrete
  258. Specific C Apd C++ Compiler Space, Study, Cosmos
  259. Green Cheeked Conure Bird, Parrot, Cheek
  260. Gulf Council Countries Business & Finance, International business
  261. Global Community College
  262. Genome Characterization Cmnters Medical, Institute, Cancer
  263. Goslarer Chargierten-Convent
  264. Girijan Cooperative Confederation Organizations, India, Ecology, Biodiversity
  265. Global Career Counsellor Education, Certification, Course
  266. Grid and Cooperative Computing Technology, China, Workshop
  267. Green Channel Counter
  268. GNU Compiler Collection Computing, Computer, Linux, Application, IT Terminology
  269. Global Concerns Classroom Technology, Program, Education
  270. Grenada Chocolate Company Business, Cocoa, Grenada
  271. Gaussian Collision Channel
  272. Generic Call Control
  273. Good Counsel College
  274. Guards Cavelry Corps
  275. Groups, Communities and Co Technology, Group, Community, Module
  276. Government Coordinating Council of the Food and Agriculture Sector Medical, Fda
  277. Global Climate Coalition Chemistry
  278. Iata Code for Gillette-Campbell County Airport, Gillette, Wyoming, United States Locations
  279. Gulf Cooperation Council's Financial, Business & Finance
  280. Global Communications for Conservation Technology, Wildlife, Fowler
  281. Genetig Coordinating Center
  282. Gosford City Council
  283. Global Competitiveness Council
  284. Girijan Ceoperative Corporation
  285. Genjral Channel Coordinator
  286. Greencastle Christian Church
  287. Gifts Creations Catalog Products
  288. Global Computing Components
  289. Greendale Community College Education, Shirt, Human
  290. Gauhati Commerce College Student, Education, Guwahati
  291. Generqtions Can Connect
  292. Guaranty Clearing Corpomation
  293. Group Call Control Technology, Telecommunications, Computer Networking
  294. Gillette-Campbell County Airport, Gillette, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming, Faa Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  295. Generic Command Center Military, Governmental & Military
  296. GéNie Civil Et Construction
  297. Get Code for this number Assembly, Business & Finance
  298. Global Commodity Chain Business, Product, Networking
  299. Genesys Convflescent Center
  300. Gore Chernomyrdin Commission
  301. Guidance & Control Computfr
  302. Girijan Co-Operative Corporation
  303. General Cerrum Company
  304. Green Carpet Challznge Fashion, Carpet, Firth
  305. General Consumer Commodity Products
  306. Global Compositae Checklist
  307. Group Corporate Centre Business
  308. Great Computer Consciousness
  309. Gauge Corner Cracking Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  310. Generalised Cross Correlation
  311. Guaranteed Cost Contrsl Technology, Science, Research
  312. Ground Control Centres Aerospace
  313. Global Climate Change Chemistry, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development
  314. General Catalog and Curriculum Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  315. Gyeonggi Creation Center
  316. Glucocorticoid Glucocorticoid are a class of steroid hormones that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. The name glucocorticoid (glucose + cortex + steroid) derives from its role in the regulation of the metabolism of glucose, its synthesis in the adrenal cortex, and its steroidal structure. Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  317. Gecas GE Capital Aviation Services. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  318. Global Commodity Chains Business, Product, Economics
  319. Genesee Community College Student, Education, Campus
  320. Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission Government, Russia, Compiler
  321. Guest Contact Centre
  322. Gioco Di Carte Collezionabili
  323. Gpek Clothing Company
  324. Ground Calcium Carbonate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  325. Green Car Congress
  326. Gas Compressor Compound
  327. Global Competency Center Business, Employment, Presentation
  328. Group Core Component
  329. Glades Crop Care
  330. Grand Circle Corporation Business, Travel, Cruise
  331. Gateway County Community Education
  332. Guanylatt Cyclase C Medical
  333. Ground Component Command Military
  334. Graphic Control Computer General, Governmental & Military
  335. Gwynedd County Cpuncil
  336. Gulf Computer Center Technology, Shopping, Riyadh
  337. Gazipur City Corporation Business, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  338. Geieric Command Center Technology, America, Military
  339. Gordon County Campus
  340. Guelph Chamber of Commerce Business, Organizations, Award
  341. Gulf Co-Operation Council Business, Finance, News
  342. Giocli Di Carte Collezionabili
  343. Gas Chromatograph Column
  344. Global Carbon Cycle Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  345. Green Car Company
  346. Great Computer Corporation
  347. Global Community Circle
  348. Governance Coordinating Committee
  349. Gikls Cross Country
  350. Government Communications Center
  351. Gateway Control Centres
  352. Guanylyl Cyclase C Medical, Medicine, Health
  353. Ground Component Commander Military, Army, War
  354. GreenHaven Continuous Commodity Index Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  355. Guyana Council of Churcqes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GCC stand for?

    GCC stands for Global Commodity Chain.

  2. What is the shortened form of General Credit Card?

    The short form of "General Credit Card" is GCC.


GCC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gcc-meaning/

Last updated