GD Meaning
The GD meaning is "Gestational Diabetes". The GD abbreviation has 421 different full form.
GD Full Forms
- Gestational Diabetes A form of diabetes mellituswhich develops in a pregnant womangestation period. Medical, Medicine, Disorder, Pregnancy, Infertility
- Gadolinium Chloride Medical
- Grateful Dead Music, Rock, Concert
- Golden Dawn Group, Greece, Dawn, Greek
- Games Day
- Green Dragon Gaming, Casino, Dragon, Agen, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- General Duty Military, Exam, Constable
- Goal Difference Football, Fifa, Soccer
- Gold Dot Military, Ammo, Bullet
- Game Development Technology, Programming, Developer
- Great Divide Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- General Dynamics Corporation Company, Technology, Military, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Nyse symbols
- General Discussion Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Going Down Term referring to moving the strip to the prime reel.
- Game Developers
- Great Deal Business, Forum, Product, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gastroduodenal Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- General Discussions Internet Slang
- God Damn Forum, Technology, Gaming, Slang
- Game Design Technology, Development, Projection
- Great Danes Medical
- Good for The Day Business, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- General Discharge Service, Military, Benefit, Veteran
- Glutamate Dehydrogenase An enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of glutamate, yielding ammonium ion and ?-ketoglutarate. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Biology, Jobs, Common Medical
- Gallstone Disease Medical
- Great Dane Dog, Sale, Dane, Puppy, Dog Fanciers, Motorhomes
- Good Design Technology, Industrial, Product
- General Delivery Business, Canada, Locations
- Grenadier Division Military, Regiment, Panzer
- Glucose Disposal Medical
- Gadolinium Chelate Medical
- Graves Disease Graves disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism. It occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your thyroid gland and causes it to overproduce the hormone thyroxine. Medical, Science, Thyroid
- Good Day Australia, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gangsta Disciples Technology, Music, Disciple
- Grenada Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Computing, Internet, Grenada, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, IOC Country Codes
- Gold Symbol:"Au" Atomic Number:"79" Atomic Mass: 196.97amu. Gold is one of the transition elements. Gold is one of the Earth's precious metals. You will find the yellow colored metal used in jewelry, electronics, coins, satellites, and even medicines. Gold is very non-reactive and will not oxidize in air. Medical, Business, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Genealogy, Color, Genealogical, Currency, Colour, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies, Colors, Food Additives, Scientific & Educational
- Ground The electric neutral line having the same potential as the surrounding earth; the negative side of a direct current power system; the reference point for an electrical system. 1. An electrical term meaning to connect to the earth. 2. A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental by which an electric circuit, or equipment, is connected to the earth or some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. Air Force, Aerospace, World War Ii, Management, Architectural, Business & Finance, Aircraft, Texting, Geology, Weather, Physics, Electrical, Aeronautics, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Glucose Deprivation Medical
- Goals Difference
- Greedy Dual Technology, Replacement, Cache, Delay
- Gourmet Dourme
- Guard District Military, Force, Coast
- Gina Does
- Grant Date
- Gateway Device Technology, Networking, Network
- Golden Days
- Ground Duty Military, Army, Constable
- General Distress Medical, Medicine, Stress
- German Desk
- Gradient Descent Technology, Learning, Stochastic, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Galactic Disk
- Geographical Detectors
- Global Debug Technology, Coding, Calling, Server
- Go Down In the Far East, a warehouse where goods are stored and delivered.
- Grenadier-Division Military, Regiment, Panzer
- Gel Diffusion Medical
- Government Department
- Göç Dergisi
- Generic Decryption Technology, Security, Software, Computing
- Graphic Digitization Science, Geography, Location
- Gaming Division
- Global Dominion
- Gravity Drain
- Gauge Discharge
- Golden Dragons Technology, Pharmaceutical, Tube
- Ground Disturbance
- Group Description
- General Domestic
- Get Digits
- Graduate Doctoral
- Guidance Technology, Science, Service, Us, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Military, Governmental & Military, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Atmospheric Research
- Geometry Dash Gaming, Minecraft, Play
- Gas Density Technology, Wireless, Detector
- Grin Duck
- Gendarmerie DéPartemental
- Gerbode Defect
- Girls Department
- Genetic Diversity A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure. The term was originally used in Venice to describe the part of a city to which Jews were restricted and segregated. Medical, Science, Biology
- Goals Definition
- Greatest Duration
- Gourmet Dinner Product, Locations, Restaurant
- Growth Distance
- Gina Devine Porn, Sex, Tube
- Grande Date
- Gateway Definition
- Golden Dakota
- General Deployment Technology, Networking, Cisco
- German Design Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Grade Distribution
- Gaji Dasar Business, Presentation, Indonesia, City
- Geographical Descriptor Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Glenn Danzig
- Go Direct
- Grenade Discharger
- Gelatin Dynamite
- Governmental Decision Business, Presentation, Romania
- Gypsy Drum
- Graphic Diagram
- Gaming Device Technology, Motherboard, Driver
- Global Domination Technology, Gaming, Music
- Gravity Distortion
- Gaudete In Domino
- Golden Dragon Technology, Power, Pharmaceutical, Occupation & positions
- Ground Detection
- Group Delay Technology, Filter, Frequency
- General Doctor
- Get Digital Forum, Technology, Gaming, Software, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Graduate Diamonds
- Geometric Drawing
- Garage Door Technology, Controller, Opener
- Grin, Duck Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Message
- Gendarmerie DéPartementale
- George Dodd
- Genetically Divergent
- Goal Differential Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Great Date
- Gouden Draak
- Growth Delay Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Gina Davis
- Grande-Digue
- George Dickel
- Gate To Drain Technology, Power, Voltage
- Golden Demon
- General Department
- German Desalination Business, German, Germany
- Gaia Detection Space, Study, Cosmos
- Geo Discovery
- Glen Douglas
- God Delusion
- Grenada Domain Service, Registration, Grenada
- Government Documents Technology
- Gymnosperm Database
- Glaciological Data
- Graphics Designer Technology, Design, Course
- Gaming Dark Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Global Delete
- Gravity Daze Gaming, Gravity, Rush
- Gauchers Disease
- Golden Dollar
- Group Deal Forum, Technology, Price, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- General Doctors
- Get Data Forum, Technology, Query
- Graduate Department Medical, Common Medical
- Gallbladder Dyskinesia Medical
- Geometric Distribution
- Gap Distribution
- Grim Dawn
- Gen & Dev
- General Duties Military, Air Force, Duty, Occupation & positions
- Genesis Device
- Graphics Database Army, War, War Force
- Goal Diff
- Great Day Forum, Internet Slang, Episode, Birthday, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Glove Box Door Products
- Good Duel Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Growth & Development Technology, Knowledge, Disciple
- Gil Deg
- Grand DéPlacement
- George Detonados Tube, Evil, Resident
- Gas Diffusion
- Golden Daemon Gaming, Miniature, Demon
- General Dentistry
- Germaine De
- Games Designer
- Geodetic Datum A European and North American uniform system of reference of latitude and longitude for setting out and drawing charts. Business, Technology, Oil, Gas, Frame, Latitude, Electrical
- Glen Dean
- God Damned
- Green Day Music, Rock, Band
- Governing Document Science
- Guiding Document Technology, Guide, Machine
- GiáO Dục
- Graphic Designing Education, Design, Course
- Gametic Disequilibrium Medical, Science, Biology
- Gravimetric Density
- Gaucher Disease Medical, Genetics, Patient
- Golden Disk
- Group Danone
- General Docket
- Gestodene Medical
- Graduate Dental
- Gal Dor
- Geometric Dimension Technology, Design, Dimensioning
- Global Defenders
- Gridiron Dynasty Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Gemini Dream
- Grid Dip Technology, Radio, Electronics
- Genes & Development
- Graphics Data
- Gaol Delivery
- Globalisation and Development
- Great Dads Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Good Draw
- Groupement Divisionnaire
- Giga Disk Technology, Gaming, Console, Disc
- Grand DéBarquement
- George Dempster
- Gas Diesel
- General Defence Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Geriatric Depression
- Game Designer
- Genetic Distance Medical, Science, Marker
- Glen Davis Glen, Highlight, Clipper, Griffin
- God Dammit Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Greek Drachma Business, Currency, Currency Code
- Governador Distrital
- Guardian Dragon
- Given Date Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Graphic Designers
- Games Drawn
- Graveyard District Organization, Union, Institution
- Gatillo Derecho
- Golden Diamond
- Group Dancer
- General Division
- German Duran
- Gradual Decline Medical, Patient, Study
- Galaxy Dimension
- Geometric Design Technology, Conference, Projection
- Global Defence
- Grid Drain
- Geleophysic Dysplasia Technology, Genetics, Syndrome
- Genes & Dev
- Graphics Display
- Gangster Disiple
- Global Dynamics Technology, Episode, Eureka
- Gray Diamond
- Scots Gaelic Language codes (2 letters)
- Good Defense
- Grouped Database Technology, Group, Neuroblastoma
- General Dynamic Business, Technology, Dynamics
- Giga Disc
- Graduation Day
- Guard Mechanism limiting the exchange of information between systems. Technology, America, Military, Architectural, Sport, Football, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- George Davidson Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Gas Detectors
- General De División
- Gergana Dimova
- Gage Design
- Genetic Dissection
- Godavari Delta
- Greek Doric
- Gouty Diathesis Medical
- Guard Duty Gaming, Military, Operation
- Giulio D'Agostino
- Graphic Designer Business, Design, Career
- Gateway Driver Technology, Driving, Alcatel
- Golden Delicious Business, Apple, Fruit
- Groundhog Day
- General Distributor
- German Devils
- Gradient Direction
- Galapagos Design
- Geographical Dispersion
- Global Defect Military
- Grid Deployment
- Gelecek DeğEr Technology, Turkish, Bug
- Government Demand
- Generic Drugs
- Graphic Display Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Gamma Delta
- Global Downloader Technology, Internet, Client
- Gravity Drive Presentation, Event, Gravity
- Gaussian Distribution In probability theory, the normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a very common continuous probability distribution. Normal distributions are important in statistics and are often used in the natural and social sciences to represent real–valued random variables whose distributions are not known.
- Good Deal Business, Price, Shopping
- Group Design
- General Downloader Technology, Movie, Software
- Get Down
- Graduate Doctorate
- George David Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Gas Detection Technology, Sensor, Detector
- Grinning, Ducking Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Message
- Gendarmerie D
- Gerbong Datar
- Good Delivery
- Genetic Differences Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- Gear Down
- Generalized Davidson
- Game Disk Forum, Technology, Play
- Distinction Group Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- George Dyson
- Gravely Disabled Medical, Government, Health, Psychiatry
- gastroparesis diabeticorum Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Ground Defence Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Green Department
- Glenn Danzig, songwriter and musician Famous
- Gerard Darel Business, Shopping, Bag, Leather
- Glass Disks
- Air Alpha Greenland Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Greenland, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Global Data
- Graduate Degree
- Gamblers Dog Australia, Training, Dog, Agility
- Good Dancer Performing arts
- Gold Director
- Grace Darling
- Gas Divisionrter
- Gleitenden Durchschnitte
- Graphics Device
- Gear Door
- Graphics Draw Technology, Coding, Library
- Generalized Difference
- Game Device Technology, Gaming, Motherboard
- Gudeman Business & Finance, Suppliers
- George Doerksen
- Grave Disability Medical
- Guardian door Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Groton Dunstable
- Golay Detector
- Groundwater Division Environment
- Gera
- Generator Device
- Gla Domain Medical
- Grenada (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Government Decree Business, Russia, Economics
- Galway Downs
- Grand Daugther Occupation & positions
- Gold Diamond Diamond, Rose, Ring, Jewelry
- Geração DistribuíDa Para, Brasil, Gera
- Government Discretion Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Galena Dating
- Gleitenden Durchschnitt
- Graphics Development
- Gazete Dergi Photo, Holding, Turkish
- Graphic Design Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Generalized Dystonia
- Game Department
- Goods Declaration Business & Finance, International business
- Grave Diggers
- Greater demon Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gross Deutschland
- Graded Doping
- Goettinger Durchmusterung
- Gold(en) Dollar Coins
- Geothermal Division
- Gefle Dagblads
- Generative Design
- Good Deformation Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Ground Detector NASA, Governmental & Military
- Google Desktop Technology, Software, Halftone
- General Director Occupation & positions, Medical
- Going Dark
- Government Defence
- Soman, A Nerve Agent Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Gleitende Durchschnitte
- Gazeteciler Dernei
- Graph Drawing Technology, Book, Symposium
- General Dywizji Military
- Game Defined
- Good A product that can be produced, bought, and sold, and that has a physical identity. Sometimes said, inaccurately, to be anything that "can be dropped on your foot" or, also inaccurately, to be "visible." Contrasts with service. Trade in goods is much easier to measure than trade in services, and thus much more thoroughly documented and analyzed. Internet Slang, Chat, Morse Aids, Texting, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Coins, Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Gosh Darn Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Groove Detective
- Grade Ground level, or the elevation at any given point. Also the work of leveling dirt. Also the designated quality of a manufactured piece of wood. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Healthcare, NAACCR, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Goal Differental
- Grave Digger Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Geena Davis
- Generation Distance
- Gregorian Dome Architecture
- Geothermal Development
- Green Diamond Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Ground Design Design, Drawing, Construction
- Guinier Diffractometer
- General Demons Funnies
- Goin Down
- Government Deficit Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Iso Country Code for Grenada Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Glazed Doughnut Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Gracias A Dios Business, Department, Map
- Gay Day
- Grand Duke
- General Dynamics Corporationration Organizations
- Game Data Technology, Gaming, Disc
- Gardens Technology, Locations, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix
- Geek Diatribe Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gold Dust
- Groove Design
- Graceful Discard Technology, Telecom
- Glissile Dislocation
- Gratuitous Damage Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Gebirgs-Division Forum, Military, Regiment
- Generational Distance Technology, Algorithm, Objective
- Geometric Dimensioning Architecture
- Geosciences Division Science, Management, Book, Division
- Gadolinium Symbol:"Gd" Atomic Number:"64" Atomic Mass: 157.25amu. Gadolinium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may classified as a rare earth element. This silvery metal is used in many alloys. One of its best uses is in nuclear reactors because it can stop neutrons and contain radioactivity of dangerous reactions. Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Scientific & Educational
- Ground Designs Architecture
- Grown Diffused
- George Dillard, Minister Famous
- Goenka Dwarka
- Government Decision Business, Group, Romania
- GıDa Dergisi
- Glasser'S Disease
- Gautam Dutta
- Grand Design
- Gambling Downtime Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Gangster Disciples Police, Governmental & Military
- Gold Dragon Business, Len, Product
- Groningen De
- Graceful Degradation Technology, Progressive, Enhancement
- Geology Divisionsion
- Gleitenden Durchschnitten
- Grass Drags
- Gear Drive Products
- Generated Documentation
- Game Drives
- Gutter Drain Architectural
- Georgia Dome
- Graves' Disease Without Ophthalmopathy Medical
- Guide Dogs Medical
- Ground Defense
- Grinding Direction
- Gunga Din Famous
- Gerard Depardieu
- Goenka, Dwarka Education, School, Publics, Teaching
- GüNey DoğU Forum, Turkish
- Glass Doors Technology, Product, Refrigerator
- Graduate Diploma Program, Education, Award, Course
- Gambling Disorder Medical, Research, Addiction
- Gigabyte Disk Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military
- Gold Dollar
- Grace District Education
- Gated Decoupling
- Gleitender Durchschnitt Business, Trading, Chart, Trend
- Graphics Drawing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GD stand for?
GD stands for Given Date.
What is the shortened form of Government Department?
The short form of "Government Department" is GD.
GD. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated