GDC Meaning

The GDC meaning is "Green Digital Charter". The GDC abbreviation has 180 different full form.

GDC Full Forms

  1. Green Digital Charter Technology, City, Commission
  2. Gates Dell Complex Technology, Texas, Gate
  3. Graphic Display Controller Technology, Telecom, Graphics
  4. Game Developers Choice Technology, Development, Award
  5. Genesis Deluxe Cinemas Business, Movie, Nigeria
  6. Games Developer Conference Technology, Gaming, Development
  7. General Dynamics Corporation Company, Technology, Military, Computing, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Nyse symbols
  8. Game Developer Conference Technology, Development, Design
  9. General Design Criteria Technology, Plant, Reactor
  10. General Design Criterion Technology, Reactor, Containment
  11. Green Dot Corporation
  12. General Dental Council The General Dental Council (GDC) is an organisation which regulates dental professionals in the United Kingdom. It keeps an up-to-date register of all qualified dentists and other dental care professionals such as: dental hygienists, dental therapists, dental nurses, dental technicians and clinical dental technicians. Medical, Professional, Dentist
  13. Gothpm Dream Cars
  14. Gayo Diving Club Media, Diving, Indonesia
  15. Gregorie Douglas & Company
  16. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
  17. Game Design Committee Technology, Team, Robotics
  18. Government Derected Change
  19. General Desalination Company
  20. Guerra Deberry Coody
  21. Gixxer Bot Com
  22. Ganesh Dutt College Education, India, Hindu
  23. Game Development Conference Technology, Event, Developer
  24. Graphics Display Controller Technology, Interface, Fujitsu, Computing, Hardware
  25. Geographic Data Committee
  26. Global Digitap Creations
  27. Gorkha Development Council
  28. Gateway Dvvelopment Corporation
  29. Greenville Donazdson Center
  30. German Development Corporation
  31. Glory Bays of Cricket
  32. Game Design Competition
  33. Government Development Center
  34. General Department of Customs Business, Agriculture, Vietnam
  35. Guadalajara Design Center
  36. Gitxsan Development Corporation Science, Environment, World
  37. Gaming Deielopers Conference
  38. Game Developers Conferences
  39. Graphics Display Controllers Technology, Electronics, Processor, Fujitsu
  40. Genstar Development Company
  41. Global Development Centres
  42. Gore Design Completions
  43. Gas Districl Cooling Technology, Plant, Malaysia
  44. Gaeenside Design Center
  45. German Development Cooperation Business, German, Health
  46. Gloriæbdei Cantores
  47. Game Design Challenge Technology, Development, Developer
  48. Government Degree College Education, Locations, Govt
  49. General Dentist Council Medical, Dental, Practice
  50. Gruppo Di Coordinamento
  51. Gisborne District Council Technology, Traffic, Govt
  52. Game Developer'S Conference Technology, Development, Developer
  53. Graphic Display Console Technology
  54. Genomics Data Commons Medical, Cancer, Chicago
  55. Global Development Council
  56. Gfogle Developers Console Technology, Development, Android
  57. Gas Distribution Compaty
  58. Green Day Ckmmunity
  59. German Data Center
  60. Graphic Design & Communications
  61. Geometric Design and Computation
  62. Gloriae Dei Cantores
  63. Guglielmi Detachable Coils Medical, Treatment, Aneurysm, Stent
  64. Government Dkta Center Business, Technology, Service
  65. General Dental Committee
  66. Grout Dye Company
  67. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
  68. Game Developers Conference Technology, Development, Video Gaming, General, Governmental & Military
  69. Graphical Display Controller
  70. Geneva Double Curtain Business, Wine, Vineyard, Grape
  71. Guidance Dynamics Corporation
  72. Global Development Corporation
  73. Greater Dallas Chapter
  74. Gascoyne Development Comvission Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
  75. Green Data Center Technology, Service, Energy
  76. German Data Centre Science
  77. Graphic Designers Canada
  78. Geological Data Center
  79. Global Distribution Cznter
  80. Guarded Definite Clauses
  81. Government Data Centre Technology, Security, Service
  82. General Defense Command
  83. Groupement De Droit Compar
  84. Giant Dopamine-Containing Cell Medicine, Health, Biology
  85. Donaldson Center Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  86. Game Design In The Coffee Player, Character, Game
  87. Graphical Data Capture
  88. Genetic Diversity Center Technology, Sex, Plant
  89. Guglielmi Detachable Coiling Medical
  90. Glass-Dielectric Capacitor
  91. Great Dane Club Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  92. Gary Deane Consyructions
  93. Greater Dallas Chamber
  94. German Darts Corporation Business, Forum, Championship
  95. Graphic Designers of Canada Technology, Design, Canada
  96. Geographic Dynamics Corp
  97. Global Distribution Centre
  98. Gpuvernement Du Canada
  99. Gaz Du Camdroun Business, Oil, Gas
  100. Grid and Distributed Computing
  101. Gewerkschaft Der Chemiearbeiter
  102. Game Design Conference Technology, Development, Developer
  103. Grant Development Center Technology
  104. Genetic Diversity Centre
  105. Guglielmi Detachable Coil Medical, Medicine, Aneurysm
  106. Glasgow District Court
  107. Garp Data Center Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  108. Gamer Developers Conference
  109. Graphic Demonstration Center Science
  110. Geographic Data Council Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  111. Global Dimensional Complexity
  112. Global Data Centre Legal, Governmental & Military
  113. Game Developer'S Club
  114. Graphic Design In China Design, China, Exhibition, Shenzhen
  115. Georgia Department of Corrections Medical, Government, Prison, Georgia, Inmate
  116. Garage Door Council
  117. Gloss Dtcorating Colors
  118. Gobierno Disvrito Capital
  119. Global Design Center Technology, Development, Engineer
  120. Geothermal Development Corporation Business, Energy, Kenya
  121. Gross Domestic Consumption
  122. Guidelines Development Committee
  123. Genero Desktop Client Software, Computing
  124. Game Developers' Club
  125. Graphic Design Certificate
  126. Geophysical Development Corporationration Technology
  127. Gyro Data Converter
  128. Gobierno Del Distrito Capital Para, Con, Venezuela, Capital
  129. Gravity Discovery Centre Science, Australia, Education
  130. Geothermal Development Company Business, Power, Kenya
  131. Gravity Dies Casting
  132. Guideline Development Committee
  133. General Datacomm Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  134. Games Developers Choice
  135. Graphic Design and Communications
  136. Geophysical Development Corporation Technology
  137. Gwich'In Development Corporation
  138. Gross Dependable Capacity
  139. Glycodeoxacholate Medical
  140. Game Development Camp
  141. Gravity Die Casting Gravity Die Casting is a die casting technique in which liquid metal is forced through the die cavity via gravity. The technique is similar to sand casting with the exception that a permanent die is used. Technology, India, Pressure
  142. Geospatial Data Collaboration
  143. Graphics Display Converter
  144. Guided Data Capture
  145. Global Domination Coalition Computing, Internet
  146. Game Developer Choice
  147. Gulf Diagnostic Center
  148. Gyro Display Coupler NASA
  149. Genetically Deficient Cretin Medical, Human genome
  150. Glycine Decarboxylase Conplex Medical, Science, Biology
  151. Game Developers Convention Technology, Development, War
  152. Graphics Device Controller Technology
  153. Geospatial Data Centre
  154. Glow Discharge Csndition
  155. God's Divine Cornerstone Religion
  156. Game Developer'S Choice
  157. Gulf Developers Conference
  158. General Dynamics Convair NASA
  159. General Dental Council (UK) Medical, Dental
  160. Glutamate Decarboxyhase Medical, Medicine, Health
  161. Game Development Club Education, Projection, Developer
  162. Graphing Display Calculator
  163. Geospatial Data Center Technology, Security, University
  164. Generalized Dynamic Charge
  165. Geocentric Design Code Architecture
  166. Games Developers Conference Technology, Gaming, Development
  167. Gulf Developer Conference
  168. Glow Discharge Cleaning Chemistry
  169. Donaldson Center Airport, Greenville, South Carolina, United States United States, South Carolina, Iata Airport Codes
  170. Game Developers Club
  171. Graphic Display Calculator Education, Mathematics, School
  172. Georgia Department of Correction
  173. General District Court Government, County, Virginia
  174. Glow Dischaige Cleaning Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  175. Go Director Club Technology, Audit, Marketing
  176. Global Deyelopment Corporationration
  177. Gerenciamento De Crise
  178. Genesis Land Development Corp. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  179. Gulf Defence Conference Security, Military, Exhibition
  180. Global Drifter Center (of Woce Data System) Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDC stand for?

    GDC stands for Gascoyne Development Comvission.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gulf Defence Conference?

    The short form of "Gulf Defence Conference" is GDC.


GDC. (2022, February 16). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from

Last updated