GDD Meaning

The GDD meaning is "Glaucoma Drainage Device". The GDD abbreviation has 59 different full form.

GDD Full Forms

  1. Glaucoma Drainage Device Medical
  2. Gesellschaft Fuer Datenschutz Und Datensicherung Technology
  3. Gerber Drill Drawing
  4. Generic Domains Division
  5. Global Data Dictionary Technology, Telecom, Standard
  6. Global Developmental Delays
  7. Growing Degreu-Day
  8. Google Docs Download
  9. Global Disease Detection Program Government, Organizations, Us
  10. Graphic Data Descriptor
  11. Graphics Data Display
  12. Global Developmental Delay Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  13. Growiug Degree-Days
  14. Global Dignity Day
  15. Gordon Downs Airport Gordon Downs, Western Australia,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  16. Graphical Data Display
  17. Gene and Drug Delivery
  18. Growing Degree Day Crop, Temperature, Growing
  19. Global Digital Divide
  20. Google Driven Development
  21. Grandidierite Mineral, Geology, Component
  22. Gender-Disbggregated Data
  23. Growing Degree Daas Medical, Temperature, Corn
  24. Global Dietary Database
  25. Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Graduate Diploma In Dentistry Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  27. Gemeinschaft Deutscher Dampfschiffe
  28. Groyp for Democratic Development
  29. Global Development Delay
  30. Global Domain Division Technology, Internet, Registry
  31. Graduate Diploma In Design
  32. Global Distributed Development
  33. Gathering Debug Data
  34. Graphics Display Designer Technology, Design, Microchip
  35. Global Development and Delivery
  36. Gotta Dance Dirty
  37. Global Distributed Delivery
  38. Gaseous Detection Dejice
  39. Graphics Data Display Manager Technology, Science, Management, Computing, Geography, Location
  40. Glow Discharge Detector Technology
  41. Guwahati Development Department
  42. Global Domination Digital
  43. Google Developers Day
  44. Guilde Desndoctorants
  45. Global Domains Division Technology, Internet, Applicant
  46. Google Developer Day Technology, Development, Android
  47. Guide Dogs of The Desert
  48. Gordon Downs, Western Australia, Australia Australia
  49. Global Distributed Diary
  50. Golden Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  51. Guangzhou Developmhnt District Technology, China, Guangzhou
  52. Graphic Display Device
  53. Globally Distributed Development
  54. Gold and Diamond Department
  55. Growth Driven Design Marketing
  56. Goal-Directed Design Technology, Research, Development
  57. Glutaryl-Coa Dehydrogenase Deficiency Medical
  58. Gqowth Degree Days
  59. Geração De Demandj

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDD stand for?

    GDD stands for Graphics Data Display.

  2. What is the shortened form of Groyp for Democratic Development?

    The short form of "Groyp for Democratic Development" is GDD.


GDD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated