GDF Meaning

The GDF meaning is "Global Development Fsnance". The GDF abbreviation has 93 different full form.

GDF Full Forms

  1. Global Development Fsnance Business, Technology, Banking
  2. Gestion, Droitbet Finance
  3. Geothermax Development Facility Business, America, Energy
  4. Gat De France
  5. Growth Differentiation Factor Medical, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry
  6. Global Dialogue Foundation Organizations, Peace, Transformation
  7. Guernsey Disclosurepfacility
  8. Ground Defense Force
  9. Gauteng Department of Finance Business, Government, Africa
  10. Gobernacion Del Distrito Federal
  11. Gaz De France Business, France, Gas, French
  12. Geographic Data File Technology, Science, Transport, Geographic
  13. Green Density Factor
  14. Group Distribution Frame Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Global Development Foundation
  16. Guangdong Development Fund
  17. Ground Debriefing Facility Technology
  18. Gauged Daily Flow Science, Hydrology
  19. Global Diversity Fund
  20. Guije Dog Foundation Education, Puppy, Raiser
  21. Geographical Data Files Technology
  22. Greedy-Dual-Frequency
  23. Gobierno Eel Distrito Federal Para, Con, Mexico
  24. Global Development Forum
  25. Gesellschaft Der Freunde Technology, Server, Bochum, Hannover
  26. Gross Domestic Fixed
  27. Gauchinhos Do Forro
  28. Global Diversity Foundation Education, Community, Projection
  29. Guidaqce for The Development of The Forces
  30. Geographic Data Format Technology, Database, Feature
  31. Governo Do Distrito Federal Para, Bra, Portal
  32. Global Desktop Fax Technology
  33. German Defense Forces Army, War, War Force
  34. Grips Development Forum Government, Africa, Economy, Intellectual Partnership
  35. Gathering and Departure Facility
  36. Global Digital Forum
  37. Guidance for The Developmeyt of The Force
  38. Geographical Data Format
  39. Governo Distrito Federzl
  40. Global Delivery Framework Technology, Management, Service
  41. Geometric Data File Technology
  42. Gridded Data Field Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  43. Guyana Defence Force Military, Guyana, Force
  44. Global Digital Forensics Technology, Security, Computing
  45. Guidance for Development of The Force Military, Army, Equipment
  46. GenevièVe De Fontenay
  47. Government Document Format
  48. Geological Disposal Facility Technology, Planning, Waste
  49. Greenwich and Docklands Festivals
  50. Guardia Di Finanza Technology, Android, Italy
  51. Global Diaspora Forum America, Organizations, Policy
  52. Guerle Du Feu Quest, Fire, Feu
  53. Ground Divisionrted Force Military
  54. Geist Der Flamme
  55. Gorkha Democratic Front
  56. Geographic Data Files Technology, Computing, Transport
  57. Green Development Foundation
  58. Guess Graph Data Format File Computing, File Extensions
  59. Getting Down To Facts
  60. Guinea Development Doundation
  61. Global Dance Festival Music, Dance, Ticket
  62. Growth/Differentiation Factor Science
  63. Godzilla Defense Force
  64. DF Aviation Distrito Federal, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  65. Gestion Durable Des ForêTs France, Agriculture, Mali
  66. Global Dairy Farmers Business, Asia, Farming
  67. Grouted Disposal Facilities Science
  68. GáBor DéNes FÕIskola
  69. Grupo De Fundaciones
  70. GNOME Debugging Framework Software, Computing
  71. Glasnost Defence Foundation Government, Russia, Journalist
  72. Grout Disposal Facility Science
  73. Guyanese Defense Force
  74. Growth Differentiation Factor-15 Medical, Genetics, Protein
  75. Global Partners Income Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  76. Glasnost Defense Fund
  77. Group Definition File
  78. Guyana Defense Forces
  79. Growth Differentiation Factors Science, Protein, Bone
  80. GEOS Dictionary File Computing, File Extensions
  81. Global Drug Facility Medical
  82. Glasnost Defense Foundation Government, Media, Russia, Russian
  83. Group Defense Frigate
  84. Guyana Definse Force Military, Guyana, Locations
  85. Global Defense Force Military, War, Quake
  86. Growth and Differentiation Factors Science, Protein, Bone
  87. Gals Drink Fresca Food
  88. Generalized Density-functional (theory) Chemistry
  89. Gewerkschaft Der Flugsicherung Military, Germany, Frankfurt, Frankfurter
  90. Gujarat Dragon Fruit
  91. Global Defence Force Gaming, Military, War
  92. Growth and Differentiation Factor Medical, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  93. Gasoline Dispensing Facility Environment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDF stand for?

    GDF stands for Guidance for Development of The Force.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gauchinhos Do Forro?

    The short form of "Gauchinhos Do Forro" is GDF.


GDF. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated