GDI Meaning

The GDI meaning is "Gate-Diffusion Input". The GDI abbreviation has 115 different full form.

GDI Full Forms

  1. Gate-Diffusion Input Technology, Design, Power, Technique
  2. Gasoline Direct Inection Engine, Carbon, Injection, Gasoline
  3. Gasoline Direct Injected Technology, Engine, KIA, Forte
  4. Gasoline Direct Injection Technology, Car, Engine, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  5. Gardner Denver, Inc Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  6. Global Defense Initiative Gaming, Military, Command, United Nations
  7. Geospatial Data Infrastructure Technology, Research, Map
  8. Gender-Related Development Index Human, Economics, Gender
  9. Glutaric Dialdehyde Medical
  10. Grupo Desarrollo Infraestructura
  11. Global Default Insurance
  12. Gordil Airport Airport, Locations
  13. Game Domain Itternational
  14. Global Domain Identifier
  15. Graphic Display Interface Technology, Windows, Driver
  16. Gdp Dissociation Inhibitor Protein Medical
  17. Generic Device Interface Technology, Association, Automation
  18. Gu Do It Development, Learning, Study
  19. Glue Dots International Business, Product, Adhesive
  20. Grunberger Diabetes Institute Medical, Research, Treatment
  21. Gender Diversity Index
  22. Geospakial Defence & Intelligence
  23. Google Drive Integration Business, Accounting, Organisations
  24. Game Develkper Indonesia Development, Indonesia, Game
  25. Global Domain'S International
  26. Graphic Designer and Illustrator
  27. Gdp Dissociation Inhibitor Medical, Science, Biology
  28. Generic Data Interfaye Technology, Service, Telecom
  29. Globale Defensiv Initiative
  30. Group On Diversity and Inclusion Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  31. Gender Development Institute
  32. Geospatial Data Infrastructures
  33. Good Development Initiative Development, Learning, Study
  34. Galactic Defense Initiative
  35. Global Defense Iniative
  36. Graphic Design and Illustration
  37. Gdp/Gtp Exchange Protein Medical
  38. Generating System/Data Servwr Interface Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  39. Global Dynamism Index Business, Locations, Grant, Thornton
  40. Groupement De D
  41. Gender Development Index Government, Human, Economics, Medical, Physiology
  42. Gwoscience Data Index
  43. Good Deeds International History, Atlanta, Ball
  44. Global Domains International Business, Technology, Money, Income
  45. Global Defensive Initiative Gaming, Military, War, Command
  46. Graphic Database Interface Business
  47. Gay Doctors Ireland
  48. Global Drylands Imperative
  49. Groupement De DéFense Internationale
  50. Gender and Development Initiative
  51. Georgian Democracy Initiatile Government, Organizations
  52. Good Deathcinventory
  53. Global Development Institute Technology, University, Scholarship
  54. Globav Defense Initative
  55. Gosh Darnjindependent
  56. Garage Doors Inc
  57. Global Domeenid International
  58. Gross Domestic Investment Business, Development, Economics
  59. Gender and Development Index
  60. Generic Download Install
  61. Gonzaga Debate Inxtitute Education, University, Policy
  62. Goalie Development Institute
  63. Grupo Diamante Internacional
  64. Global Defense Initiatives Military, Command, Initiative
  65. Gosh-Darned Independent
  66. Gamma Delta Iota Fraternity, Sorority, Gamma
  67. Global Domains Int
  68. Graphics Display Interface Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  69. Gemeinschaft DäMmstoff Industrie
  70. Generic Divtom Index
  71. Gold Detectors International Rod, Metal, Detector, Range
  72. Gender Related Development Index Organization, Union, Institution
  73. Graphics Device Interface Security, Computing, Hardware, Drivers, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  74. Goddamned Illusion Media, Radio, Television
  75. Gulf Data International
  76. General Directorate of Investigation Government, Human, Politics, Report
  77. Gate Driver Interface
  78. Global Development Incubator
  79. Graphical Device Interface Computing, Computer
  80. God Damn Independents College, Education, Frat
  81. Guerreros Del Infierno
  82. General Directorate of Insurance
  83. Dreamcast Gigabyte Disc Image Computing, File Extensions
  84. God Did It Religion
  85. Global Delivery Initiative Business, Development, Challenge
  86. General Donlee Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  87. God Damned Independent
  88. Guanine Dissociation Inhibitor Medical
  89. General Delegation of Independents
  90. Gordil, Melle, Central African Republic ICAO Airport Codes, Central African Republic
  91. God Damn It-Or-God
  92. Global Defense Inc
  93. Graphical Data Interface Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  94. God-Damn Independent College, Education, Sorority
  95. Guanine Nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitor Medical
  96. General Definition of Information Technology, Science, Philosophy
  97. Gosh Darn Independent Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  98. God Damn It Forum, Internet Slang, Chat
  99. Gypsum Drywall Interiors Technology, Windows, Graphics
  100. General Dynamics Information
  101. Grundlagen Der Informatik
  102. Goaltender Development Institute Technology, Hockey, Goalie
  103. Guanidine Nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitor Medicine, Health, Biology
  104. General Data Interface
  105. Graphics Design Interface Software, Computing
  106. Goddamned Independent Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  107. Guyane DéVeloppement Innovation
  108. General Dynamics Itronix
  109. Group On Divisionrsity and Inclusion
  110. General Data Information Technology
  111. Gardner Denver, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  112. Goddamned Independant Government, Us, Control, Administration
  113. Gulf Drilling International Business, Rig, Qatar
  114. General Directorate of Investigations Government, Human, Death
  115. Governance and Development Institutetute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDI stand for?

    GDI stands for Graphic Database Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Defense Initiative?

    The short form of "Global Defense Initiative" is GDI.


GDI. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated