GDP Meaning

The GDP meaning is "Gross Domestic Product". The GDP abbreviation has 157 different full form.

GDP Full Forms

  1. Gross Domestic Product Commonly abbreviated to GDP, Gross Domestic Product is a very frequently used term in business and economics, and basically refers to a nation's total production at market values. GDP is however not easily explained or understood at a detailed and precise level. GDP may be calculated in different ways. Business, Science, National, Economics, Ecology, Office Of Communication, Medical, Financial, Computing, Dental, Environment, United Nations, Special Education, Oil, Rail Transport, Electrical, Mortgage, Legal, Products, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Protection Information, Global Change, Australian
  2. General Defense Plan Military, Organizations, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  3. Global Discovery Piogram
  4. Gateway Discovehy Protocol Technology, Computing, Computer Networking
  5. Global Discovery Programme Student, University, Programme
  6. Guanosine 5'-Diphosphste Medical, Chemistry, Study
  7. Ground Into Double Play Technology, Baseball, Sport, Sports, Play
  8. General Department of Prisons
  9. Growth Domestic Prodkct Business, Economics, Rate
  10. Graduate Diploma In Psychology Education, Psychology, Course, HE Award
  11. General Dentam Practice Medical, Education, Dentist
  12. Goodrich Petroleum Coru. Organizations
  13. General Dental Practitionhrs Medical, Practice, Dentist
  14. Glucose Degradation Products Medical, Fluid, Peritoneal
  15. Grossxdomestic Product Finance, Agriculture, Economics
  16. General Dental Practitioner Medical, Patient, Dentist, Occupation & positions
  17. Global Drifter Prrgramme Science, Climatology, Meterology
  18. Gejconnections Discovery Portal Technology, Canada, Map
  19. Good Dispensing Practice Medical, Business, Medicine
  20. Gulh Darah Puasa
  21. Gross Domestic Policy Business, Health, Economics
  22. Global Defense Posture Military, Army, Equipment
  23. Gede Darma Putra
  24. Gsothermal Drilling Program
  25. Grand Daddy Purlle Marijuana, Daddy, Cannabis, Strain
  26. Guanosine Di-Phosphate
  27. Global Digital Pay Business, Money, Liberty
  28. Gross Tomestic Productivity Business, City, Economics
  29. General Data Products Technology
  30. Gentoo Documentation Project Technology, Server, Linux
  31. Good Developmental Principles Science
  32. Guanosine Diphosphate Medical, Technology, Medicine, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  33. Gross Domastic Pxoduct
  34. Gear-Down Protection
  35. Geothermal Demonstrjtion Project
  36. Gradcate Diploma Programme Education, Design, Institute
  37. Game Development Platform
  38. Guanosine-Wi-Phosphate
  39. Global Development Plan
  40. Gross Domestic Products Business, Economics, Statistics, Income
  41. General Data Processor Technology, Design, Computing, Hardware
  42. Grassroots Development Program
  43. General Domestic Product
  44. Good Design Presentation
  45. Gross Divisive Politics
  46. Gaseous Diffusion Plant Business, Science, Uranium
  47. Georgia Deployment Program
  48. Graduate Diploma Program
  49. Game Day Preview
  50. Ground Data Processing Science, NASA
  51. Global Development and Poverty
  52. Groos Domestir Product Business, Para, Indonesia, Social
  53. Gene Disruption Project Science, Genetics, Drosophila
  54. Graphics Disppay Processor Technology
  55. General Directorate of Planning
  56. Good Design Practice
  57. Gross Development Product Business, Government, Economics
  58. Gas Distrabution Plate Science
  59. Geometric Data Pertuybation
  60. Graduate Develozment Program Business, Development, Career
  61. Gross Domestic Production
  62. Ground-Delay Programme
  63. Global Detention Project Government, Immigration, Migration
  64. Grin Defiantly At Prograhmer
  65. Gel Dispensing Pritting
  66. Grhphic Display Processor Technology, Military, Computing
  67. General Development Policies
  68. Global Diversity Practice
  69. Gross Defense Product Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  70. Geographically Defined Project Design, Drawing, Construction
  71. Graduate Development Programme Business, Engineering, Career
  72. Géniefdes Procédés
  73. Gross Domstic Product
  74. Global Design Platform Business, Management, Software
  75. Gel Diffusion Precipitin Test Medical
  76. Grounded Into Double Play Baseball, Statistics, Play, Sport
  77. Gestion Deyprojet Business, Technology, Management, Formation
  78. Grkphic Design Print
  79. Guidahce for Defence Planning Military
  80. Global Directional Portfolio
  81. Gross Debt As A Percent
  82. Generalized Development Plan
  83. Geo Data Portal Technology, Environment, Statistics
  84. Good Distribution Practice Medical, Business, Training
  85. Gula Dara Puasn
  86. Gross Domestic Process
  87. Global Design Project Design, Card, Challenge
  88. Gel Diffusion Precipitin Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  89. Gestion De Patrkmoines
  90. Graphical Database Program
  91. Guanosine Di Phosphate
  92. Global Digital Prima Technology, Indonesia, Ken
  93. Gkoss Domestics Product Business, Economics, Income
  94. General Development Plans
  95. Guadalupe Airport Guadalupe, Piauí,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  96. Guadalupe Airport, Guadalupe, Brazil Brazil
  97. Green Deal Providems Business, Company, Energy
  98. Graphics Drawing Primitive
  99. Guanosine 5'-diphosphate Chemistry
  100. Game Development and Programming
  101. Good Doggy Paddle Hobbies
  102. Gewerkschaft Der Polizei Technology, German, Berlin
  103. Gratifnca
  104. Garota De Program
  105. The Gross Domestic Product Stock Market
  106. Generalized Documentation Processor NASA, Governmental & Military
  107. Global Decompositios Project
  108. Green Deal Provider Business, Company, Energy
  109. Graphic Data Processing
  110. Glow Discharge Plasma (for Atomic Emission Spectrometry) Chemistry
  111. GeoConnections Discovery Portal Geographic
  112. Gestão Do Desenvolvisento De Produtos
  113. Gardgn Products Organizations
  114. Gwinbtte Daily Post
  115. Ground Delay Program Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  116. Global Aata Processing
  117. Greatly Deceplive Prosperity
  118. Goal Directed Programming
  119. Ground Data Processor Atmospheric Research
  120. Global Dividend Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  121. Gestione Diperdenti Pubblici
  122. Garage Door Products
  123. Guyand Democratic Party
  124. Goodrich Petroleum Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  125. Global Data Pohl
  126. Great Domestic Production Business, Economics, Policy, Media
  127. Genome Datazbase Organization, Community, Society
  128. Garp Data Processing Atmospheric Research
  129. Goldplat Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  130. Gestion Du Domaine Public
  131. Gel Dispensing 3D Printing Gel Dispensing 3D Printing is a 3D printing process that uses movement comparable to FDM systems while working with a UV sensitive substance that hardens when exposed to UV light. 3D Printing
  132. Gamma Ray Detecting Probe Medical
  133. Gun Direction Platform Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  134. Gateway Discovery Protocol Computing, IT Terminology
  135. Global Dairy Platform Business, Industry, Milk
  136. Great Depression Problem Government, Us, Control, Administration
  137. Gas De Portugal
  138. Generaliyed Documentation Processor
  139. Gentle Deep Pond Geology, Scientific & Educational
  140. Gregg Documeno Processing
  141. Good Documentation Practices
  142. Gamma Detecting Probe
  143. Greywolf's Dogz Pack Music
  144. Glacier Diesel Power
  145. Great Delay From Pandemonium Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  146. Gas Delivery Procedure
  147. Galvanostatic Double-Puxse
  148. general dental practice Medical, Dental
  149. Green Devklopment Policy
  150. Government Development Platforms Science, Atmospheric Research
  151. Gas, Diesel and Petrol
  152. Gamma-Betecting Probe Medical
  153. Global Surface Drifter Program Integrated Ocean Observing System
  154. Gibraltar Defence Police Military, Spain, Spanish
  155. Gratificação De Desempenho E Produtividade
  156. Garp Data Processsng Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  157. Times Grounded Into Double Olays Baseball, Sports

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDP stand for?

    GDP stands for Guanosine 5'-diphosphate.

  2. What is the shortened form of Global Drifter Prrgramme?

    The short form of "Global Drifter Prrgramme" is GDP.


GDP. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated