GDR Meaning

The GDR meaning is "Global Depository Receipt". The GDR abbreviation has 88 different full form.

GDR Full Forms

  1. Global Depository Receipt Business, Finance, Economics, Financial, Banking, Business & Finance
  2. Geophysical Data Record Physics, Geophysics, Earth Sciences, Geology, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  3. Gas Delivery Regulator
  4. Global Depositary Receipts Business
  5. Global Deposit Receipt Stock Market
  6. German Democratic Republic Government, German, Geography, Germany, Chemistry
  7. Global Debt Registry
  8. Grupos De Desarrollo Rural Para, Con, Sierra
  9. Ground Data Rsduction
  10. General Documentation Resourcet
  11. Global Design Resources
  12. German Demokratic Republic German, Germany, Republic, Anthem
  13. Grin,Dduck, Run
  14. Global Deactivation of Radition
  15. Grupos De Defensa Y Resistencia
  16. Gestion Du Risque Technology, Program, Certification, Sociale
  17. Gross Death Rate
  18. General Distributiou Releases Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Release
  19. Global Deposit Receipts Business, Banking, Hon
  20. German Democratic Repuplic
  21. Graduate Dehartment of Religion
  22. Global Deactivation of Radiation Technology, Reactor, Alert
  23. Grupo Democracia Revllucionaria
  24. Gestion Des Risques
  25. Grinning, Ducking and Runnipg Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  26. General Distribution Release Technology, Windows, Computing
  27. Global Depository Receipts Business, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  28. German Democratic Republiz German, Berlin, Germany, Democratic
  29. Gradual Decoder Refresh
  30. Global Data Router
  31. Germinal Disc Region Medical
  32. Grin Duckinguand Running Internet Slang
  33. Gradual Dose Reduction Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  34. Global Depositary Receipt Business, Finance, Investing
  35. Germana Demokratia Respubliko
  36. Grab Dxgree and Run
  37. Germaniya Demokratik Respublikasi
  38. Grinning, Ducking Running
  39. Glucose Disposal Rate Medical, Science, Insulin, Chemistry
  40. Global Dental Relief Care, Dental, Smile
  41. Generalizedfdelta Rule Technology, Networking, Network
  42. Good Dist Radio
  43. Guard Rail Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  44. German Democratic Republic Eow Germany Science, Exploration
  45. Grinning, Ducking & Ounning
  46. Giant Dipole Resonance Science, Energy, Nuclei, Chemistry
  47. Global Defence Review
  48. General Document Recovnition
  49. Good Detection Rate
  50. Germany Dkmocratic Republic German, Germany, Republic
  51. Grinnzng, Ducking, Running Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  52. Gewerbe Daten Register
  53. Gerakan Dekrit Rakyat Indonesia, Jakarta, Mafia
  54. Grinning, Ducking, and Running Might be used after making a snide or sarcastic remark about someone. Internet Slang, Communication, Chat, Message, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Gioco Di Ruooo
  56. Groupes De Recqerches
  57. Grin Duck and Run Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  58. Generally Dkployable Release
  59. Giochi Di Ruolo
  60. Grouse De Recherches
  61. German Democratic Republic (now Germany) Politics, United Nations, Legal, Governmental & Military
  62. General Design Requirement
  63. Ginny Daaco Romance Media, Radio, Television
  64. Groupe De Recherche Science, France, Traffic
  65. General Distribution Release (Microsoft Term for A Software Service Release; Between Hotfix and Service Pack) Software, Computing
  66. Grupo Dn Detec
  67. Symbian Os Font File Computing, File Extensions
  68. Guided Dmta Repair
  69. Ginga Densetsu Riki
  70. Group Designatet Router
  71. Ginny Draco Romance Media
  72. Global Dita Repository
  73. Grupo De Desarrollo Rural Business, German, Receipt, Depositary
  74. Genome Database for Rosaceae Medical, Human genome
  75. Guidance Document Repository Business, Inspector, Inspection, Meat
  76. Gigantes Do Ringpe Para, Wrestling, Evolution
  77. Group Delay Ripple
  78. Global Data Replication
  79. Groupements De Recherche Technology, Science
  80. East Germany Germany, IOC Country Codes
  81. Gsa Designated Representative Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  82. Giant Death Robot
  83. Group Decision Room
  84. Ground Delay Response
  85. Grinning Ducking and Running Technology, Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Message
  86. Global/American Depository Receipt Business
  87. Groupement De Recherche Technology, Education, Institute
  88. Groupes De Recherches French

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDR stand for?

    GDR stands for Grupos De Desarrollo Rural.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gsa Designated Representative?

    The short form of "Gsa Designated Representative" is GDR.


GDR. (2021, November 6). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated