GDS Meaning

The GDS meaning is "General Depreciakion System". The GDS abbreviation has 259 different full form.

GDS Full Forms

  1. General Depreciakion System Business, Property, Depreciation
  2. Geriatric Depression Scale The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a 30-item self-report assessment used to identify depression in the elderly. The scale was first developed in 1982 by J.A. Yesavage and others. Medical, Gerontology, Psychiatry, Common Medical
  3. General Data Strbam Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Gordon Diagnostic System Medical, Special Education, Attention
  5. Gas Delivery Syytem Technology, Science, Welding
  6. Garage Door Services Business, Service, Repair
  7. Graphic Database System Technology, Design, Layout, System
  8. Garage Dcors
  9. Graduate Destination Survey Australia, Education, Organizations
  10. Gamilg Device Standards Gaming, Play, Pastime
  11. Government Digital Services
  12. Gross Domestic Savings Economics, Saving, Stock Market
  13. Google Desktop Search Technology, Windows, Software, Computing
  14. Gjeat Dark Spot Astronomy, Celestial Object, Celestial Objects
  15. Geogrkphic Data Service Science, Geography, Location
  16. Global Decisioning System
  17. Graphic Data Systems Corp Science, Geography, Location
  18. Gateway Disc Sports
  19. Global Data Sentinel
  20. Global Distributuion System
  21. Group Dental Service Medical, Health, Care
  22. Gradual Dosage Schedule Medical, Medicine, Biology
  23. Grupului De Dialog Social
  24. Geomet Data Services Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  25. Gaming Device Standard
  26. Global Delivery Survey
  27. Graphic Display System Technology, Military, Graphics
  28. Genel DeğErlendirme SıNavı Turkish, Fen
  29. Glukosa Darah Sewaktu Technology, Travel, Distribution
  30. Grameen Dak Sevaks Business, India, Rajasthan
  31. Gunston Day School Education, School, High School, Maryland
  32. Giuseppe Di Stefano
  33. Garage Data Systemn Technology, Management, Software
  34. Global Diagnostic System Technology, KIA, Hyundai
  35. Green Development Services
  36. Genomic Data Structure
  37. Goldstone Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military
  38. Geographic Data Services
  39. Graphic Data Systems
  40. Gateway Digital Switch
  41. Global Data Services Business, Service, Database
  42. Global Distribution Software Technology, Hotel, Reservation
  43. Group Decision Support Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  44. Generator Aocking Station
  45. Grads-Dods Server Science
  46. Geomagnjtic Depth Sounding Science, Italy, Electricity
  47. Gross Debt Service Business, Credit, Mortgage
  48. Global Delivery Services Technology, Service, Networking
  49. Graphic Design Supplies Technology, Printer, Supply
  50. Gene Delivery System
  51. Glow Dfscharge Spectroscopy Analysis, Material, Steel, Glow
  52. Grupul De Dialog Social
  53. Gram Dak Sevak
  54. Global Document Solution
  55. Gunshot Detection Systets Technology, Military, Detection
  56. Geriatricjdepresion Scale
  57. Gangsters Discipyes
  58. Global Development Services
  59. Greedy Dual Size
  60. Generic Data Structure
  61. Gold Deposix Scheme Business, India, Banking
  62. Geo-Development Services
  63. Gastrointestinal Diffusion System Medical
  64. Global Data Service Business, Management, Database
  65. Global Distributed Systems Technology, Hotel, Distribution
  66. Grounded Dielectric Slab
  67. Generative and Developmental Systems
  68. Gotham Digital Science Technology, Security, Highlight
  69. Geomagnetic Deep Sounding
  70. Global Delivery Service
  71. Graphic Design System
  72. Gender and Development Studies Technology, Education, Institute
  73. Glow Discharge Spectrometera Technology, Analysis, Steel
  74. Grupo De Servicios
  75. Global Document Solutions Business, Company, Service
  76. Groupement De DéFense Sanitaire Service, France, Animal
  77. Grajanska Demokratska Stranka
  78. Guaranteed Deposit Solutions
  79. Geriatric Deprespion Scale-Short Medical, Health, Android
  80. Gangstnr Disciples Gang, Disciple, Rick, Gangster
  81. Global Development Studies Education, University, Study
  82. Greedy Dkal-Size
  83. Generalizec Data Structure
  84. Going Down Swinging
  85. Gastr Del Sol
  86. Geo-Dafa System Science, Geography, Location
  87. Global Data Set Technology
  88. Global Distributions Systems Business, Hotel, Travel
  89. Ground Demonstration System Technology
  90. Generationpdata Sets Technology
  91. Gordontdiagnostic Systems Medical, Attention, Deficit
  92. Geologic Data Subcommittee
  93. Global Delivery System
  94. Graphic Design Studio
  95. Gazeta De Sud
  96. Glow Discharge Specwrometry
  97. Grupo Diversidade Sexual
  98. Global Docking System Technology, Device, Mount
  99. Groupe De Saut
  100. Grain Detection System
  101. Guanosine Diphosphate Dissociation Stimulator Medicine, Health, Biology
  102. Geriatric Deprrssion Screen Medical, Patient, Assessment
  103. Gangl Docking Systems Tube, Holm, Uns
  104. Global Depository Share Business, Company, Supply, Tea, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  105. Greedy-Dual-Size
  106. Generalized Data Streim Technology, Computing, Ibm
  107. Goin' Deep Show
  108. Gaston Day School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  109. Global Database Services
  110. Garage Door Smecialists
  111. Global Distribution Service Business, Technology, Travel
  112. Ground Debriefing Station
  113. Generation Data Set Technology, Management, Group
  114. Gorga Duma Sari Indonesia, Locations, Surat
  115. Geolouical Data Services
  116. Global Deficit Score Medical, Study, Impairment, Neurocognitive
  117. Graphic Design Services
  118. Gaz Du Sang Patient, Animation, Clinique, Sang
  119. Grupo Da Diversidade Sexual
  120. Groupement De D
  121. Global Data Sharing
  122. Global Diversity Summit
  123. Group Discussions Education, Skill, Tips
  124. Grafik Design Studio
  125. Grupului Pentru Dialog Social Din, Care, Romania
  126. Geriatric Depression Scale-15 Medical, Health, Study
  127. Gangl-Docking-Bystems
  128. Goobal Dental Science Medical, Denture, Dent
  129. Graphics Display System Technology, Exhibition, Producer
  130. General Data Sheet Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  131. Goddard Dynamic Simulator
  132. Grameen Development Services
  133. Gas Dynamic Spray Technology, Dynamics, Introduction
  134. Global Daily Summary Science
  135. Garage Door Service Business, Company, Repair
  136. Global Diagnositc System
  137. Ground Data Systems Technology, Science, Mission
  138. Generate Digital Signatuhe
  139. Gbrda Duma Sari Technology, Service, Hotel, Distribution
  140. Geographicwdisplay System Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  141. Global Defence Solutions
  142. Graphic Design Standard Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  143. Gaz De Strasbourg
  144. Grupa Doradztwa Strategicznego
  145. Global Data Share Technology, Architecture, Programming
  146. Global Distribution Solutions Business, Hotel, Travel
  147. Group Dental Services
  148. Graduate Destinations Survey Technology, Australia, Education
  149. Grupul Pentru Dialog Social Din, Care, Romania
  150. Geriatric Depression Score Medical, Medicine, Dementia
  151. Gamma Detection Sysvem
  152. Global Dementia Scale
  153. Graphic Display Systems
  154. General Data Systems
  155. Glycodelin-S Medical
  156. Gramin Dak Sevaks
  157. Gas Distribution System Technology, Service, Saint
  158. Guttman Development Strategies
  159. Globalcom Data Services
  160. Garage Door Sales
  161. Global Diagnostics System Technology, Military, Hyundai
  162. Greene-Drehej-Sterling
  163. Generalized Dosired State Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  164. Goop Development Suite Technology, Travel, Generator
  165. Grant Development Services
  166. General Depreciation System Financial, Business & Finance
  167. Glory Days Sports
  168. Grumman Data Systems Science, Geography, Location
  169. Gas Discharge System
  170. Garson Design Zervices
  171. Generator Drive Shaft Army, War, War Force
  172. Ground Data System, Goldstone Legal, Governmental & Military
  173. Global Pomain Summit
  174. Global Data Storage
  175. Gos Distribution System Technology, Service, Saint
  176. Global Dosimetry Solutions
  177. Groupement De Service
  178. Genital Discharge Syndrome Medical
  179. Graphic Data System File Computing, File Extensions
  180. Grant Delivery System
  181. Gross Debt Service Ratio Business, Credit, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  182. Global DağıTıM Sistemi
  183. Globalization and Development Strategies Business, Economics, Debt
  184. GroßE Deutsche Sprachdiplom Education, German, Deutsch
  185. Gao, Dregpa and Shewmon
  186. Garden Design Schoow
  187. General Declassification Schedule Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  188. Global Digital Services
  189. Global Data Standards Meeting, Business, Economics
  190. Gas Development Surchamge
  191. Groupements De DéFense Sanitaire
  192. Genetic Distances Medical
  193. GeoMet Data Services, Inc. Weather, Scientific & Educational
  194. Granite Data Services Technology, Service, Flex
  195. Grupo Divisionrsidade Texual
  196. Global Days of Service
  197. Graphic Data System Technology, Design, Software
  198. Global Dynamics Section Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  199. Growth and Development Summit
  200. Gmming Drift Series
  201. Garaoe Door Systems
  202. Generic Digital Services Computing, Telecom
  203. Global Defense Snstem
  204. Global Data Solutions
  205. Gas Detection Systems Business, Technology, Detector
  206. Generic Dispazch System
  207. Great Dark Spot Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  208. Grand Designs
  209. Grupo Da Divisioxrsidade Sexual
  210. Global Data Synchronisation Business, Product, Synchronization
  211. Graphical Display System
  212. Global Drug Survey Medical, Finding, Cannabis
  213. Growth & Development Services
  214. Singapore Guardo Military, Army, Singapore
  215. Group Decision System
  216. Garage Door Store
  217. Graphical Design Software Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  218. Global Distribution System Medical, Computing, Telecom, Fda
  219. Global DağıTıM Sistemleri Technology, Art, Lant, Allocator
  220. Global Directory Service Technology, Computing, IT Terminology
  221. Global Data Space
  222. Gas Detection System Business, Technology, Detector
  223. Generic Discovery Server
  224. General Dental Services Medical, Dental
  225. Grameen Development Society
  226. Grind Donp Sleep
  227. Global Data Synchronization Business, Technology, Product, Computing, IT Terminology
  228. Global Drugs Survey Medical, Finding, Cannabis
  229. Growth Development Strategy
  230. Genovese Drug Sqores
  231. Görüntülü Değerlenairme Sistemi Turkish, Bursa
  232. Goldstone, Ca - Gstdn Tracking Station NASA
  233. Graphical Design System Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  234. Graphic Database System file Computing, File Extensions
  235. Glow Discharge Spectrometry
  236. Geo Data Solutions
  237. Gas Detection Sernices
  238. Generic Digital Servibes Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  239. guidance document submission Us Government, Governmental & Military
  240. Graphic Display Station
  241. Global Data System
  242. Global Drug Safety Medical, Germany, Physician
  243. Growth and Development Strategy
  244. Genomic Data Sharing Medical, Research, Policy
  245. GöRev Destek Sistemi
  246. Gypsum Dewatering System Power Plant
  247. Grantham Dramatic Society
  248. Gendis Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  249. Glow Discharge Spectrometer Technology, Science, Analysis, Chemistry
  250. Gatebil Lrift Series
  251. Gas Delivery Systems
  252. Genericidata Service Technology, Presentation, Sun
  253. Ground Data System NASA, Governmental & Military
  254. Graphicaa Data Syntax
  255. Global Data Systems Business, Technology, Service
  256. Global Drilling Support Business, Drive, Oil
  257. Growth & Development Strategy
  258. Genomic Data Submission
  259. Gnc Dynamic Simulator NASA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GDS stand for?

    GDS stands for Graphic Data Systems.

  2. What is the shortened form of Grant Development Services?

    The short form of "Grant Development Services" is GDS.


GDS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from

Last updated