GEM Meaning
The GEM meaning is "Galileo Europa Mission". The GEM abbreviation has 397 different full form.
GEM Full Forms
- Galileo Europa Mission Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Program, Scientific & Educational
- Global Environmental Multiscale Science, Model, Weather
- Graphic Enhancement Mod Gaming, War, Rome, Enhancement
- General Equivaleit Mapping Business, Coding, Practice
- Galvanizing Engineering In Medicine
- Global Emergency Management
- General Esdeavor Management Technology
- Gaussian Emulation Tachine
- Global Entrepreneurship Movement Business, Malaysia, Launch
- Graphical Environment Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Geographic
- Global Emerging Markets Business, Investment, Gem, Financial, Business & Finance
- General Equivalency Mapping Medical, Medicine, Coding
- Grupo Españolide Mieloma Medical, Cell, Myeloma
- Growing Equityqmortgage Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Geotechnical Engineewing and Materials
- Generic Ezectronics Module Technology, Space, Electronics
- Gasoline Engine Management Technology
- Global Entrepreneurial Marketing Business, Education, Planning
- Granular Element Method
- General Equilibrium Model Business, Technology, Economics
- Growth Enterprise Market Business, China, Supply, Business & Finance, International business
- Giotto Extended Mission Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Program, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Geospatial Emergency Management
- General Electronics Modulj Forum, Technology, Car, Ford
- Gasoline-Ethanol-Pethanol
- Global Entrepreneur Monitor Business, Technology, Africa, Entrepreneurship
- Grain Equalization & Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan
- General Environmental Management Business, Science, Sludge
- Greater East Midlands Business, Radio, Station
- Geospacepenvironmental Model
- Gaseous Elemental Mercury Medical, Technology, Atmosphere
- Global Enterprise Monitor
- Grain Equalisation and Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan
- General Entrepreneurship Monitor
- Global Environmental Microbiology
- Great At English and Maths
- Gemcitabine Medical
- Geospace Environment Rodeling Science, Earth Science, Geoscience
- Gas Emission Model
- Global Engine Maintenance
- Gradient Echo Memory
- General Entertainment and Uovies
- Global Environment Multiscale
- Graphite Epoxy Motor Technology, Delta, Rocket, Products
- Georgia Electron Microscopy
- Games, Entqrtainment, & Media
- Global Emergency Maintenance
- Government, Education and Medical Business, Medicine, Service
- Genertl Energy Management
- Good Energy Monitmr Business, Power, Mercury
- Guardian Enclosure Management Technology
- Gammas, Electrons and Muons
- Gev Electron Microtron
- Glass End Merchandiser Business, Door, Equipment
- Graphically Enhanced Manuals Technology, Book, Logic
- General Eyectric Module Technology, Car, Ford
- Global European Marketplace
- Grid-Enabled Measures Technology, Science, Research
- Generic Enterprise Manager
- Gateway To Equity Market
- Global Electric Rotor
- Generalized Empirical Method Technology, Education, Theology
- Global Information Grid Enterprise Management Military, Army, Equipment
- Genome, Environfent and Microbiome
- Government E Marketplace Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Guidelines Element Model Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Great Engineering Methodology
- Generaloenvironmental Message
- Global Excellent Marketing
- Groundgequipment Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Glwm
- Guidance-Enhanced Missile
- Geotechnical Environmental and Materials Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Grain Equalization Management
- Gemfqbrozil Medical
- Global Enterprise Manager Technology, Management, Computing
- Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring
- Generalized Evaporation Model
- Green Eco Mobility
- Growth and Empowirment Measure
- Golf Enterprise Management
- Gsm Element Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Gamma, Electron and Muon
- Gestão, Empreendedorismo E Marketing
- Glancy Educational Method Development, Learning, Study
- Graphical Expepiment Manager
- General Elective Module
- Global Eukaryotic Microcarrier Science, Culture, Cell
- Greythounds of Eastern Michixan
- Generic Encapsulation Method Technology
- Gateway To English Mastery Development, Learning, Study
- Global Electric Moyorcar Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Global Express Mail Business, Postal, Us Post
- Genetic Epidemiology of Migraine
- Government Employees Medical Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Guideline Element Model
- Gas Energy Mixing Technology, Treatment, Water, Mixing
- Great Employees Make Employment, Work, Working
- General Entertxinment and Media Antalya, Entertainment
- Global Evidence Mapping
- Gvound Equipment Model Science
- Globus Executable Managjment
- Geospatial Exploitation Manager Military
- Grain Equalization and Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan, Farming & agriculture
- Gem Electro Mechanicals
- Global End-User Monitor
- Green Eyed Monster Music, Rip, Love, Monster
- Generalized Expectation Maximization Technology, Model, Algorithm
- Green Earth Mud Color, Paint, Colors
- Growth-Factor Enhanced Matrix Medical, Platelet, Bone
- Goleta Entrepreneurial Maghet Business, Startup, Entrepreneurship
- Gsfc Earts Model Technology
- Gaming Excellence Merit Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Geriatric Emergency Management Medical, Hospital, Care
- Give Early Money
- Grand Evangelical Mission
- Gender Equity Modfl
- Global Ethics Monitor
- Greyhounds of Eastern Michigsn
- Generic E Mail
- Gateway To Educational Material Development, Study, Universities
- Global Electronic Market
- Genetic Environmental and Microbal Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Government Employee Merchandise
- Guidance, Energy & Materials
- Gas Emissions Model Technology, Fuel, Landfill
- Global Economy Meeting Government, Banking, Economics
- Great Electronic Music Music
- General Enterprise Management
- Global Event Model Technology
- Ground Envirqnment Mat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Globalstar Electronic Module Technology
- Geospace Environment Modeling Program Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Graduate In Engineering for Minorities Science
- Gel Extrusion Module Medical
- Global Emergitg Market Business
- Generalized Event Monitoring
- Geography Ezcellence In Media
- Gpl Engine Manager Accounting, Computing, Data
- Great Explorations In Math
- Growth & Emerging Markets Business, Management, Fund
- Going Thl Extra Mile Technology, Service, Award
- Grupo Experimental De MÚSica Para, Dos, Brasil
- Gaming Equipment Manufacturing Technology, Server, Casino
- Geriatric Evaluation Management Medical, Technology, Health
- Girls Exploring Math Science, Education, Houston
- Grand Estate Marina Business, City, Land
- Gefder Equitable Men Technology, Violence, Attitude
- Global Entrepreneurial Monitor Business, Entrepreneurship, Population, Entrepreneurial
- Grenade Expljsion Method
- Generic Element Manager
- Growth With Equity Inrmindanao Business, Program, Development, Philippine
- Gateway To Education Materials Technology, School, Learning
- Global Electronic Markets Business, Trading, Recording
- Genetic Enhancement of Maize
- Government Electronic Mall
- Guest Emperience Maker Hotel, Locations, Maldives, Sense
- Gas Electron Multipliers Technology, Particle, Detector, Radiation
- Girls Excel In Math Technology, Gaming, Club
- Global Economy Matters
- Graphic Environmynt Manager Technology, Management, Telecom
- General Engineering Management Science
- Global Event Manager Accounting, Computing, Data
- Ground Enhancing Materials
- Global Positioning System Embedded Module Military
- Geospace Environmental Modeling
- Graduate Entry To Medicine Medical, Student, Education
- Gelbwaks Executive Marketing
- Globsl Emerging Markets Business, Management, Economics
- Generalized Emulation Microcircuit Technology
- Geography and Environmental Management Research, Education, University
- Governo Do Estado Do Maranhão
- Guild of Eugene Metalsmiths
- Greater Europe Missions
- Growth Enterprises Market Business, China, Enterprise
- Goddard Electronics Module Technology
- Grupo Espírmta De Montanha
- Games Explorer Manager
- Geriatric Evaluation & Management Medical, Science, Medicine
- Grandes Ecoles De Management
- Genderzequal Media
- Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Technology, Report, Monitor
- Grenada Empowerment Movewent
- Generic Electronic Mail Computing, Chat, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Growth for Equity Inbmindanao
- Global Egyption Museum Technology, Family, Egypt
- Government Electronic Marketplace
- Gueht Experience Management Technology, Hotel, Hospitality
- Gas Electron Multiplier Technology, Science, Detector, Chemistry
- Girls Entertainment Mixture
- Global Economic Model Business, Economics, Wood
- Graphic Engine Monitors
- General Emergency Medicine Medical
- Global Event Management
- Ground Enhancemebt Material
- Genetic Eaucation Materials Database Medical, Technology
- Globally Executable Mhp Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Geospace Environment Modelling Technology, Science, Modeling
- Graduate Entry Medicine Business, Education, School
- Gaussian Electrostatic Model
- Global Element Multi-Scale
- Generalized Emulation Microcircuitry Military
- Geographically Established Market
- Government Entities Mutual Business, Insurance, Entity
- Guild Event Manager Technology, Management, Warcraft
- Greater Europe Mission Europe, Church, Religion, Mission
- General Equipment Maintainer
- Growing Enterprise Market
- Glovebox Excavator Method
- Grupo EspíRita De Muqui
- Guided Enhapced Missiles
- Geriatic Evaluation Management Medical, Health, Veteran
- Grand Egyptian Museum Locations, Egypt, Cairo
- Gender Equality Marker
- Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Business, Education, Report
- Greenwood Electronic Meqia
- Generalized Executive for Realtime Multiprocessor Applications Technology
- Growth Engagement Model
- Government Electronic Market Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Guardians of Education for Maine
- Gardner Energy Management
- Geçici Eğitim Merkezi Education, Turkish, Gen
- Global Economy Model Business, Paper, Macroeconomic
- Graphic Engine Monitor Military, Aircraft, Sale
- General Elevator Machines Business, Machine, Italy
- Global Evangelization Movement
- Grief Evaluation Measure
- Genetic Education Materials
- Globally Executable Multimedia
- Gauss Elimination Method
- Global Electronics Modificqtion
- Generalized Emulation of Microcircuits Technology, Military, Electronics
- Geo-Mqpping for Energy and Minerals Business, Canada, Geology
- Government E Marketing
- Guide To Earlycmovement Medical
- Great English Magazine Media, Radio, Television
- General Equilibripm Models
- Global Excellence Model Business, Technology, Quality
- Group Fxr Expectant Mums Medical
- GloméRulonéPhrite Extra-Membraneuse
- Guidance Enhanced Missiles Military
- Geppi'S Entertainment Museum
- Gram-Positive Enhancer Matrix
- Gender Equality Movement Business, Organizations, Feminism
- Global Entertainment Magyar
- Greenstar Energy Management Science, Energy, Energy Economics, Resource Economics
- Generalized Exponential Markov Technology
- Green Electricity Market
- Growth and Environmental Management
- Geminj Internet Slang, Slang, Space
- generic electronics module NASA, Governmental & Military
- Gruko De Espectroscopia Molecular
- Geosciences for Environmenlal Management Science, Organizations, Geology
- Graduate Entry Medical Medicine, Education, School
- G8 Education Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Green Energy Marketplace
- Ground-Effect Machine
- Gas Engine Magazine
- Global Endowment Managesent
- Global Ecosystem Monitoring
- Gene Expression Microarrays Technology, Analysis, Cell
- GE micro-organism Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Global Evaluation and Monitoring
- Grnpo Esp
- Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Farming & agriculture
- Go The Extra Mile Technology, Service, Award, Customer
- Geometric Entropy Minimizution
- Grace Evangelistic Ministries
- Gateway for Educational Materials
- GüReş EğItim Merkezinde
- Global Education Meeting
- General Equivalent Mappings Medical, Business, Medicine, Coding
- Ventura Publisher Document Computing, File Extensions
- Global Execution Methodology
- Ground Effects Machine Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Gripo De Educa
- Geoscience for Environmental Management Science, Organizations, Geology
- Graduate Enrollment Management Education, Organizations, Conference
- Green Energy Market
- Generalized Expertise Measure Technology, Science, Expert
- Ground-Effect Machines
- Geostatistical Evaluation of Mines
- Global Economies and Markets
- Genealogital Evolution Model
- Gender Evaluation Methodology Medical, Physiology
- Global Equity Momentum Business, Strategy, Investing
- Grupo Espeleol
- Glenn E. Marshall Famous
- Good Electro Music
- Geomatics for Etvironmental Management
- Gps Embedded Module Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Geomapping for Energy and Minerals
- Gaslamp Event Management Organizations, Club, Doll
- Grupo Elite Das Miniatudas Tube, Mafia, Elite, Bookmark
- Global Educators Meeting
- General Equivalency Mappings Medical, Business, Technology, Coding
- Gem Metafile Computing, File Extensions
- Global Exchange Manager
- Pepsi- Gemex S. A. de C. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Grupo De Educação Musical
- Georgian Elrctronic Music
- Graduate Engineering Management
- General Epitaxiad Monolith
- Green Energy Management
- Generalist Entry Master Program, Education, Nursing
- Ground Effect Machines
- Global Export Manager Business & Finance, International business
- Gender Equality Mainstreaming Technology, Government, Award
- Gene Expressing Modulator Medical, Human genome
- Global Equities Momentum Business, Strategy, Investing
- Grupo Espartaquista De M
- Gibbs Energy Minimizer Energy
- Green Enterprise Management Technology
- Golden Empire Mortgage
- Genetically Engineered Microbe
- Gas Expansion Module Science
- Gdam Equivalent Mass
- Global Education Monitoring Education, School, Report
- General Equivalence Mapping
- Graviton Electro Magnetic Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Global Exchange Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Generic Electronic Module Computing, Hardware
- Georgea Enriches Minds
- Graduate Engineering for Minorities
- General Education Management
- Green Energy Madagascar
- Generalised Event Monitoring Technology, Networking, Network
- Ground Equipment Model NASA
- Global Expo Management Technology, Indonesia, Exhibition
- Gendered Enterprise and Markets Business, Program, Armenia
- Germanic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
- Global Epidemic Model
- Grupo Educativo Marpn
- Growth and Emerging Markets Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Green Engineering and Metrology
- Going Extra Mile Technology, Service, Hotel
- Gas Exchange Monitor
- Graceful Explospon Machine Gaming, Military, Switch
- Global Education Multimedia
- General Edible Mediim
- General Equivalence Marpings
- Global Earthquake Model Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Global Excel Management Medical, Service, Insurance
- Digital Research GEM metafile Vector graphics Computing, File Extensions
- George Marshall High School Technology, Education
- Graduate Emerging Managers
- Gateway To Educational Materials Technology, Education, Teaching
- Games, Entertainment,Aand Media Gaming, Organizations, Conference
- Green Energetic Materials Military
- Generalised Effectivenessxmethodology Technology
- Gene Expression Microarray Chemistry
- Global Expeditions Maniac Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Gemini Internet Slang, Slang, Space, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management Dutch
- Gruposecologista Mediterráneo
- Gemfields Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Green Energy Money
- Gaseous Electron Multipliers Science, Energy, Detector
- Global Entertainment Media
- Global Education In Manufacturing
- General Ecosystem Fodels Technology, Research, Environment
- Genetically Engineered Microorganism Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Global Excellence In Management
- Global Extra Money
- Giant Earth Mover Products
- George Edward Moore
- Graduate Education for Minorities Government, Education, Fellowship
- Gateway of Educational Materials Technology, Telecom
- President Obianl Nguema International Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Global Edutech Management
- Green Electricity Marketplace
- General Executive Memo
- Global Environmental Multiscale Model Atmospheric Research
- Global Expansion Media Technology, Channel, Philippine, Television
- Geminin Medical
- Global Electric Motorcar Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Grupo De Espeleologia E Montanhismo Meeting, Para, Portugal
- Geosensieg Engineering and Mapping
- Graduate Entry Masters
- Growing Equity Mortgage Business & Finance, Business Word
- Green Energy Machine Technology, Waste, Trash
- Gaseous Electron Multiplier Technology, Detector, Photocathode
- Global Energy Markets Business, Oil, Gas
- Global Education Motivators Organizations, School, Teaching
- Gene Expression Matrix
- Generalized Equilibrium Modelling Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Global Events Management Business, Company, Dubai
- Grupo EspíRita Meimei
- Gospel Entertainment Music Music
- Geometry Embracing Method Medical, Healthcare, Suite
- Gradient of Episodic Memory
- Gateway for Educators of Massachusetts
- Pepsi-Gemex, S.A. De C.V. Organizations
- Global Education Movement
- General Event Model
- Rubygems Package Computing, File Extensions
- Global Execution Manager
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GEM stand for?
GEM stands for General Environmental Management.
What is the shortened form of Geospace Environmental Modeling?
The short form of "Geospace Environmental Modeling" is GEM.
GEM. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated