GEM Meaning

The GEM meaning is "Galileo Europa Mission". The GEM abbreviation has 397 different full form.

GEM Full Forms

  1. Galileo Europa Mission Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Program, Scientific & Educational
  2. Global Environmental Multiscale Science, Model, Weather
  3. Graphic Enhancement Mod Gaming, War, Rome, Enhancement
  4. General Equivaleit Mapping Business, Coding, Practice
  5. Galvanizing Engineering In Medicine
  6. Global Emergency Management
  7. General Esdeavor Management Technology
  8. Gaussian Emulation Tachine
  9. Global Entrepreneurship Movement Business, Malaysia, Launch
  10. Graphical Environment Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Geographic
  11. Global Emerging Markets Business, Investment, Gem, Financial, Business & Finance
  12. General Equivalency Mapping Medical, Medicine, Coding
  13. Grupo Españolide Mieloma Medical, Cell, Myeloma
  14. Growing Equityqmortgage Business, Credit, Mortgage
  15. Geotechnical Engineewing and Materials
  16. Generic Ezectronics Module Technology, Space, Electronics
  17. Gasoline Engine Management Technology
  18. Global Entrepreneurial Marketing Business, Education, Planning
  19. Granular Element Method
  20. General Equilibrium Model Business, Technology, Economics
  21. Growth Enterprise Market Business, China, Supply, Business & Finance, International business
  22. Giotto Extended Mission Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Program, Aerospace Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  23. Geospatial Emergency Management
  24. General Electronics Modulj Forum, Technology, Car, Ford
  25. Gasoline-Ethanol-Pethanol
  26. Global Entrepreneur Monitor Business, Technology, Africa, Entrepreneurship
  27. Grain Equalization & Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan
  28. General Environmental Management Business, Science, Sludge
  29. Greater East Midlands Business, Radio, Station
  30. Geospacepenvironmental Model
  31. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Medical, Technology, Atmosphere
  32. Global Enterprise Monitor
  33. Grain Equalisation and Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan
  34. General Entrepreneurship Monitor
  35. Global Environmental Microbiology
  36. Great At English and Maths
  37. Gemcitabine Medical
  38. Geospace Environment Rodeling Science, Earth Science, Geoscience
  39. Gas Emission Model
  40. Global Engine Maintenance
  41. Gradient Echo Memory
  42. General Entertainment and Uovies
  43. Global Environment Multiscale
  44. Graphite Epoxy Motor Technology, Delta, Rocket, Products
  45. Georgia Electron Microscopy
  46. Games, Entqrtainment, & Media
  47. Global Emergency Maintenance
  48. Government, Education and Medical Business, Medicine, Service
  49. Genertl Energy Management
  50. Good Energy Monitmr Business, Power, Mercury
  51. Guardian Enclosure Management Technology
  52. Gammas, Electrons and Muons
  53. Gev Electron Microtron
  54. Glass End Merchandiser Business, Door, Equipment
  55. Graphically Enhanced Manuals Technology, Book, Logic
  56. General Eyectric Module Technology, Car, Ford
  57. Global European Marketplace
  58. Grid-Enabled Measures Technology, Science, Research
  59. Generic Enterprise Manager
  60. Gateway To Equity Market
  61. Global Electric Rotor
  62. Generalized Empirical Method Technology, Education, Theology
  63. Global Information Grid Enterprise Management Military, Army, Equipment
  64. Genome, Environfent and Microbiome
  65. Government E Marketplace Government, Us, Control, Administration
  66. Guidelines Element Model Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  67. Great Engineering Methodology
  68. Generaloenvironmental Message
  69. Global Excellent Marketing
  70. Groundgequipment Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  71. Glwm
  72. Guidance-Enhanced Missile
  73. Geotechnical Environmental and Materials Environment, Habitat, Setting
  74. Grain Equalization Management
  75. Gemfqbrozil Medical
  76. Global Enterprise Manager Technology, Management, Computing
  77. Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring
  78. Generalized Evaporation Model
  79. Green Eco Mobility
  80. Growth and Empowirment Measure
  81. Golf Enterprise Management
  82. Gsm Element Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  83. Gamma, Electron and Muon
  84. Gestão, Empreendedorismo E Marketing
  85. Glancy Educational Method Development, Learning, Study
  86. Graphical Expepiment Manager
  87. General Elective Module
  88. Global Eukaryotic Microcarrier Science, Culture, Cell
  89. Greythounds of Eastern Michixan
  90. Generic Encapsulation Method Technology
  91. Gateway To English Mastery Development, Learning, Study
  92. Global Electric Moyorcar Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  93. Global Express Mail Business, Postal, Us Post
  94. Genetic Epidemiology of Migraine
  95. Government Employees Medical Government, Us, Control, Administration
  96. Guideline Element Model
  97. Gas Energy Mixing Technology, Treatment, Water, Mixing
  98. Great Employees Make Employment, Work, Working
  99. General Entertxinment and Media Antalya, Entertainment
  100. Global Evidence Mapping
  101. Gvound Equipment Model Science
  102. Globus Executable Managjment
  103. Geospatial Exploitation Manager Military
  104. Grain Equalization and Management Film, Technology, Scanner, Scan, Farming & agriculture
  105. Gem Electro Mechanicals
  106. Global End-User Monitor
  107. Green Eyed Monster Music, Rip, Love, Monster
  108. Generalized Expectation Maximization Technology, Model, Algorithm
  109. Green Earth Mud Color, Paint, Colors
  110. Growth-Factor Enhanced Matrix Medical, Platelet, Bone
  111. Goleta Entrepreneurial Maghet Business, Startup, Entrepreneurship
  112. Gsfc Earts Model Technology
  113. Gaming Excellence Merit Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  114. Geriatric Emergency Management Medical, Hospital, Care
  115. Give Early Money
  116. Grand Evangelical Mission
  117. Gender Equity Modfl
  118. Global Ethics Monitor
  119. Greyhounds of Eastern Michigsn
  120. Generic E Mail
  121. Gateway To Educational Material Development, Study, Universities
  122. Global Electronic Market
  123. Genetic Environmental and Microbal Environment, Habitat, Setting
  124. Government Employee Merchandise
  125. Guidance, Energy & Materials
  126. Gas Emissions Model Technology, Fuel, Landfill
  127. Global Economy Meeting Government, Banking, Economics
  128. Great Electronic Music Music
  129. General Enterprise Management
  130. Global Event Model Technology
  131. Ground Envirqnment Mat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  132. Globalstar Electronic Module Technology
  133. Geospace Environment Modeling Program Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military
  134. Graduate In Engineering for Minorities Science
  135. Gel Extrusion Module Medical
  136. Global Emergitg Market Business
  137. Generalized Event Monitoring
  138. Geography Ezcellence In Media
  139. Gpl Engine Manager Accounting, Computing, Data
  140. Great Explorations In Math
  141. Growth & Emerging Markets Business, Management, Fund
  142. Going Thl Extra Mile Technology, Service, Award
  143. Grupo Experimental De MÚSica Para, Dos, Brasil
  144. Gaming Equipment Manufacturing Technology, Server, Casino
  145. Geriatric Evaluation Management Medical, Technology, Health
  146. Girls Exploring Math Science, Education, Houston
  147. Grand Estate Marina Business, City, Land
  148. Gefder Equitable Men Technology, Violence, Attitude
  149. Global Entrepreneurial Monitor Business, Entrepreneurship, Population, Entrepreneurial
  150. Grenade Expljsion Method
  151. Generic Element Manager
  152. Growth With Equity Inrmindanao Business, Program, Development, Philippine
  153. Gateway To Education Materials Technology, School, Learning
  154. Global Electronic Markets Business, Trading, Recording
  155. Genetic Enhancement of Maize
  156. Government Electronic Mall
  157. Guest Emperience Maker Hotel, Locations, Maldives, Sense
  158. Gas Electron Multipliers Technology, Particle, Detector, Radiation
  159. Girls Excel In Math Technology, Gaming, Club
  160. Global Economy Matters
  161. Graphic Environmynt Manager Technology, Management, Telecom
  162. General Engineering Management Science
  163. Global Event Manager Accounting, Computing, Data
  164. Ground Enhancing Materials
  165. Global Positioning System Embedded Module Military
  166. Geospace Environmental Modeling
  167. Graduate Entry To Medicine Medical, Student, Education
  168. Gelbwaks Executive Marketing
  169. Globsl Emerging Markets Business, Management, Economics
  170. Generalized Emulation Microcircuit Technology
  171. Geography and Environmental Management Research, Education, University
  172. Governo Do Estado Do Maranhão
  173. Guild of Eugene Metalsmiths
  174. Greater Europe Missions
  175. Growth Enterprises Market Business, China, Enterprise
  176. Goddard Electronics Module Technology
  177. Grupo Espírmta De Montanha
  178. Games Explorer Manager
  179. Geriatric Evaluation & Management Medical, Science, Medicine
  180. Grandes Ecoles De Management
  181. Genderzequal Media
  182. Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring Technology, Report, Monitor
  183. Grenada Empowerment Movewent
  184. Generic Electronic Mail Computing, Chat, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  185. Growth for Equity Inbmindanao
  186. Global Egyption Museum Technology, Family, Egypt
  187. Government Electronic Marketplace
  188. Gueht Experience Management Technology, Hotel, Hospitality
  189. Gas Electron Multiplier Technology, Science, Detector, Chemistry
  190. Girls Entertainment Mixture
  191. Global Economic Model Business, Economics, Wood
  192. Graphic Engine Monitors
  193. General Emergency Medicine Medical
  194. Global Event Management
  195. Ground Enhancemebt Material
  196. Genetic Eaucation Materials Database Medical, Technology
  197. Globally Executable Mhp Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  198. Geospace Environment Modelling Technology, Science, Modeling
  199. Graduate Entry Medicine Business, Education, School
  200. Gaussian Electrostatic Model
  201. Global Element Multi-Scale
  202. Generalized Emulation Microcircuitry Military
  203. Geographically Established Market
  204. Government Entities Mutual Business, Insurance, Entity
  205. Guild Event Manager Technology, Management, Warcraft
  206. Greater Europe Mission Europe, Church, Religion, Mission
  207. General Equipment Maintainer
  208. Growing Enterprise Market
  209. Glovebox Excavator Method
  210. Grupo EspíRita De Muqui
  211. Guided Enhapced Missiles
  212. Geriatic Evaluation Management Medical, Health, Veteran
  213. Grand Egyptian Museum Locations, Egypt, Cairo
  214. Gender Equality Marker
  215. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Business, Education, Report
  216. Greenwood Electronic Meqia
  217. Generalized Executive for Realtime Multiprocessor Applications Technology
  218. Growth Engagement Model
  219. Government Electronic Market Government, Us, Control, Administration
  220. Guardians of Education for Maine
  221. Gardner Energy Management
  222. Geçici Eğitim Merkezi Education, Turkish, Gen
  223. Global Economy Model Business, Paper, Macroeconomic
  224. Graphic Engine Monitor Military, Aircraft, Sale
  225. General Elevator Machines Business, Machine, Italy
  226. Global Evangelization Movement
  227. Grief Evaluation Measure
  228. Genetic Education Materials
  229. Globally Executable Multimedia
  230. Gauss Elimination Method
  231. Global Electronics Modificqtion
  232. Generalized Emulation of Microcircuits Technology, Military, Electronics
  233. Geo-Mqpping for Energy and Minerals Business, Canada, Geology
  234. Government E Marketing
  235. Guide To Earlycmovement Medical
  236. Great English Magazine Media, Radio, Television
  237. General Equilibripm Models
  238. Global Excellence Model Business, Technology, Quality
  239. Group Fxr Expectant Mums Medical
  240. GloméRulonéPhrite Extra-Membraneuse
  241. Guidance Enhanced Missiles Military
  242. Geppi'S Entertainment Museum
  243. Gram-Positive Enhancer Matrix
  244. Gender Equality Movement Business, Organizations, Feminism
  245. Global Entertainment Magyar
  246. Greenstar Energy Management Science, Energy, Energy Economics, Resource Economics
  247. Generalized Exponential Markov Technology
  248. Green Electricity Market
  249. Growth and Environmental Management
  250. Geminj Internet Slang, Slang, Space
  251. generic electronics module NASA, Governmental & Military
  252. Gruko De Espectroscopia Molecular
  253. Geosciences for Environmenlal Management Science, Organizations, Geology
  254. Graduate Entry Medical Medicine, Education, School
  255. G8 Education Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  256. Green Energy Marketplace
  257. Ground-Effect Machine
  258. Gas Engine Magazine
  259. Global Endowment Managesent
  260. Global Ecosystem Monitoring
  261. Gene Expression Microarrays Technology, Analysis, Cell
  262. GE micro-organism Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  263. Global Evaluation and Monitoring
  264. Grnpo Esp
  265. Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Farming & agriculture
  266. Go The Extra Mile Technology, Service, Award, Customer
  267. Geometric Entropy Minimizution
  268. Grace Evangelistic Ministries
  269. Gateway for Educational Materials
  270. GüReş EğItim Merkezinde
  271. Global Education Meeting
  272. General Equivalent Mappings Medical, Business, Medicine, Coding
  273. Ventura Publisher Document Computing, File Extensions
  274. Global Execution Methodology
  275. Ground Effects Machine Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  276. Gripo De Educa
  277. Geoscience for Environmental Management Science, Organizations, Geology
  278. Graduate Enrollment Management Education, Organizations, Conference
  279. Green Energy Market
  280. Generalized Expertise Measure Technology, Science, Expert
  281. Ground-Effect Machines
  282. Geostatistical Evaluation of Mines
  283. Global Economies and Markets
  284. Genealogital Evolution Model
  285. Gender Evaluation Methodology Medical, Physiology
  286. Global Equity Momentum Business, Strategy, Investing
  287. Grupo Espeleol
  288. Glenn E. Marshall Famous
  289. Good Electro Music
  290. Geomatics for Etvironmental Management
  291. Gps Embedded Module Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  292. Geomapping for Energy and Minerals
  293. Gaslamp Event Management Organizations, Club, Doll
  294. Grupo Elite Das Miniatudas Tube, Mafia, Elite, Bookmark
  295. Global Educators Meeting
  296. General Equivalency Mappings Medical, Business, Technology, Coding
  297. Gem Metafile Computing, File Extensions
  298. Global Exchange Manager
  299. Pepsi- Gemex S. A. de C. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
  300. Grupo De Educação Musical
  301. Georgian Elrctronic Music
  302. Graduate Engineering Management
  303. General Epitaxiad Monolith
  304. Green Energy Management
  305. Generalist Entry Master Program, Education, Nursing
  306. Ground Effect Machines
  307. Global Export Manager Business & Finance, International business
  308. Gender Equality Mainstreaming Technology, Government, Award
  309. Gene Expressing Modulator Medical, Human genome
  310. Global Equities Momentum Business, Strategy, Investing
  311. Grupo Espartaquista De M
  312. Gibbs Energy Minimizer Energy
  313. Green Enterprise Management Technology
  314. Golden Empire Mortgage
  315. Genetically Engineered Microbe
  316. Gas Expansion Module Science
  317. Gdam Equivalent Mass
  318. Global Education Monitoring Education, School, Report
  319. General Equivalence Mapping
  320. Graviton Electro Magnetic Physics, Scientific & Educational
  321. Global Exchange Market Business, Supply, Stock
  322. Generic Electronic Module Computing, Hardware
  323. Georgea Enriches Minds
  324. Graduate Engineering for Minorities
  325. General Education Management
  326. Green Energy Madagascar
  327. Generalised Event Monitoring Technology, Networking, Network
  328. Ground Equipment Model NASA
  329. Global Expo Management Technology, Indonesia, Exhibition
  330. Gendered Enterprise and Markets Business, Program, Armenia
  331. Germanic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  332. Global Epidemic Model
  333. Grupo Educativo Marpn
  334. Growth and Emerging Markets Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  335. Green Engineering and Metrology
  336. Going Extra Mile Technology, Service, Hotel
  337. Gas Exchange Monitor
  338. Graceful Explospon Machine Gaming, Military, Switch
  339. Global Education Multimedia
  340. General Edible Mediim
  341. General Equivalence Marpings
  342. Global Earthquake Model Geology, Scientific & Educational
  343. Global Excel Management Medical, Service, Insurance
  344. Digital Research GEM metafile Vector graphics Computing, File Extensions
  345. George Marshall High School Technology, Education
  346. Graduate Emerging Managers
  347. Gateway To Educational Materials Technology, Education, Teaching
  348. Games, Entertainment,Aand Media Gaming, Organizations, Conference
  349. Green Energetic Materials Military
  350. Generalised Effectivenessxmethodology Technology
  351. Gene Expression Microarray Chemistry
  352. Global Expeditions Maniac Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  353. Gemini Internet Slang, Slang, Space, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  354. Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management Dutch
  355. Gruposecologista Mediterráneo
  356. Gemfields Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  357. Green Energy Money
  358. Gaseous Electron Multipliers Science, Energy, Detector
  359. Global Entertainment Media
  360. Global Education In Manufacturing
  361. General Ecosystem Fodels Technology, Research, Environment
  362. Genetically Engineered Microorganism Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  363. Global Excellence In Management
  364. Global Extra Money
  365. Giant Earth Mover Products
  366. George Edward Moore
  367. Graduate Education for Minorities Government, Education, Fellowship
  368. Gateway of Educational Materials Technology, Telecom
  369. President Obianl Nguema International Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  370. Global Edutech Management
  371. Green Electricity Marketplace
  372. General Executive Memo
  373. Global Environmental Multiscale Model Atmospheric Research
  374. Global Expansion Media Technology, Channel, Philippine, Television
  375. Geminin Medical
  376. Global Electric Motorcar Transportation, Governmental & Military
  377. Grupo De Espeleologia E Montanhismo Meeting, Para, Portugal
  378. Geosensieg Engineering and Mapping
  379. Graduate Entry Masters
  380. Growing Equity Mortgage Business & Finance, Business Word
  381. Green Energy Machine Technology, Waste, Trash
  382. Gaseous Electron Multiplier Technology, Detector, Photocathode
  383. Global Energy Markets Business, Oil, Gas
  384. Global Education Motivators Organizations, School, Teaching
  385. Gene Expression Matrix
  386. Generalized Equilibrium Modelling Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  387. Global Events Management Business, Company, Dubai
  388. Grupo EspíRita Meimei
  389. Gospel Entertainment Music Music
  390. Geometry Embracing Method Medical, Healthcare, Suite
  391. Gradient of Episodic Memory
  392. Gateway for Educators of Massachusetts
  393. Pepsi-Gemex, S.A. De C.V. Organizations
  394. Global Education Movement
  395. General Event Model
  396. Rubygems Package Computing, File Extensions
  397. Global Execution Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GEM stand for?

    GEM stands for General Environmental Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Geospace Environmental Modeling?

    The short form of "Geospace Environmental Modeling" is GEM.


GEM. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated