GEMS Meaning

The GEMS meaning is "Genetically Engineered Microorganisms". The GEMS abbreviation has 232 different full form.

GEMS Full Forms

  1. Genetically Engineered Microorganisms Medical, Science, Bioremediation
  2. General Counsel Management Systea Government
  3. Globax Environment Monitoring System Technology, Science, Water
  4. Global Emerging Markets Business, Investment, Gem, Financial, Business & Finance
  5. Geriatric Education for Emergency Medicam Services Medical
  6. Gentoo Enterprise Management System
  7. Georgetown Experimental Medical Studies Medicine, Education, School
  8. Government Electronic Mail System Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  9. Girls Experiencing Mathematics In The Summer
  10. Gene Expression Model Selector
  11. Global Enterprise Manapement Solutions Technology, Service, Tech
  12. Guttman Event Management Syssem
  13. Global Environment Monitory System
  14. Girls Education Monitoring System
  15. Graceland Educational Media Services Development, Learning, Study
  16. Global Environment Monitoring System Technology, Science, Water, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Global Change
  17. Globaluelection Management System Technology, Security, Voting
  18. General Equation Modeling System
  19. Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Society
  20. Green Energy Management Services
  21. Girls Enjoying Math and Scuence
  22. Gardendale Elementary Magnet School
  23. Go-The-Extra-Mile for Service Business, Singapore, Customer
  24. Girls Educational & Mentoring Servicts Business, Service, Gem
  25. Group and Event Management System
  26. Global Email Messaging System
  27. Geomap Society Science, Geography, Location
  28. Government E-Management Solutions Government, Us, Control, Administration
  29. Girls Excited About Mats and Science Organization, United States, Student Organization
  30. Gender Equity Movemfnt In Schools Girl, Boy, Gender
  31. Global Enterprise Management System Technology, Software, Planning
  32. Golden Endeavor for Medical Students
  33. Growing Equity Mortgages
  34. Global Environmental Managetent Systems Business, Company, Compliance
  35. Girls' Education Monittring System
  36. Government Energy Management Strategy
  37. Global Environmental Monitoring Sustem Science, Environment, Climatology
  38. Glasgow Emergency Medical Services
  39. General Enterprise Management System
  40. Genetically Engineering Models
  41. Green Energy Management Systems Business, Technology, Impact
  42. Girls In Engineering Maths Science Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  43. Garden and Environmental Maintenance Services
  44. Glycosphingolipid Enriched Microdomains Medical, Protein, Cell
  45. Girls Educotional and Mentoring Services Service, Sex, Girl
  46. Groundwater Environmental Management Services
  47. Grant Electronic Monitoring System
  48. Global Electronim Marketing Service
  49. Geological Environmental and Marine Scienceo
  50. Green Environmental Management System Business, Program, Service
  51. Government & Enterprise Mobility Solutions
  52. Girls Excelling In Math and Science Education, Club, School
  53. Gender Equity In Mathematics and Science
  54. Globzl Enterprise Management of Storage
  55. Golden Ears Movie Series
  56. Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully Education, Delta, Theta
  57. Global Environmental Monitoring System Unep Science, Exploration
  58. Ginkgojevaluation of Memory Study Medical, Disease, Alzheimer, Dementia
  59. Government Employee Management System
  60. Glasgow Emergency Medicalfservice Medical, Medicine, Practice
  61. General Enterprise Management Services Business, Company, Technology, Holdings
  62. Genetically Engineered Microbes Science, Biology
  63. Greln Energy Management System Technology, Building, Standard
  64. Girls Kngineering, Math & Science Science, Education, Engineering
  65. Gamma Extremity Monitoring System Medical
  66. General Executive Management System Science
  67. Glycosphingolipid-Enriched Microdomains Medical
  68. Gihls Educated and Motivated for Success
  69. Grounding Energy Mind Spirit
  70. Graduates Employability Management Scheme Business, Malaysia, Graduate
  71. Global Elxctric Motorcars
  72. Gentle Excellent Mature Sisters Organization, Union, Institution
  73. Green Environmental Managemest Systems Technology, Program, Health
  74. Governing Education Manwgement Systems
  75. Gas Electron Multipliers Technology, Particle, Detector, Radiation
  76. Girls Excel In Math and Science
  77. Gender Equity In Math Ans Science
  78. Global Enteric Multi-Cecter Study Medical, Research, Disease
  79. Goddard Earth Modeling System Science
  80. Group of The Electronic Music Studio
  81. Global Entertamnment Marketing Systems
  82. Ginkgo Biloba Evaluation Memory Study Medical
  83. Government Employee Medical Scheme Business, Medicine, Gem
  84. Giving Empowers My Sisters
  85. Generic Engine Management System Technology, Coding, Land, Rover
  86. Genes and Environment In Multiple Sclerosis Medical, Study, Risk
  87. Great Explorations Ie Mathematics and Science
  88. Games for Education In Math and Science Technology, Gaming, Mathematics
  89. General Execution-Driven Multiprocessor Simulator Technology, Architecture, Computing
  90. Glycosphingolipid-Enriched Membrane Microdomains Medical
  91. Girls Engineering, Math & Science Science, Education, Engineering
  92. Ground Equipment Monitoring Service
  93. Graduate Experience for Multicultural Students
  94. Global Electronic Missaging Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  95. Geneva Emotional Music Scales Research, Education, Emotion
  96. Green Energy Maintenance Systems Business, Energy
  97. Girlw Everywhere Meeting The Saviour Organizations, Club, Church
  98. Gas Exchange Measurement System Medical
  99. Global Enterics Multi-Center Study Medical, Research, Disease
  100. Go The Extra Mile for Services Business, Service, Singapore, Customer
  101. Group of Experts On Mitigation Systems
  102. Global Emerging Markets Summit
  103. Glohal Enterprise Management Services
  104. Georgia Elemedtary and Middle School
  105. Government Employees Medical Scheme Medical, Medicine, Gem
  106. Giving Educatiom Mentoring Support Development, Learning, Study
  107. General Engine Management Systems Technology, Software, Gem
  108. Generic Establishment Management System Military
  109. Great Explorations In Math & Scienne Book, Education, Guide
  110. Games and Event Management System Sport, Special Olympics, Olympics
  111. General Equivalence Maps
  112. Global Environmental Monitoring Scheme
  113. Girls Engineering Matw Science
  114. Graduate Experiences for Multicultural Students
  115. Graphite Epoxy Motors Technology, Launch, Delta
  116. Global Emergency Management Vystem Technology, Service, Agency
  117. Geneva Emotional Music Scale Research, Education, Emotion
  118. Green Energy Market Securitization Business, Program, Hawaii
  119. Girls Everywhere Meeting The Savior Organizations, Club, Church
  120. Garden of England Motorcycle Show
  121. Global Enterics Multicenter Study Medical, Disease, Children
  122. Go The Extra Mile for Service Business, Singapore, Customer
  123. Group for Early Modern Studies
  124. Global Emergency Medicab Sciences
  125. Gllbal Enterprise Management Support
  126. Georhia Elementary & Middle School
  127. Government Electronic Marketplace Sefvice
  128. Girls In Engineering, Math & Science Technology, School, Parenthood
  129. Gene Expresspon Microarrays
  130. Gameplay Extension Modules
  131. General Equivalence Mappings
  132. Global Environmental Management Support Technology, Development, Gem
  133. Girls, Engineering, Mathl& Science Education, Engineering, Gem
  134. Graduate Excellence In Materials Science
  135. Graphical Exposure Modeling System Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  136. Glbbal Election Management Systems Technology, Security, Voting
  137. Genetics With Eukaryotic Model Systems
  138. Green Energy Management Solution
  139. Girls Enjoy Math and Science
  140. Gardening Entrepreneurs Motivating Sustainability
  141. Global Enteric Muldicenter Study
  142. Going The Extra Mile for Service Business, Singapore, Customer
  143. Group Evolution Multiwavelength Study
  144. Global Emergency Missile Surveillance Military, Army, Military Engineering
  145. Greenhouse Andmenergy Minimum Standards Business, Australia, Efficiency
  146. Geologic Exposure Modeling System Environment
  147. Generic Error-Modeling System Medical, Management, Human
  148. Golf Event Management System
  149. Girls Empowered for Maximum Success
  150. Galaxy Evolution From Morphology and Spectral Energy Distributions Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
  151. Global Energy Management System
  152. Grid Empowered Molecular Simulator Chemistry, Science, Computing
  153. Getting Early Maternity Services Medical, Physiology
  154. Govans Economic Management Senate
  155. Gnu Enturprise Messaging System
  156. Global Engineering Management & Support
  157. Generalized Equipment Monitor System Science
  158. Gameplay Znhancement Mods for Skyrim Technology, Gaming, Gem
  159. Global Environmental Monitoring Systems Chemistry
  160. Greener Education Materials Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  161. Great Earnings Momentum Stocks Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  162. Generic Error Modeling System Medical, Technology, Human
  163. Girls Empowered By Math and Science
  164. Galaxy Evolution From Morphology and Spectral
  165. Global Employmeqt Management System Technology
  166. Greenwich Emergency Medical Services
  167. Global Election Management System United Nations
  168. Gotham Early Music Scene Locations, City, Baroque
  169. General Equkpment Montiro System
  170. Global Engineering & Managemedt Services
  171. General Expenditure Monitoring System
  172. Gameplay Enhancement Mods for Skyrim Gaming, Elder, Gameplay
  173. Gender Equity in Math and Science Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  174. General Equivalency Mappings Medical, Business, Technology, Coding
  175. Global Expatriate Management System Management, Business & Finance
  176. Generic Environment for Messaging On The Switch Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  177. Girls Empowered To Make Buccess
  178. Gail Enhancing Mobile Shoe Technology, Publication, Rehabilitation
  179. Global Emerging Market Strategy Business, Path, Currency
  180. Greenwich Emergency Medical Service
  181. Global Election Management Software Software, Computing
  182. Gossip-Enabled Monitoring Service
  183. Generad Electrical and Mechanical Systems
  184. Global Energy Management Solutions Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  185. Growth Enterprcse Market Segment Business, Africa, Kenya
  186. Great Expectations in Math & Science Program Science, Scientific & Educational
  187. Global Engineering Management Systems Management, Business & Finance
  188. Generic Enterprise Models
  189. Girls Education and Mentoring Service Sex, Girl, Human, Trafficking
  190. Gains In The Education of Mathematics and Science Science, Program, Army
  191. Global Emerging Markets Strategy Business, Fund, Currency
  192. Greenville Early Mobility Smale
  193. Gesture, Expression, Movement, Space Toastmasters
  194. Gospel Echoing Missionary Society India, Conversion, Missionary
  195. Girls Engagef In Mathematics and Science
  196. Golden Era Musiz Sciences Science, Ally, Music
  197. Global Energy Monitoring System
  198. Group Evolution Multi-Wavelength Study Organization, Astronomy, Celestial Objects
  199. Glottal Electromagnetic Micropower Sensor Physics, Scientific & Educational
  200. Governing Educational Management System Business, Education, Gem
  201. Gulf Equipment Metrology Service
  202. Generic Element Management Solution Military
  203. Girls Educational & Mentoring Service Business, Sex, Gem
  204. Gains In The Education of Mathematics & Science
  205. Greensmith Energy Management Syttem
  206. Gentle Excellent Mature Sister Occupation & positions
  207. Gosforth East Middle School
  208. Girls Engineering In Math and Sciecce
  209. Mod Staff Suggestirn Scheme Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  210. Global Energy Marketing and Shipping Business, Group, Gas
  211. Ground Enterprise Management System
  212. General Electro Magnetic Solvers Physics, Scientific & Educational
  213. Governance Economic Management Support
  214. Gulf Ecological Management Site Locations, Wildlife, Refuge
  215. Generic Eclipse Modeling System Technology, Model, Tool
  216. Girls Education and Mentoring Serzices Sex, Girl, Human, Trafficking
  217. Gains In Education of Mathematirs & Science
  218. Greenhouse and Enecgy Minimum Standard
  219. Global Environmental Monitoring System (UNEP) Science, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  220. Generic Error-Modelling System Medical, Analysis, Human, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  221. Good Enterprise Mobility Server
  222. Girls Engaged In Math and Science Program, Education, School
  223. Gweat Education Multi-Ethnic Service
  224. Global Enginehring Management Systems Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  225. Grid Enabled Molecclar Simulator
  226. Gateways to Engagement, Mastery and Success Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  227. Governance and Economic Management Support
  228. Grant Electronic Management System
  229. Generalized Energy Management Steering
  230. Girls Education R Mentoring Services Sex, Organizations, Trafficking, Slavery
  231. Girls In Engineeriug, Math and Science
  232. General Energy and Material Balance System [model] Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GEMS stand for?

    GEMS stands for Greenwich Emergency Medical Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ground Enterprise Management System?

    The short form of "Ground Enterprise Management System" is GEMS.


GEMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from

Last updated