Genre Abbreviations and Genre Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Genre terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Genre abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Genre terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Genre Abbreviations
  1. ABC : Association Beaumont Continental
  2. ANEF : Association Nationale Des éTudes FéMinistes
  3. ATP : Action Thematique Programmee
  4. WRPGS : Western Role-Playing Games
  5. MB : Milfslikeitbig Brazzers
  6. FUDGE : Free, Universal, Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  7. OC : Other Casts
  8. GIEE : Gender Amd Interdisciplinary Education for Engineers
  9. GSP : Generic Structure Potential
  10. RCL : Rzad, Comment, Like
Latest Genre Meanings
  1. Rzad, Comment, Like
  2. Generic Structure Potential
  3. Gender Amd Interdisciplinary Education for Engineers
  4. Other Casts
  5. Free, Universal, Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  6. Milfslikeitbig Brazzers
  7. Western Role-Playing Games
  8. Action Thematique Programmee
  9. Association Nationale Des éTudes FéMinistes
  10. Association Beaumont Continental