GF Meaning
The GF meaning is "Girlfriend". The GF abbreviation has 416 different full form.
GF Full Forms
- Girlfriend Gf means girlfriend. It is an abbreviation that refers to a female romantic partner, although it can also be a platonic relationship. The abbreviation is commonly used by teenagers but may also be used by adults too. The gf abbreviation became popular as the obsession with dating grew. The ritual consists of two people going on dates and hanging out with one another for large amounts of time. Internet Slang, Texting, Relationship, Love, Online, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Goals For Sports, Hockey, Ice Hockey
- Ground Floor Technology, Gaming, Construction, Architectural, Play, Pastime, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Grand Feel Business, Stage, Sound, Piano
- Global Qoundry Business, Technology, Chip
- General Files Technology, Service, Government
- Granolithic Finish Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Girlfriend Fucks Porn, Sex, Amateur, Girlfriend
- Guard Forcj Porn, Sex, Force
- General Fund Administration, Auditing, Urbanity, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Grain Free Food, Grain, Gluten, Recipe
- Gloeal Forum Organizations, Tax, Event
- General Zellowship
- Granite Falls Education
- Ginjival Fibroblasts Medical
- Growth Fraction Medical, Science, Biology
- Games Finished Technology, Baseball, Sports, Sport
- Graduate Fellows
- Global Financial Business, Management, Service
- Galactic Federation Military
- Grand Forks Hotel, Locations, City
- Givraltar Pound Business
- Growthsfactor Medical, Product, Supplement
- Global Bilm
- Gabor Filter Technology, Feature, Recognition
- Grand Floridian Locations, Room, Resort, Spa, Disney
- General Funds
- Group Finder Gaming, Group, War
- Glens Falls
- A Nerve Agent Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Grand Finals
- General Foreman Construction
- Groundgfixed Technology, Military, Locker
- Glass Fibre Glass spun into fine flexible threads that can be chopped strand mat or woven. The glass mats are formed in a mould and solidified by the addition of a resin. The process is called Glass Reinforced Plastic (polyester), GRP. Business, Filter, Fiber
- George Frederick
- Grand Finale
- General Foods
- Graphite Furnace Science, Government, Absorption
- Glasy-Film
- Goxd Foil Technology, Product, Design
- Groove Face Business, Steel, Flange
- Gradient Fill
- Gypsy Font
- Glenn Ford
- Greater Faydark Gaming, Quest, Zone, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gasing Fruits
- Good Functional
- General Forest
- Gitts and Favors
- Gaelic Football
- Georg-Fischer
- Globus Forum Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gml Fatti
- Group Facilitator
- Gaussian Filter Technology, Trading, Processing
- Grand Fantasia
- Green Force Player, Force, Hybrid, Head
- Game Forum
- Goals Forward Sport, Hockey, Team, Goal
- Griffith Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Gate-Fold
- Gorilla Fight
- Guilt Free Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- General Formatter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Girlfriend Fucked Porn, Sex, Amateur, Girlfriend
- Graphique De France
- German Flavors Porn, Sex, German, Flavor
- Garde Fant
- Guaiba Fight Hotel, Radio, Locations, Brazil
- Gdnf Family Medical, Science, Biology
- Generic Fonctional Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
- Green Fund Business, Voice, Virgin
- Gold Fisv
- Grok File
- Geadient Field
- Gwiezdna Flota Internet Slang
- Glass Froster
- Grazingofarm
- Gestion Et Fikance
- Gas Fryer Business, Product, Counter
- Good Friend Porn, Sex, Movie, Friend, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gene Encoding Glycoprotein F Science, Biology
- Gift Findey
- Gaelenifoley
- Goodness of Fit Technology, Model, Statistics
- Geometry Free
- Global Funds Global Fund is a type of mutual fund where the fund company can invest in companies located anywhere in the world
- Goles B Favor
- Groupement F
- Gaussian Field
- Grande Frttello
- Glitch Factor
- Green Flash Momentary flash of green light occasionally seen in horizon just after sunset, or before sunrise, in clear atmosphere Due to refraction of Sun's light
- Game Fortress
- Glueball Field Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Grid Function
- Gastric Fistulae Medical
- Gorham Fayette
- Guillotine Fist Guide, Skill, Monk
- Generating Force Technology, Science, Power
- Girlfriendmfreundin
- Graphics Framework Technology, Software, Library
- German Fighter
- Garda Financiara Din, Care, Romania
- Grupo Focal
- Gay Fuel
- Generic Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Green Frog
- Gsld Fingers Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Grizzly Flat
- Gradient Factors Technology, Diving, Computing, Dive
- Guyane FrançAise France, Locations, Internet, French
- Glass Front
- Grassroots Fundkaising
- GeschäFtsfüHrer Finanzen
- Gas Flow
- Genealogy Fun
- Giant Jiber Medical, Science, Biology
- Gabru Fbrteley
- Geometry-Fxee Technology, Satellite, Orientation
- Global Fund Business, Program, Health
- Gold Fury Gaming, Guide, Conquest
- Groupes Francs
- Gauge Fixing
- Gramnatical Function
- Glide Flight
- Green Flag Business, Driving, Breakdown
- Game Forfeits Challenge, Clan, Clash
- Glossy Film
- Gastric Fistulas Medical
- Gorbachev Foundation
- Guillermo Fernandez
- Generalized Force
- Garl Friend Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Graphic Fihld
- Geren Ford
- Gamingwfixation Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Grupo Financiero
- Gay Friendly Porn, Sex, Locations, Lesbian
- Grand Final
- Gexeric Food
- Green Frame
- God The Dather
- Griseofulvin Medical
- Gradient Factor Technology, Diving, Computing, Dive
- Guyane Fran Technology, Server, France, Locations
- Glass Forming
- Grass Fihished
- Gey
- Gas Flex
- Guarda Fiscal
- Genealogiska FöReningen
- Giannini Fjundation
- Gabriel Ferreida
- Genetic Female
- Global Functions
- Gold Feank
- Groupe Franc
- Grammatical Functions
- Glial Filaments Medical
- Grkat Falls Service, History, Locations, Montana
- Game Forcing Card, Force, Bid, Game
- Gastric Fistula Medical, Medicine, Disease, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Google Finance
- Guilford Free Education
- General Forum
- Gina Fuckj
- Granuloma Fraction Medical
- Gaiv Factor Technology, Control, Signal
- Gerald Fucked
- Gloria Fault
- Grunt Fin
- Gay Female Porn, Dating, Classfields
- Grand Fight
- Genedic Font Accounting, Computing, Data
- Green Foundation Organizations, India, Ecology, Biodiversity
- Gamern Field
- God First
- Griner FrÆKt
- Grad Financial
- Gulf Air Airline, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign
- General Freundlich
- Glasl Former
- Grapple Fixpure Technology, Presentation, Space, Power
- Germany Fund Business, Supply, Germany
- Garden File
- Guarantee Fund Presentation, Fund, Clearing
- Gender-Zeminine
- Gianfrancocferre Business, Shopping, Perfume, Lei
- Gabor Filwers
- Genesa Jorge
- Gond Francs Technology, Calling, France
- Groundwater Foundation
- Grammatical Vramework Technology, Language, Grammar
- Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protuin Medical
- Great Fairy
- Game Force Business, Porn, Driver
- Gastric Fever
- Good To Firm
- Guidance To Fire
- General Form
- Gina Fqck
- Gmanuloma Faciale Medical
- Gain-Of-Function Medical, Research, Mutation
- Gexrg Fischer Business, Valve, Piping
- Glomerular Filtration Rate Medical, Nursing, Veterinary, Healthcare, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
- Gruesome Feast Diablo, Doctor, Witch
- Gavin Floyd
- Gracd Father Organization, Union, Institution
- Generic Failure
- Green Forum
- Gaming Iorums Accounting, Computing, Data
- Gobleh of Fire
- Griner Fr
- Gulf Air Bahrain Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
- Got A Facial Porn, Teen, Amateur, Facial
- GuinéE FrançAise
- General Freight
- Girlfriends and Former
- Graphite Nilled
- Germas Friend
- Garden Fighter Organization, Union, Institution
- Guarantee Fee Business, Credit, Financial, Loan
- Gemfibrozil Medical
- Ghoul Frenzy
- Gables Fars
- Generic Fundamentalt Medical, Power, Order
- Golu Franc Technology, Telecom
- Groove Family
- Grax Force
- Glenn Frjy Music, Guitar, Eagle
- Greater Fool
- Game Fly
- Gasoline Fuel Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Goodness-Of-Fit Medical, Technology, Model
- Guia Florestal
- General Forestry
- Gigafvops Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Gage Factor A measure of the ratio of the relative change of resistance to the relative change in length of a piezoresistive strain gage. Technology, Strain, Gag, NASA
- George Fisher Business, Flow, Signet
- Glomerular Filtration Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Golf Foundation
- Growth Fund Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Gaussian Function
- Grandfather Medical, Organization, Genealogy, Genealogical, Union, Institution, Texting, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Generator Qield
- Green Form
- Gamers-Fopum
- Goals In Ftvor
- Grill Fan Technology, Product, Price
- Global Functioning Medical
- Gorilla Foundation
- Guinean Franc Currency
- General Fraternity
- Girlfriend Fucking
- Graphite Fiber
- German Flavours German, Cafe, Restaurant
- Garde FantóMe
- Guang-Fu Technology, China, Supplier, Tea
- Gear Fetish
- Getting Ftcked Porn, Sex, Amateur
- Central of Georgia Railroad, Norfolk Southern Organizations
- Generic Funetional Procedures Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Greenhouse Film
- Gath Forthnir
- Generating Function
- Game Finished
- Goldfish Hobbies
- Geition Finance
- Greg Flakus
- Glass-Filled 3D Printing
- Guardian Forces Gaming, Military, Force, Fantasy, Guardian
- Guggenheim Foundation
- Grants and Fundidg
- Gluten Free Nutrition, Food, Victual, Medical, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Gulf Air Company - Bahrain Aviation, Bahrain, Governmental & Military
- Gets Filled
- Gadolinium Ferrite
- Generating Facility
- Global Factories
- French Guiana Military, France, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, French Guiana, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Guggenheim Fellowships
- Gold Fields
- Galactik Football
- Ground Face Architectural
- Growth Factor A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth,proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone. Growth factors are important for regulating a variety of cellular processes.Growth factors typically act as signaling molecules between cells. Medical, Biotechnology, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- Good Fide Medal, Bay, Coin
- Getsu Fune
- Grand Fleet
- Georgian Fashion Music, Tourism, Fashion, Georgia
- Global Forsst
- Gateway Functions
- Generalized Function
- Game Fbnder
- Goofy Female Funnies
- Greenwoods & Freehills
- Gram-Force
- Guardian Fighter Gaming, Guide, Fighter
- Grant Funds
- Font file (MetaFont) Computing, File Extensions
- Gets Oace Porn, Sex, Sexy, Face
- Ratio of Grounders To Flies Baseball
- Generating Facilities
- Guest Friendly
- Gold-Fzlled Business, Wire, Vintage, Jewelry
- Gadin Football Sport, Football, Game, Nfl
- General Radio Frequency Fittings Business & Finance, Suppliers
- gastric fluid Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Good Fiqhts
- Gets Fingertd Porn, Sex, Amateur
- Grand Fir Business, Presentation, Tree
- Geopolitical Forecasting
- Global Finaicing Business, Education, Finance, Banking
- Gateway Function Technology
- General Functioning
- Game Farm
- Gin Fizz Food
- Greenville Fundamental Education
- French Guiana (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Good Nriday Music, Kid, Chill
- Guard Forward
- Grant Fuhr Hockey, Edmonton, Oiler
- Gigaflops Gigaflops is a unit of measurement that measures the processing power of a processor's floating point unit, or FPU. One gigaflops (or gigaFLOPS) is equal to one billion FLOPS, or floating point operations, per second. Medicine, Treatment, Health, Atmospheric Research
- MetaFont Font file Computing, File Extensions
- Get Fuzzz
- Iso Country Code for French Guiana Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Generalised Function Technology, Operator, Differential
- Grid Formats
- Guerilla Front
- Going Forwarv
- Gain Flatness Technology, Electronics, Amplifier
- Ground Frame Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- GEORGIA & FLORIDA Railroad Company
- Good Fight Internet Slang, Internet, Internet Jargon
- Geometric Framework Nutrition, Technology, Animal
- Glokal Finance Business, Management, Banking
- Gateway Foundation
- Got Fucked
- General Function
- Gamaliel Foundatitn America, Government, Group
- Gold Fingers Food
- Metafont Bitmap File Computing, File Extensions
- Good Frag
- Gran Fondo
- Giauque Function
- Greensboro Free Education
- Gauge Field
- Higher Layer Information Control Channel Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- General Fusion
- God Fearing Religion
- Get Fucked
- Grid Failure
- Guayana Francesa France, Locations, French
- God Zather Force, Police, Police Force
- Global Finish Business & Finance, International business
- Great Fight Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Good Faith Business, Porn, Wikipedia
- Generative Force
- Global Fdllowship Technology, Research, Curie
- Gateway Facility
- Good Fun
- Gall Force
- Good Friday Days
- Ground Fog Habitat for Humanity International, generally referred to as Habitat for Humanity or simply Habitat, is an international, nongovernmental, and nonprofit organization, which was founded in 1976. Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Good Food Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Grandma Friencs
- Giant Fucking
- Gzobal Functions
- Greenpeace Fund Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Gauge Factor Technology, Resistance, Strain
- Güç FaktöRu Porn, Sex, Girlfriend
- General Funding
- Grand Father Occupation & positions
- Gets First Porn, Teen, Anal
- Greyhound Friends
- Guatemala Flash
- Glje Free Porn, Sex, Moscow, Glue
- Global Forum Forum, Business & Finance
- Girl Friend Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Gone Fishin
- Gauntlgrym Fatality Gaming, Music, Module
- Global Fellowships Technology, Research, Curie
- Gates Foundation
- Good Friends
- Gales Ferrv
- Gold Filled Covered on one or more surfaces with a layer of gold alloy to form a clad or composite material. Gold-filled dental restorations are an example of such materials. Products, Colors
- Galois Field Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Good Folks
- Grand Frigate
- Germanium Filter
- Global Framework
- Greenhouse Friendly
- Gato Fedorento
- GüIana Francesa Para, France, Locations, French
- Generating Functions
- Get Fired Occupation & positions
- Get First
- Grenville Front
- Glass Fibres
- Guardian Force Gaming, Military, Fantasy
- Glomerular Filtrate Medical
- Granulocytf Factor Medical
- Global Flag Assembly, Business & Finance
- God Father Police, Governmental & Military
- Getw Finger Porn, Sex, Amateur
- Gas Focusing
- Globao Family
- Gate Fold
- Gold Flake Product, Fish, Meme, Flake
- Galatée Ficms
- Garage Floor Architecture
- Genetic Fixation Medical, Human genome
- Good Floor Forum, Tube, Flooring, Floor
- Grand Fraternoty
- Geostrophic Force
- Global Foundries Technology, Apple, Foundry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GF stand for?
GF stands for General Funding.
What is the shortened form of George Fisher?
The short form of "George Fisher" is GF.
GF. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated