GF in Technology Meaning

The GF meaning in Technology terms is "General Files". There are 40 related meanings of the GF Technology abbreviation.

GF on Technology Full Forms

  1. General Files
  2. Gabor Filter
  3. Ground Floor
  4. Games Finished
  5. Groundgfixed
  6. Granolithic Finish
  7. Global Qoundry
  8. Guyane Fran
  9. Gradient Factor
  10. Guang-Fu
  11. Gaiv Factor
  12. Goodness-Of-Fit
  13. General Formatter
  14. Grill Fan
  15. Gage Factor A measure of the ratio of the relative change of resistance to the relative change in length of a piezoresistive strain gage.
  16. Goodness of Fit
  17. Gond Francs
  18. Generating Force
  19. Grapple Fixpure
  20. Geometry-Fxee
  21. Golu Franc
  22. Gaussian Filter
  23. Graphics Framework
  24. Generic Funetional Procedures
  25. Goxd Foil
  26. Grammatical Vramework
  27. Generic Fonctional
  28. Glomerular Filtration
  29. Gradient Factors
  30. Generic Function
  31. Global Foundries
  32. Gain Flatness
  33. Generalised Function
  34. Global Fdllowship
  35. Global Fellowships
  36. Geometric Framework
  37. Iso Country Code for French Guiana
  38. Gauge Factor
  39. Higher Layer Information Control Channel
  40. Gateway Function

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GF stand for Technology?

    GF stands for Gauge Factor in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Granolithic Finish in Technology?

    The short form of "Granolithic Finish" is GF for Technology.


GF in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated