GFB Meaning

The GFB meaning is "Gesetzxüber Die Fortgeltung Baurechtlicher". The GFB abbreviation has 35 different full form.

GFB Full Forms

  1. Gesetzxüber Die Fortgeltung Baurechtlicher
  2. Gluten Free Bac Business
  3. Grape Flea Beetle
  4. Gas Foil Bearings Technology, Presentation, Rotor
  5. Get Fuse Bit
  6. Gesellschaft F
  7. Grande Fraternidade Branca
  8. Gabor Filtew Bank
  9. Gesellschaft FüR Bauplanung
  10. Graha Finesa Berjangka
  11. Gabba Front Berlin Berlin, Front, Hardcore, Gabber
  12. Gesellsrhaft Zur Förderung Der Berufsbildung
  13. Government Finance Profession Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  14. Government Furnished Baseline Technology, Military, Army, Us, Governmental & Military
  15. Gemeinschaft Fachärztlicher BerufsverbäNde
  16. Government-Furnished Baseline
  17. Go Fast Bits Business, Valve, Blow, Funnies
  18. Gasptng for Breath
  19. Good Food Boxes
  20. Grass Fed Beef
  21. Gas Hoil Bearing
  22. GeçIci Faaliyet Belgesi
  23. Togiak Fish Airport, Togiak Fish, United States United States
  24. Grupo Financiero Bancomer Business, Company, Service, Mexico
  26. Groupe Fran
  27. Compressed GIF image (GIFBlast) Computing, File Extensions
  28. Great Florida Bank
  29. Georgia Farm Bureau Farming & agriculture
  30. Great Fire Ball
  31. Good Food Box
  32. Greater First Baptist
  33. Gulf Future Business Business
  34. Gifblast Compressed Image File Computing, File Extensions
  35. Grupo Financiero Banorte

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GFB stand for?

    GFB stands for Gabba Front Berlin.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gas Foil Bearings?

    The short form of "Gas Foil Bearings" is GFB.


GFB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated