GFG Meaning

The GFG meaning is "Glass-Film-Glass". The GFG abbreviation has 48 different full form.

GFG Full Forms

  1. Glass-Film-Glass Technology, Screen, Touch
  2. Going for The Gold
  3. Gdmes for Game
  4. Good Fucking Game Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  5. Gel Fiberglass Medical
  6. Gesundheit FüR Generationen
  7. Grei Fox Games
  8. Good Fruit Grower
  9. Gaze Fejtures With Grid
  10. Gfg-Gesnllschaft F
  11. Good Food Guide
  12. Gastgewerbliche Fachschule GraubüNden
  13. Gasellschaft F
  14. Good Financial Governance
  15. Gas Futures Group
  16. Gesellschaft FüR Gehirntraining
  17. Gold Financial Global
  18. Gas Focus Group
  19. Government Finance Group
  20. Gesellschaft FüR GebäUdemanagement
  21. Gold Fields Ghana Business, Africa, Ghana, Mining
  22. Ganz Freches Grinsen
  23. Governance for Growth Government, Us, Control, Administration
  24. Gents Fashion Guide
  25. Groupe FrançAis Des Glycosciences
  26. George Foreman Grill Business, Recipe, Griddle
  27. Gravity Feed Gun
  28. Greedy Face Greedy
  29. Girls for God Religion
  30. Geoinformatics for Geochemistry
  31. Grandmother'S Flower Garden Flower, Quilt, Grandmother
  32. Greedy-Face-Greedy
  33. Gyro Flux Gate
  34. Gupta Family Group Business, House, Steel, Liberty
  35. Governor'S Foot Guard
  36. Grandmothers Flower Garden Quilting
  37. Guaranty Financial Group Business, Banking, Supply
  38. Groupe Fran
  39. Gun for Glory Military, Affair, Shooting
  40. Gone for Good
  41. Grain for Green
  42. Gruppe FüR Gestaltung Film, Technology, Design, Bremen
  43. Guaranty Fin Group
  44. Global Financial Group
  45. Grupo Financiero Galicia
  46. Gruppe F
  47. Gift From God Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  48. Greek From Greece

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GFG stand for?

    GFG stands for Guaranty Financial Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Groupe FrançAis Des Glycosciences?

    The short form of "Groupe FrançAis Des Glycosciences" is GFG.


GFG. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated