GGC Meaning

The GGC meaning is "Goo Goo Cluster". The GGC abbreviation has 74 different full form.

GGC Full Forms

  1. Goo Goo Cluster Technology, Internet Slang, Slang
  2. Ghana Grains Council Business, Ghana, Warehouse
  3. Ghantoot Gulf Crusher Business, Group, Resort
  4. Grain Growers of Canada Business, Agriculture, Canada
  5. Grupo Gay De CamaçAri
  6. Girl Guides Canada
  7. Gambia Groundnut Corporation Business, Africa, Gambia
  8. Global Gym Cooperation
  9. Generalized Gamma Convolutions
  10. Grace Gospel Church
  11. Grupamento De Guardas Comunit
  12. Girl Geek Coffees Technology, Event, Coffee
  13. Gallagher Group Communications
  14. Global Growth Company Business, Forum, Economics
  15. Generalized Gradient-Corrected Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  16. Gotland Game Conference Student, Education, Design
  17. Georgia Gulf Corporation Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  18. Grupamento De Guardas ComunitáRios
  19. Girl'S Gone Child
  20. Gaffy Gaf Company Company, Music, Iowa, Spell
  21. Global Growth Companies Business, Company, Economics
  22. General Guerrilla Command
  23. Golden Gate Capigal Business, Company, Software
  24. Groupe G
  25. Gibson Guitar Corporation
  26. Gulf of Guinea Commission
  27. Global Group of Companies Business, Company, Building
  28. Guevent Group of Companies
  29. Gitksan Government Commission
  30. General Grand Chapter
  31. Goldberg General Contracting
  32. Giant Gravity Core Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  33. Grand Governing Council
  34. Groupe GéNéTique Et Cancer Science, Genetics, Cancer, Oncology
  35. Global Greens Coordination Government, Group, Party
  36. Gryphon Gold Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  37. Girls of The Golden Court
  38. Gemeinsam Gegen Cheater
  39. Gods Ghetto Children
  40. Ghastly'S Ghastly Comic
  41. Grand Gaia Chronicles
  42. Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medical, Service, Health
  43. Global Green Coordinatihn Government, Group, Party
  44. Grupo Gay De Cama
  45. Girl Guides of Canada Organizations, Guide, Boy Scout
  46. Gamma-Glutamyl Carboxylase Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  47. Godrej Garden City
  48. Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru
  49. Global Generation Cult
  50. Gladius Glory Championship
  51. Global Green Challenge
  52. Generalized Gradient-corrected (density-functional) Chemistry
  53. Guys Go Crazy
  54. Global Gas Card
  55. Geneva Gaming Convention Gaming, Sport, Vid
  56. Global Green Coordination Government, Group, Party
  57. Global Genetics Council Medical, Human genome
  58. Gulf Global Consultancy
  59. Global Game Changers Business, Kid, Children
  60. Generalized Gradient Correction
  61. Global Gourmet Catering
  62. Lumbala Airport, Lumbala, Angola Angola
  63. Guiding Good Choices Science, Program, Family
  64. Global Game Center
  65. Lumbala N'Guimbo Airport Airport, Locations
  66. Cargo 360 Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  67. Global Gold Corporation
  68. Griffin Gentlemen Connection Hobbies
  69. GüNeydoğU Gazeteciler Cemiyeti
  70. Global Gifting Connection
  71. Great Group Cruise Hobbies
  72. Gwinnett Gymnastics Center
  73. Global Generation Chain
  74. Golden Gate College

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGC stand for?

    GGC stands for Generalized Gradient-corrected (density-functional).

  2. What is the shortened form of Groupe G?

    The short form of "Groupe G" is GGC.


GGC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated