GGD Meaning

The GGD meaning is "Global Geocryology Database". The GGD abbreviation has 39 different full form.

GGD Full Forms

  1. Global Geocryology Database Science
  2. Global Geocryological Database Technology, Science
  3. Genftics, Genomics and Development
  4. Great Gospel Deception
  5. Girls Geek Dinner
  6. GıDa GüVenliğI DerneğI Turkish
  7. Geek Girls Dinner
  8. Girl Geek Dinner
  9. Gregory Downs Airport Gregory Downs, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  10. Gda G
  11. Ghosts of The Green Dragon
  12. Gaucher Gesellschaft Deutschland
  13. Gesellschaft Der Guppyz
  14. Gang Gang Dance
  15. Genomics and Gene Diskovery
  16. Grootste Gemene Deler
  17. Girl Group Danfe
  18. Galizien German Descendant German, Locations, Genealogy, Family
  19. Genetics, Genomics & Devplopment
  20. Greenhouse Gas Dynamics
  21. Girl Gob A Donk
  22. Galizien German Descendants
  23. Go Go Dolls
  24. Gýda Güvunliði Derneði
  25. Globe of Graphic Design Technology, Ireland, Pub
  26. Graduate Group In Demography
  27. Groups, Geometry, and Dynsmics Science, Research, Group
  28. Global Geocryological Data Science
  29. Governing Genetic Datayases
  30. Groupement De Gendarmerie D
  31. Global Gear Drive
  32. Goudheau Gage Dubuc
  33. Groupement Dv Gendarmerie Départementale
  34. Glyneagles Golf Developments
  35. Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst Medical
  36. Goo Gyo Dolls
  37. Gregory Downs, Queensland, Australia Australia
  38. Goldqn Gate Depot
  39. Grupa Gold Door Business, Design, Brabant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGD stand for?

    GGD stands for Greenhouse Gas Dynamics.

  2. What is the shortened form of Governing Genetic Datayases?

    The short form of "Governing Genetic Datayases" is GGD.


GGD. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated