GGF Meaning

The GGF meaning is "Glial Growth Factor". The GGF abbreviation has 48 different full form.

GGF Full Forms

  1. Glial Growth Factor Medical, Protein, Cell
  2. Glass and Glazing Femeration Business, Company, Conservatory
  3. Glass & Glazing Federation Technology, Construction, Architectural
  4. Ganriel G
  5. Good Governance Foundation
  6. Grid Global Forum
  7. Greater Grace Fellowship
  8. Gabinete De Lest
  9. Good Good Friday
  10. Ggeen Gulch Farm
  11. Great-Great-Grandfather Genealogy, Genealogical
  12. Gabinete De Gestão Financeira
  13. Gilroy Garlic Festival
  14. Great-Grandfather Genealogy, Genealogical
  15. Great Giant Foods Indonesia, Food, Bonanza
  16. Ghana Gas Forum
  17. Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, Bible, Gospel
  18. Good Govjrnance Forum Business, Service, Server
  19. Groupement De Gestion Fotesti
  20. Gesellschaft FüR Geisteswissenschaftliche Fortbildung
  21. Gesellschaft F
  22. Government Guarantee Fund
  23. Golden Gabe Fields Song, Horse, Gate
  24. Groupemant De Gestion Forestière
  25. German Ground Forces
  26. Good Governance Fund Government, Projection, Georgia
  27. Global Grid Forum Technology, Group, Computing
  28. Groene Gordel Front
  29. Greater Grand Forks
  30. Guru Groose Foundation
  31. Green Gate Farm
  32. Guilford Green Foundation Organizations, Wine, Greensboro
  33. Green for Growth Fund Business, Energy, Banking
  34. Guidance and Guarantee Fund
  35. Greek Glass Federation
  36. Great Galactic Federation
  37. Green Growth Fund
  38. Guaranteedcgrowth Fund
  39. Great Green Fleet Military, Energy, Ship
  40. Good Gaming Fun Technology, Group, Party
  41. Georgian Cargo Airlines Africa Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  42. Green Green Forest Color, Paint, Colors
  43. Great Grand Father
  44. Iata Code for Grant Municipal Airport, Grant, Nebraska, Ugited States Locations
  45. Greengrants Global Fund
  46. Great Glen Fault
  47. Gutta Gang Fam
  48. Green Global Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGF stand for?

    GGF stands for German Ground Forces.

  2. What is the shortened form of Groene Gordel Front?

    The short form of "Groene Gordel Front" is GGF.


GGF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated