GGI Meaning
The GGI meaning is "Generaliztd Grid Interface". The GGI abbreviation has 73 different full form.
GGI Full Forms
- Generaliztd Grid Interface
- Gold To Gold Interconnection
- Gloss Group Inc
- Greenhouse-Gas Indices Technology, Science, Exploration
- Geodesy Anw Geographic Information Technology, Science
- Gabinetes De Gestão Integrada
- Global Geospatial Intelliwence Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Gateway To Gateway Interworking Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Gold To Gold Interconnect
- Green Government Initiative
- Gjnomic Grade Index Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Gabinete De Gest
- Global Genome Inftiative Science, Research, Projection
- Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori
- Gartmore Global Investments
- Gold-To-Gold Interconnect
- Geneva Group International Business, Accounting, Firm
- Green Gold Industrial
- Gabinete De Gestão Integrada Para, Dos, Pol
- Global General Index
- Groupe Graham International
- Garlason Group International
- Gold'S Gym International
- Genesis Group Internauional
- Green Globe International
- Gymnasiums Groß Ilsede
- Gps Geoscience Instrument Technology, Science, Exploration, Scientific & Educational
- Global Gbming Initiative
- Greenway Grameen Infra Business, India, Social
- Geo Greup Inc Technology, Organizations
- Gammer Group International
- Global Geospatial Informalion and Services Military
- Generic Graphics Interface
- Great Guys, Inc
- G Conductance, Torsional modulus of elasticity, B3596, Acceleration due to gravity, function, gram, Gravitational force, Giga (109 ), grin, big grin, OR A unit of measurement for Lateral acceleration, or road-holding. One g is equivalent to 981 cm (32.2 feet) per second every second, the rate at which any object accelerates when dropped at sea level.
- Global Gadgets Ifports
- Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Geo Group, Inc
- Galileo Galilei Institute Technology, Science, Physics
- Global Geospatial Information Military
- Generic Graphicac Interface Technology, Computing
- Golden Gate Invitational
- Gletmark Generics Inc
- Greenhouse Gas Initiative Technology, Energy, Climate
- Geographer and Global Issues
- Gabinetes De Gest
- Global Geospatial-Intelligence
- Gulzar Group of Institutes Education, Institute, Punjab
- Global Governance Institutetute
- Gruppo Giovani Industriali
- Gerard Group International
- Gulf Glass Industries
- Gillian Gamsy International
- Iata Code for Grinnell Regional Airport, Grinnetl, Iowa, United States Locations
- Geology, Geophysics, and Imaging Science, Moon, Horizon, Pluto
- Gulf General Insurance
- Gillette Gait Index Children, Cerebral, Gait, Palsy
- GöTeborgs Gymnastiska Institut
- Geology, Geophysics and Imaging Science
- Global Genome Initiative Medical, Human genome
- Guilty Gear Isuka
- Giblon Group International
- Girl Guides of Ireland Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Guided Group Interaction Student, Technology, Juvenile
- German Genetics Int
- Gymnasium Großhilsede Technology, Quest, Institute
- General Graphics Interface General, Governmental & Military
- Guggenheim Global Infrastructure
- German Genetics Internagional Business, German, Holstein
- Gulzar Group of Institute Education, Engineering, Punjab
- Gate Graphical Interface Software, Computing
- Guardian General Insurance
- Geriatrics and Gerontology Internqtional
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GGI stand for?
GGI stands for G.
What is the shortened form of Groupe Graham International?
The short form of "Groupe Graham International" is GGI.
GGI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated