GGO Meaning

The GGO meaning is "Ground Glass Opacity". The GGO abbreviation has 28 different full form.

GGO Full Forms

  1. Ground Glass Opacity Medical, Technology
  2. Great Grey Owl
  3. Genetisch Gemodificeerd Organisme
  4. Great Grey Owls
  5. Geranylgeraniol Medical, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  6. Genetisch Gemodificeerde Organismen
  7. Great Gray Owls
  8. Guiglo Airport Guiglo, Ivory Coast Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  9. General Government Operations
  10. Great Gray Owl
  11. Gartmore Growth Opps
  12. Greater Greensboro Open Club, Golf, Championship, Greensboro
  13. Gartmore Growth Opportunities
  14. Gesamtschule GießEn-Ost
  15. Greening Government Operations Business, Development, Canada
  16. Ghetto Government Officialz
  17. Georgia Golden Olympics
  18. Ground-Glass Opacification
  19. Guiglo Airport, Guiglo, Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
  20. Groot Genker Orkest
  21. Gorilla Gorilla Medical
  22. Greg Gross Open
  23. Generalized Goel-Okumoto
  24. Greentree Gas and Oil
  25. Ground Glass Opacification Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  26. Greentree Gas & Oil
  27. Ground Glass Opacities
  28. Ground-Glass Opacity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGO stand for?

    GGO stands for Ground Glass Opacification.

  2. What is the shortened form of Genetisch Gemodificeerde Organismen?

    The short form of "Genetisch Gemodificeerde Organismen" is GGO.


GGO. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated