GGR Meaning

The GGR meaning is "Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir". The GGR abbreviation has 40 different full form.

GGR Full Forms

  1. Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir Business, Oil, Geology
  2. Garden Gate Respite
  3. Gold Gold Revolution
  4. Global Genome Repair Medical, Science, Genetics
  5. Geriatric Grand Rounds
  6. Golden Goose Resources
  7. Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir Business, Company, Oil
  8. Grawam Goode Racing Business, Ford, Focus
  9. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Technology, Science, Journal
  10. Goldgn Globe Race Sailing, Race, Yacht
  11. Geology, Geophysics & Reservoirs Company, Technology, Oil
  12. Gougmet Green Room
  13. Georgetown and Granger Rsilroad
  14. Golden Gate Resyaurant Organizations, Restaurants
  15. Got Gold Report
  16. Gamer Girls Radio
  17. Golden Gate Region Technology, Car, Porsche
  18. Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir Company, Technology, Geology
  19. Gordon Gartrell Radio
  20. G/G Router Technology
  21. Gesellschaftxder Germanisten Rumäniens
  22. Geoglobal Resources Inc. Technology, Organizations
  23. Gotly Gee Records Music, Rock, Surf
  24. Gross Gaming Revenue
  25. Geschichte Der Eriechischen Religion
  26. Garoe, Garoe, Somalia Somalia, Iata Airport Codes
  27. Greater Grand Rapids
  28. Groudle Glen Railway
  29. Grain Growth Rate
  30. Gross Gaming Revenues
  31. Gas Graphite Reactor
  32. Gross Gembling Revenue Business, Gaming, Casino
  33. Gymnogrammitaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  34. Greenzouse Gas Removal
  35. Grupo Gay De Rond
  36. Greenberg, Grant & Richards
  37. Grupo Gay De Roxdônia
  38. Gimp Gradient File Computing, File Extensions
  39. Great Group Reahs
  40. Ground Gunnery Range

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGR stand for?

    GGR stands for Gross Gembling Revenue.

  2. What is the shortened form of Greater Grand Rapids?

    The short form of "Greater Grand Rapids" is GGR.


GGR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated