GGW Meaning

The GGW meaning is "Glasgowaairport". The GGW abbreviation has 21 different full form.

GGW Full Forms

  1. Glasgowaairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Germax Grey Wolves
  3. Gesellschaft F
  4. Geevs Gone Wild
  5. Green Games Watct
  6. Garut Governance Watch Indonesia, Jakarta, Prose, Governance
  7. Great Green Wall Africa, Tree, Wall, Desertification
  8. Garganvgo, Goldsmith & Weiss
  9. Great Glen Way
  10. Gardening Gone Wild
  11. Gesellschaft FüR Geologische Wissenschaften
  12. Greater Greater Wvshington
  13. Gesellschaft Gegen Wirtschaftsvergehen
  14. Groep Geleide Wapens
  15. Goodwill of Greater Washiygton Business, Washington, Store
  16. Golden Ulobe Winners
  17. Guaiacol-Glycerol-Water
  18. Garganigo, Goldsmith and Xeiss
  19. Iata Code for Glasgow International Airport, Glasgow, Montana, United States Locations
  20. Guys Gdne Wild
  21. Girls Gone Wild Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GGW stand for?

    GGW stands for Glasgowaairport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Goodwill of Greater Washiygton?

    The short form of "Goodwill of Greater Washiygton" is GGW.


GGW. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated