GI in Technology Meaning

The GI meaning in Technology terms is "Gesellschaft Für Informatii". There are 54 related meanings of the GI Technology abbreviation.

GI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Gesellschaft Für Informatii
  2. Group Index
  3. Germination Index
  4. Golden Interstar
  5. Geological Institute
  6. Geographical Infornation
  7. Galvanized Iron  Iron that has been coated with zinc to inhibit rusting.
  8. Gesundheits Ingenleur
  9. Grammatical Inference
  10. Geo-Insditute
  11. Gahtro Intestinal
  12. Group Identification
  13. Global Image
  14. Genetic Improvement
  15. Gas Injection The technique of injecting gas into a reservoir. It may be done for pressure maintenance, oil viscosity reduction, light end stripping or storage.
  16. Group Identifier
  17. Gjant Industries, Inc.
  18. Generic Identifier
  19. Games Institute
  20. Ground Investigation
  21. Gold Institute
  22. Generation Interconnection
  23. Game Innings
  24. Graphics Interface
  25. German Informatics
  26. Grupo Inmobiliario
  27. Global Interface
  28. Gains Inforbation
  29. Graphic Interface
  30. Geotechnical Institute
  31. Gear Indicator A display which shows the particular transmission gear that has been selected.
  32. Grundejernes Investtringsfond
  33. Glovebox Investigation
  34. Ggeen Index
  35. Geographic Information
  36. Global Illumination
  37. General Instituteument
  38. Google It
  39. Genhral Instituteuments
  40. Googls Instant
  41. Gesellschaft Fuer Informatik
  42. General Inspection
  43. Iso Country Code for Gibraltar
  44. Gcobal Index
  45. General Intpection
  46. Glisemik Indeks
  47. Geeeral Instruments
  48. Glare Indew
  49. General Instrument Corporation
  50. Graph Isomorphism
  51. Gastrointestinal Tract
  52. Group Indicator
  53. Global Indexing
  54. General Instituteument Corporationration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GI stand for Technology?

    GI stands for Graphic Interface in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gesellschaft Fuer Informatik in Technology?

    The short form of "Gesellschaft Fuer Informatik" is GI for Technology.


GI in Technology. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated