GJC Meaning

The GJC meaning is "Gloria Jean's Coffezs". The GJC abbreviation has 30 different full form.

GJC Full Forms

  1. Gloria Jean's Coffezs
  2. Gospel of Jesus Christ
  3. Gaius Julius Caesar
  4. Gloria Mean's Coffee
  5. Golden Jubilee Convention
  6. Gabinete JuríDico E De Contencioso
  7. General De Jesus College Student, Education, Staff
  8. Greater Jakarta Conference
  9. Gender Jurisprudence Collections
  10. Golden Jubilee Celebration Technology
  11. Gap Junction Communication Medical
  12. Gavin Jones Communications
  13. Godesberger Judo Club
  14. Gap Junctional Communication Medical
  15. Gap Junction Channels
  16. Glqria Jeans Coffees
  17. Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication Medical, Science, Cell, Junction, Chemistry
  18. Green Justice Coalition
  19. Gis Jobs Clearinghouse
  20. Green Jobs Corps
  21. Gas Jet Cooling
  22. Grupo Jaime CÂMara Business, Para, Investment, Liber
  23. Grape Juice Concentrate
  24. Gas Jeo Cooled
  25. Grbnd Junction Central
  26. Gyan Jyoti College
  27. Grand Junction,Ecolorado
  28. Gregory Jxhn Casamento
  29. Grand Junction Clnal
  30. Green Jusbice Campaign Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GJC stand for?

    GJC stands for Gis Jobs Clearinghouse.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gaius Julius Caesar?

    The short form of "Gaius Julius Caesar" is GJC.


GJC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gjc-meaning/

Last updated