GK Meaning
The GK meaning is "Gawad Kalinga". The GK abbreviation has 176 different full form.
GK Full Forms
- Gawad Kalinga Technology, Community, Philippine
- Gipsy Kings
- Garfield Kart
- Giant Killer Gaming, Calling, Giant
- Garage Kit Model, Figure, Kit, Products
- George Kell
- Gamma Knife Medical, Treatment, Brain
- Genoa-Kingston
- Genghis Khan
- General Knowledge Education, Exam, Quiz, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Grassy Knoll Technology, Book, Assassination
- Girl Kiara
- Ganga-Kaveri College, Organizations, India, Agriculture
- Gordian Knot
- Geneeskundige Kring
- Griechenland, Kreta
- Gary Kelly Sport, League, Football
- Gunung Kemukus
- Go Kart Business, Kid, Sale, Cart
- Garage Kits Business, Model, Figure
- Gray-Kbng
- George Kaufman
- Gershon Koffpe
- Good Kill Gaming, Military, Movie
- Gbu
- Gyakuten Kbnji
- Golden Keys
- Greater Kvarloc
- Girish Kasaravalli
- Gamaa Kappa
- Gopala Krishnan
- Gemeinsamz Kontrollinstanz
- Grev Knights Gaming, Military, Space
- Gary Katz
- Gumusut-Kakap Technology, Projection, Shell
- Goh, Kim
- Garaue Kids
- Graffiti King Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Geofizykz Krakow
- Gsrry Kelly
- Good Kicker
- Gatekeeper A person in an organisation who controls access to the people in the organisation, and/or controls access to information or goods, or even a market. Microsoft could be described as a gatekeeper to the computer industry. Google could be described as a gatekeeper to the internet industry. Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Gustav Kwimt
- Golden Key International Honor Society Organization, United States, Student Organization
- Greater Kastmir
- Giorgi Khilovi Feat, Remix, Mix
- Gamma-Knife
- Go One Airways Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Gema Keadilwn
- Grey Kitty Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Godo Kaisha Business, Company, Japan
- Gattungan Kunci
- Grace King
- Geoffreyhkeezer
- Good Key Technology, Gaming, Keyboard
- Gate Keeper Technology, Anime, Japan
- German Kuch
- Golden Keshik Gaming Clan
- Greater Kailash Business, Market, Restaurant
- Gevrge King
- Ghettomkids
- Gilbert Keith Book, Education, Man
- Goofy'S Kitchen
- Gelbe Karten
- Greta Kella
- Godo-Kaisha
- Ganti Kerugian
- Grace Kim
- Geoff Keighley
- Gate-Keeper Technology, Anime, Garden
- Guru Keoas
- Gqrman Kitchens
- Goldene Konfirmation
- Gray Knight
- Georgf Kerr
- Gevorgqkasparov
- Guanylate Kinase Medical, Science, Medicine, Treatment, Biology
- Goodrick-Kohlenberger Bible, Greek, Testament
- Gyikielite Mineral, Geology, Component
- Gregor Kobil
- Gro
- Great Khali
- Glandular Kallikrein Medical, Science, Biology
- Ganncn Kashiwa
- Government of Kenya Business, Service, Kenya
- Genuine Kiis
- Grind Iing
- Gary Kimmons
- Gunung Tinabalu
- Gereja Uristus Business, Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Go Kong
- Gray Kaagaroo
- George Kznt
- Gesenius-Kautzsch
- Grey Knight A third person, or company, who makes an unsolicited bid in a corporate takeover, and who takes advantage of any problems which arise between the first bidder (White Knight) and the company being acquired. Gaming, Military, Terminator
- Goodnight Kiss
- Gaqss Kruger
- Greg Kot
- Glomerulocystic Kidney Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Kidneys
- Gceat Katana
- Glamour Kills
- Gangguao Keamanan Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Gourmet King
- Genrikh Kasparyan
- Griffon Knights
- Gary Kpldall
- Gunungfkidul
- Go Know Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Garda Kemerdekaan Technology, Organizations
- Gray Kiny
- George Kelly
- Gesellschaft FüR Kognitionswissenschaft
- Good Kitty
- Gaarav Kumar
- Greg Koch
- Gesellschaft F
- Great Kan
- Gas Kinemutic
- Golf Klubb
- Gerenormeerde Kerken
- Group Key Technology, Networking, Network
- Goalkeeper Sport, Football
- Garmouth & Kingstmn
- George Klein
- Gyan Kendra Book, Education, Rajasthan
- Güç Kaynakları Turkish, Power, Ken
- Golf Klub
- Gerard Kenny
- Grounds Keeper
- Gabriel Knight Famous
- Garman Kohlhagen
- George Kifikos
- Guc Karaya Medical
- Gold Keys
- Gary Kaplan
- Great Knife
- Georg KräMer
- Güvenlik Konseyi Turkish, Kabul
- Groove Kissing
- George Kramerich Famous
- Green Kit
- Garmaq-Kohlhagen
- Guanylste Kinase-Like Medical
- Golden Knights
- Garuda Keadilan
- Great Killers Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Georgios Paragiannis
- GüVenlik KatsayıSı
- Grbße Katechismus
- George Katsimpiris Famous
- Good Karma
- Garis Kemisiinan
- GrüNes Kreuz
- Golden Knight Army, War, War Force
- Gary Kasparov
- Georgi Kitanov Sport, Organizations, Football, Varna
- Gümrük Kanunu Turkish, Kin
- Georgexkaragioules
- glycerol kinase Medical, Kidneys
- Gonoshasthya Kendra Medical
- Gardner Kilcoyne
- Gry Komputerdwe
- Gentek, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Golden Kite
- Garry Kasparov
- George Kramerish Development, Study, Universities
- Gfpsy's Kiss
- Gaz Kromatografisi Turkish
- Gonoshasthaya Kendra Business, Health, Bangladesh
- Gervformeerde Kerk Africa, Church, Dutch
- Grup Komutanlığı Turkish, Ankara
- Glass-Kapton Products
- Golden Kingdom
- Garrison Keillor
- George Kbvacs
- Gyan Kendras
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GK stand for?
GK stands for Government of Kenya.
What is the shortened form of Greater Kvarloc?
The short form of "Greater Kvarloc" is GK.
GK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gk-meaning/
Last updated