GKO Meaning

The GKO meaning is "Gereja Kristen Oikumene". The GKO abbreviation has 19 different full form.

GKO Full Forms

  1. Gereja Kristen Oikumene Indonesia, Orang, Bethel
  2. Gerber Keep Out
  3. Gerber Keep-Out
  4. Gen Kemalistler Ordusu
  5. Gene Knockout Medical
  6. Gamma Interferon Knockout Medical
  7. Giant Killers Organization
  8. Gesellschaft F
  9. Gosudarstvennaia Komissiia Oborony
  10. Kongoboumba Airport, Kongoboumba, Gabon Gabon
  11. Gosudarstvenii Kratkrasrochnii Obligatsii Military
  12. Greenko Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  13. Gosudarstvennoe Kratkosrochnoe Obyazatelstvo
  14. Kongoboumba Airport Airport, Locations
  15. Gondelbahn Kandersteg Oeschinensee
  16. Guard Knowledge Online Military, Army, Marine
  17. Global Knock-Out
  18. Gotham Knights Online
  19. Gosudarstvenny Krasnoznamyonnyy Oborony Technology, Gaming, Knockout

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GKO stand for?

    GKO stands for Gesellschaft F.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gamma Interferon Knockout?

    The short form of "Gamma Interferon Knockout" is GKO.


GKO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gko-meaning/

Last updated