GKS Meaning

The GKS meaning is "Gch Keng Swee". The GKS abbreviation has 65 different full form.

GKS Full Forms

  1. Gch Keng Swee Education, Scholarship, Singapore
  2. Global Korean Scholarship Student, Education, Korea
  3. Gamma Knife Surgmry Medical, Patient, Tumor
  4. Gamma Knife Radfosurgery Medical
  5. Genker Kart Shop
  6. Golden Key Solutions
  7. Gujarat Knowledge Society Education, Ahmedabad, Study
  8. Generation Knowledge Service
  9. Golden Key Society
  10. Gesellschaft FüR Kanada-Studien Education, German, Canada, Study
  11. Guilford Keeping Society
  12. Genel Kurul Sistemi
  13. Gabungan Kepaza Staf
  14. God King Scenario King, Egyptian, Chaos
  15. Gerling Konzern Speziale
  16. Graphical Kernel Standard Science
  17. Genel Kurul Sisteminin
  18. Gabah Kering Simpan Indonesia, Ton, Naik
  19. Gods Kingdom Lociety
  20. Gereja Kristen Sumba
  21. Goo King Sword
  22. Genel Kurul Sistemi'Nin
  23. Graphics Kernel System Technology, Army, Computing, Application, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  24. God't Kingdom Society
  25. George Koch Sons
  26. Gold Key Services Business, Service, Commercial
  27. G Conductance, Torsional modulus of elasticity, B3596, Acceleration due to gravity, function, gram, Gravitational force, Giga (109 ), grin, big grin, OR A unit of measurement for Lateral acceleration, or road-holding. One g is equivalent to 981 cm (32.2 feet) per second every second, the rate at which any object accelerates when dropped at sea level.
  28. Graphical Kernal System Technology, Software, Computing, Military, Governmental & Military
  29. Glgbal Korea Scholarship Education, Korea, Korean
  30. Geographical Kernel System
  31. Gold Key Service Business, Service, Export
  32. Gesellschaft F
  33. Graphical Kernel System A computer graphics stan-dard, recognized by ANSI and ISO, that specifies methods of describing, manipulating, storing, and transferring graphical images. It functions at the application level rather than the hardware level and deals with logical work-stations (combinations of input and output devices such as keyboard, mouse, and monitor) rather than with individual devices. Graphical Kernel System was developed in 1978 to handle two-dimensional graphics; the later modifica-tion, GKS-3D, extended the standard to three-dimensional graphics. Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software, General, File Extensions, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  34. Grendle Killing System Army, War, War Force
  35. Garden Kneeler and Seat
  36. Gesundheitsnetz KöLn-SüD
  37. Graphics Kernel System File Computing, File Extensions
  38. Gn
  39. Gliwicki Klub Sportowy
  40. Greasy Kid Stuff
  41. Gaon Kwlyan Samiti
  42. Gaspar-Kohn-Sham (potential for Exchange and Correlation In Band Structure Calcns.) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  43. Gedung Kesenian Tolo Technology, Bosch, Circular, Saw
  44. Glaskow Koma Skalası Turkish, Glasgow
  45. Görüşme Kayıt Sistemi Turkish, Robot, Internet
  46. Graphic Kernel System Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  47. Gdanski Klubjsportowy
  48. Glasgow Koma Skalası Protein, Glasgow, Turkish
  49. Gesamtverzeichnis Der Kongress-Schriften
  50. God's Kingdom Society Religion
  51. Gaspar-Kohn-Sham Chemistry, Science, Study
  52. Gidroakusticheskoye Kontrol'Noye Sudno
  53. Gereja Kemuliaan Sion Business, Indonesia, Church, Light
  54. Graphics Kernal System Geographic
  55. Gas Kitchen Services
  56. GeçIş Kontrol Sistemleri Technology, Turkish, Alarm, Proximity
  57. Genel Kredi Sözleşmesi Turkish, Internet
  58. GüVenlik Kamera Sistemleri
  59. Grme Kayt Siitemi
  60. Garis Kemiskinandsementara
  61. GeçIş Kontrol Sistemi Technology, Access, Turkish
  62. Graphic Kernal System Atmospheric Research
  63. Gxmeinschaft Katholischer Soldaten Sind, Deutschland, Lager
  64. GöIngepartiet Kommunal Samling
  65. Global Knowledge Software Technology, Service, Sport

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GKS stand for?

    GKS stands for Gdanski Klubjsportowy.

  2. What is the shortened form of God King Scenario?

    The short form of "God King Scenario" is GKS.


GKS. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 15). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/gks-meaning/

Last updated