GL in Organizations Meaning

The GL meaning in Organizations terms is "Gay Lesbian". There are 7 related meanings of the GL Organizations abbreviation.

GL on Organizations Full Forms

  1. Gay Lesbian
  2. Greatnlakes Reit
  3. Grand Lodge
  4. Gladiators Legion
  5. Gay and Lesbian
  6. Gays and Lesbians
  7. Germanischer Lloyd The Germanischer Lloyd AG is a classification society based in the city of Hamburg, Germany created on 16th March 1867. A group of 600 shipowners, shipbuilders and insurers met in the big hall of the Hamburg Stock Exchange.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GL stand for Organizations?

    GL stands for Gay Lesbian in Organizations terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gays and Lesbians in Organizations?

    The short form of "Gays and Lesbians" is GL for Organizations.


GL in Organizations. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated