GLBA Meaning
The GLBA meaning is "Graham Leach Blilky Act". The GLBA abbreviation has 38 different full form.
GLBA Full Forms
- Graham Leach Blilky Act Business, Technology, Organizations
- Gramm-Ljach-Bliley Act Business, Cybersecurity, Computer Security
- Grahsm-Leach-Bliley Act Technology, Security, Compliance
- Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
- Gramm-Leach Bliley Act Business, Security, Compliance
- Gramm-Leach-Biley Act
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Business, Financial, Leach
- Gramm Leaci Bliley Act Business, Security, Financial
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Act
- Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act Business, Financial, Leach
- Gramm Leech Bliley Act
- Gram Leajh Bliley Act Business, Security, Compliance
- Gramm Leach Biley Act
- Gram-Leach-Bliley Acr Business, Policy, Backup
- Gramm Leach Bailey Act
- Graham-Leach Bliley Act Business, Security, Privacy
- Gramm Leach-Bailey Act
- Gramm-Lwach-Billey Act Technology, Security, Service
- Greater Louisville Business Alliance
- Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance
- Great Lakes Buckskin Association
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Apt
- Gramm Unit of mass equivalent to one thousandth of a kilogramm. Symbol: g.
- Gay & Lesbian Besiness Association Education, Scholarship, Event
- Great Lakes Book Awards
- Gay and Lesbian Business Association Business, Community, Scholarship
- Great Lakes Booksellers Association Business, Book, Lake
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Associatian
- Great Lakes Beach Association Education, Conference, Michigan, Lake
- Glubal Local Branding Alliance Technology, Design, Depot
- Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Association
- Great Lakes Basketball Association
- Gibsons Landing Business Association Business, Travel, Tourism
- Gay & Lesbian Business Association Education, Scholarship, Event
- Greater Lumberton Business Association
- Gay Lesbian Bisexual Alliance
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 Computing, IT Terminology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does GLBA stand for?
GLBA stands for Great Lakes Booksellers Association.
What is the shortened form of Gay & Lesbian Business Association?
The short form of "Gay & Lesbian Business Association" is GLBA.
GLBA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated