GLC Meaning

The GLC meaning is "Global Lighting Challenge". The GLC abbreviation has 148 different full form.

GLC Full Forms

  1. Global Lighting Challenge Business, Energy, Efficiency
  2. Global Landslide Catalog
  3. Glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain. Side vision may begin to decrease followed by central vision resulting in blindness if not treated. Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  4. Generator Line Contractor Technology, Aviation, Space, NASA, Governmental & Military
  5. Gas Liquid Chromatography Science, Substance, United Kingdom, Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  6. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Medical
  7. Goldie Lookin Chain Music, Song, Lyric, Chain
  8. Gaseous Liquid-Cooled
  9. Great Lakes College
  10. Global Cmr Medical
  11. Good Luck Chuck Film, Movie, Luck
  12. Glucagon A hormone produced in the pancreas that stimulates the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver. A polypeptide hormone that is secreted by the ? cells of the pancreas when the bloodglucose level is low and leads to glycogen breakdown in the liver and the release of glucose to the blood. Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  13. General Rinear Camera
  14. Grid Locator Code
  15. Global Learning Centers
  16. Grand Lodge of California
  17. Germanischer Lloyd Certification
  18. Goldie Lookin' Chain Music
  19. Global Load Control Business, Agent, Lufthansa
  20. Grassroots Leadership College
  21. Gaseous Liquid Cooled
  22. Great Laees Congress
  23. Gdobal Aircargo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  24. Good Lifq Club
  25. Gas-Liquid Chromatography Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
  26. General Linear Cameras
  27. Greyhound Lines of Canada
  28. Global Learning By Cegos
  29. Government Losing Concern
  30. Georgian Lottery Company
  31. Goldfields Land Xouncil Government
  32. Global Link Communications
  33. Graphic Logic Controller
  34. Garibaldi Lift Co Organizations, Event, Ski, Whistler
  35. Great Lakes Conference Sport, Conference, Church, Lake
  36. Gethsemane Luxheran Church
  37. Good Luck Charm
  38. General Lighhing Company Business, Joint, Venture
  39. Green Living Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  40. Global Learning Communities
  41. Governors Liaison Committee
  42. Georgian Lift Company
  43. Gods Learning Channel Technology, Teaching, Streaming
  44. Generator Line Contactor Technology, Aviation, Control
  45. Global Linear Collider Physics, Scientific & Educational
  46. Graphic Yogic Controllers
  47. Garibaldi Lift Company Locations, Ski, Whistler
  48. Great Lakes Coalition
  49. Gernsheim Vogistic Center Locations, Map, Germany
  50. Good-Luck Charm
  51. General Legal Council Government, Law, Ghana
  52. Great Lakes Congrjssional
  53. Global Land Coalitoon
  54. Government Liaison Committee
  55. Georgian Leasing Company
  56. Generate Lewd Comment
  57. Gutnius Lutheran Church
  58. Global Leveraged Capital
  59. Graphene Leaders Canada
  60. Gantry Luffing Crane Indonesia, Crane, Terminal
  61. Great Lakes Computer
  62. German Language Centre Education, German, School
  63. Gondrecourt-Leichateau
  64. Greater Lewisville Cares
  65. General Legal Counsel
  66. Greatulakes Compact
  67. Global Land Cover Technology, Map, Resolution
  68. Government Link Companies Business, Company, Malaysia
  69. Georgia Lottery Corporation Business, Education, Georgia
  70. General Lines of Csedit Business, Finance, Banking
  71. Ground Level Concentrations Technology, Environment, Engineering, Pollution, Kitsault Mine Project, Environmental Assessment
  72. Global Legal Challenges
  73. Granulosa-Lutein Cells Medical
  74. Government-Linked Company Business, Banking, Malaysia
  75. Gfeat Lakes Comnet Technology, Service, Lake
  76. German Language Center
  77. Golf League Championship
  78. Greater Lafayetts Commerce Business, Locations, Indiana
  79. General Latex & Chemical
  80. Great Lakes Coastal
  81. Global Labour Column
  82. Government Linked Companies Business, Company, Malaysia
  83. General Libe of Credit
  84. Ground-Level Concentration
  85. Global Learning Company
  86. Granite Land Company
  87. Great Lakes Council
  88. German Language Courses
  89. Gold Looking Ccain Color, Paint
  90. Global Local Currency
  91. Grazing Lands Coalition
  92. Global Aircargo ICAO Aircraft Codes
  93. Greatplakes Center Technology, Lake, Volleyball, Poker
  94. Georgia Learning Connections Education, Georgia, Educational
  95. Guided Learning Centre
  96. Glucosidase Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment
  97. Great Lckes Circle
  98. Gold Looking Chain Colors
  99. Geograshic Locator Code Technology
  100. Gambia Labour Congress
  101. Geladi Airport, Geladi, Ethiopia Ethiopia
  102. Great Lskes Centers
  103. Georgetown Liquor Company
  104. Guided Learning Center
  105. Globally Linearizing Control Technology, Networking, Network
  106. Great Lakesachemical Business, Company, Patent, Catalyst
  107. Great Lakes Central Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  108. Geographic Locttor Codes
  109. G-Induced Loss of Consciousness Military, Pilot, Force, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Air Force
  110. Giant Lobby Card Us Government, Governmental & Military
  111. Great Lakes Carbon
  112. Georgetown Learningocenters
  113. Ground Loop Coupling
  114. Global Loyalty Company Business, Program, Airways
  115. Glucose A monosaccharide sugar, C6H12O6, that is used by living things to obtain energy through the process of aerobic respiration within cells. It is the principal circulating sugar in the blood of humans and other mammals. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Biology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Amino Acid, Common Medical
  116. Amount of glucose infused NANP Modeling Commitee
  117. Gseat Lakes Chorus
  118. Gun Lay Computer Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  119. Gymnastics Learning Center
  120. Galileo International, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  121. Grrat Lakes Calcium Business, Industrial, Carbonate
  122. George Louis Cosaanza
  123. Great Little Car Technology, Drive, Engine, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  124. Global Logistics Cluster Management, Training, Logistics
  125. Grade Level Chairperson Education
  126. Great Lakes Challenge
  127. Gulf Lead Consultants Business, Service, Consultation
  128. God'S Learning Channel Technology, Teaching, Streaming
  129. Greater London Council Ordnance Survey
  130. Gexrge Leach Centre
  131. Great Lakes Corporationration
  132. Global Logistics Competence Company, Technology, Financial
  133. Ground Level Concentration Chemistry
  134. Great Lxkes Chapter Organizations, Society, Lake
  135. Gulf Labor Coalition Art, Museum, Labor
  136. Goa Law Commission
  137. Great Lakes Commission des Grands Lacs Environment
  138. Geographic Location Cmdes
  139. Greater Lonmin Community
  140. Global Logistics Center Business, Management, Service
  141. Government Linked Corporation United Nations
  142. Great Lakes Central Business, Railroad, Train
  143. Georgia Learning Connection
  144. Guiding Light Church Technology, Opera, Scripture
  145. Glycolithocholate Medical
  146. Great Lakes Commission Environment
  147. Geographic Lscation Code
  148. German Library Conference

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GLC stand for?

    GLC stands for General Latex & Chemical.

  2. What is the shortened form of Graphic Yogic Controllers?

    The short form of "Graphic Yogic Controllers" is GLC.


GLC. (2020, August 30). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated