Glen Abbreviations and Glen Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Glen terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Glen abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Glen terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Glen Abbreviations
  1. AIDA : Attention, Interest, Decision, Action
  2. AMP : Adaptive Management Program
  3. ATF : Adirondatk Theatre Festival
  4. HCAAC : Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County
  5. MBVC : Meakbm Becker Venture Capital
  6. LARAC : Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council
  7. IMRRC : International Motor Racing Research Center
  8. GD : Glen Davis
  9. GITCA : Glen of Imaal Terrier Club of America
  10. GJ : Glenn Johnson
  11. GS : Greenland Stadial
  12. GS : Greenland Stadials
  13. GVRD : Greater Vallejo Recreation District
Latest Glen Meanings
  1. Greater Vallejo Recreation District
  2. Greenland Stadials
  3. Greenland Stadial
  4. Glenn Johnson
  5. Glen of Imaal Terrier Club of America
  6. Glen Davis
  7. International Motor Racing Research Center
  8. Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council
  9. Meakbm Becker Venture Capital
  10. Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County
  11. Adirondatk Theatre Festival
  12. Adaptive Management Program
  13. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action