GLL Meaning

The GLL meaning is "Galileo". The GLL abbreviation has 32 different full form.

GLL Full Forms

  1. Galileo Scientist whose observations supported the Copernican model. Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  2. Global Learning Laboratory
  3. Gol Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  4. Gartner Lee Ltd
  5. Global Leaders In Law Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  6. Glocester Litthe League
  7. Gartner Lee Limited
  8. Gitqnjali Lifestyle Ltd
  9. Air Gemini Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  10. Generalized Local Learning Technology, Relationship, Laser, Bosch
  11. Guardian Life Limited
  12. Gwinnett Lacrosse League Lacrosse
  13. Generación Lucha Libre
  14. Global Lithfanian Leaders Business, Award, Leader, Lithuania
  15. Greenwich Leisure Ltd Business, Council, Library
  16. Generaci
  17. Global Link Logistics
  18. Gol Airport, Klanten Airport, Locations
  19. Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre Technology, Science, Wave, Element
  20. Grand Lodge Ol Louisiana
  21. Gol, Klanten, Norway Norway, ICAO Airport Codes
  22. Granada Little League
  23. Galilee Energy Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  24. Govhrnment Law Libraries Libraries, Reading, Books
  25. Greenwich Leisure Limited Service, Sport, Organizations
  26. Laidlaw Global Corp. Organizations
  27. Google Local Listitg Business, Laser, Bosch
  28. Green Light Laser
  29. Goodmans Loudspeakers Limited
  30. Great Livly Land
  31. Good Language Kearner Education, Strategy, Learning
  32. Great Lakes League School, Locations, Ohio

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does GLL stand for?

    GLL stands for Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre.

  2. What is the shortened form of Gartner Lee Limited?

    The short form of "Gartner Lee Limited" is GLL.


GLL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated