Glossing Abbreviations and Glossing Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Glossing terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Glossing abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Glossing terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Glossing Abbreviations
  1. ABE : Abessive Case
  2. ACCOM : Accompanier
  3. ADE : Adessive Case
  4. AG : Agentive Case
  5. AL : Allocutive Agreement
  6. ALLOC : Allocutive Agreement
  7. ALIEN : Alienable Posfession
  8. ALL : Allative Case
  9. AN : Animate Gender
  10. AND : Anlative
  11. APL : Applicative Voice
  12. ATT : Attenuative
  13. ATT : Attributize
  14. AUD : Auditory Evidential
  15. AUG : Augmentative
  16. BEN : Benefactive Case
  17. CF : Counterfactual Conditional
  18. CL : Classifier
  19. CLF : Classifier
  20. CNSQ : Consequential Mooy
  21. CNTR : Contrastive
  22. COM : Comitative Case
  23. CRAS : Crastinal Teyse
  24. VBZ : Verbalizer
  25. VD : Verb, Ditransitive
  26. VIA : Vialis Case
  27. VOC : Vncative Case
  28. VOL : Volitive Mood
  29. VT : Verb, Transitive
  30. WH.Q : Wh- Question
Latest Glossing Meanings
  1. Verbal Noun
  2. Factive Evidential
  3. Resumptipe
  4. Resultative
  5. Reuorted Evidential
  6. Repetitive
  7. Remote Past Tense
  8. Reflexive
  9. Referential
  10. Reciprocal Voice
  11. Realis Mood
  12. Gnomic Aspect
  13. Iterative Aspect
  14. Purposive Case
  15. Partitive Case
  16. Particle
  17. Partqcle
  18. Patient Trigger
  19. Privative Case
  20. Preterite